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math notes

● Should be greater than 1/2 total number of votes (sometimes it’s more,
depending on the given rule)

given [5: 3, 2, 3, 1]

● 4 voters
● number votes for each person: 3 votes, 2 votes, 3 votes, 1 votes
● minimum number of votes to pass the resolution (quota): 5
● resolution: min number of votes to pass


● any non empty subset of the set of votes

● in a voting system with n voters, there are 2^n - 1 coalitions
● u can always form 2 to the n subsets
● number of voters = n
● it can also be a set of all numbers
● winning coalition
● total weights is greater than or equal to the quota
● weight: how many votes each voter gets


● voter with enough votes to pass or veto a motion

critical voter

● member of a coalition that can turn a winning coalition into a losing

coalition by leaving
● can be more than 1


● voter that is never a critical voter in any coalition

● if there’s a dictator, everyone else is a dummy
● dummies have a Banzhaf power of 0

veto power

● voters w this can stop any motion being passed by voting against it
● all winning coalitions have veto power
● sometimes a combo of two players can have veto power even if their
coalition isn’t a winning coalition
● look at complement of coalition to see if it has veto power
● if it is a losing coalition, then it has veto power (bc the other
players combined wont be able to stop them)

Banzhaf Power Index

● Banzhaf Power: num of coalitions in which the player is critical

● ratio of voters’ banzhaf power to the sum of the banzhaf powers in the
● value is always between 0 and 1 (closer to 1 = more power)
● method 2: list all coalitions
● each column is a coalition
● check boxes of players in coalition
● in the outcome row, put W if it’s a win
● encircle critical voters
● dummies have a Banzhaf power of 0

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