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Briefly compare the subject place/location as seen in the Digicast report compared to
the three recent photos
According to what I saw in the video, the location appeared nice and appealing to the
eyes when compared to the three recent photos, which are overcrowded. The video showed
how relaxing the place is because it is far from the city and the breathtaking view of the
place, but the recent photos show the polar opposite because you cannot enjoy the view.
After all, so many people want to enjoy it as well. The roads are clear in the video, and only
a few vehicles pass by, but in the photos, you can barely see the road, and the vehicles are
barely moving due to a large number of vehicles present. Finally, the difference between the
video and the photos that I can see is that in the video, you can feel the fresh air and
relaxation that you want, whereas, in the photos, you can see how stressful it is to get to the
place and enjoy it.

2. Why is the area (Hermit Hill and adjacent area including the nearby stretch of road) a
"commons" area?
I believe it is because of its location in the city and the view it provides. This location is ideal
for unwinding, getting away from the city, and dealing with the stress that they are currently
experiencing. People are drawn to this location because of the fresh air, beautiful scenery,
and peace it offers.

3. What is/are the tragedy (if any), in relation to the concept of Tragedy of the
Littering, as we humans are known to abuse nature, is a tragedy that could occur
with the Tragedy of the Commons, in my opinion. According to the photos, we are exceeding
the maximum capacity of the land. With the overpopulation depicted in the photos, I know
that humans are capable of disposing of their trash anywhere in the vicinity. They don't mind
if it's beneficial to the establishment.

4. Imagine and briefly describe a near-future scenario if no government intervention will

come to this place.
I believe the area will lose its beauty if it is not properly maintained. The view will
remain, but the environment will be unbearable with trash everywhere. Because of how we
abused the place, it will no longer be peaceful.

5. Recommend possible solutions to the LGUs (Barangay Biao/City of Binalbagan) to

return order to the place as in the Digicast report.
For me, possible solutions include having someone guard the area to ensure that
tourists respect the area and do not throw trash anywhere. Also, signage on how to take
care of the place, such as "don't throw your garbage anywhere," and "respect the place,"
among others reminders that reminds tourists that this place is meant for everyone's
relaxation, not destruction.

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