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Rubrics of CA3

Needs improvement Good Excellent
You put thought into
What you are writing What you are writing
this, but there is no real
about is clear. You about is clear and
evidence of learning.
There is no clear or specific answered the question. well-expressed,
More specific
Ideas and Content explanation in answer to the Some support may be including specific
information is needed
question. lacking, or your sentences examples to
or you need to follow
may be a bit awkward. demonstrate what you
the directions more
Overall, a decent job. learned. Well done!

Your answer included

Your answer included all the terms from the
Only one term from the
several terms from the lesson that applied to
No terms from the lesson are lesson is used in the
Use of terms lesson, demonstrating the question asked.
used. answer. Try for a few
adequate understanding All terms are fully
more, next time.
of the material. defined and used in
the proper context.

Sentences are
Some sentences are complete and they
Sentences are incomplete or
complete and easy to Sentences are complete connect to one
Sentence Fluency too long. It makes reading
understand. Others and able to be understood. another easily when
them difficult.
require some work. they are read out loud.
Your writing 'flows.'

No punctuation or
Mistakes using end Use of punctuation marks
Few end marks or capital structural mistakes.
marks or capitals as and capitals, as well as
letters. Answers contain No spelling errors.
Conventions well as spelling spelling, is mostly
numerous spelling or Your writing shows
mistakes make the correct. Few errors exist
structural errors. full awareness of the
writing hard to read. in your answer.
rules of English use.

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