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33 New Rules of

We are in the midst of a Crisis of Leadership, where old rules
no longer apply. To thrive and succeed in the disruptive,
technology, and experience driven economies of the future
requires a new set of leadership skills!
- Andrew John Harrison, Goldzone Leadership Center |

A massive change is happening and it affects us all.

Borders are being made irrelevant by a global revolution that is changing the way we
live, work and play.

Entire industries are disappearing—causing the displacement of millions of people.

At the same time new opportunities that didn’t exist just a few years ago are creating
businesses, jobs and careers for people who have the skills and the foresight to
prepare themselves.

If you think we are referring to a technology revolution, you are only partially right.
This revolution is reputed to be more impactful than the Industrial Revolution and the
Information Revolution. No one will be spared!

Social change, combined with technology, and higher living standards have led to
disruption of the old ways of doing things. We are now in the age of EXPERIENCE,
which requires a new approach to LEADERSHIP. The old rules no longer work.

This transition from old to new has ignited a crisis of leadership.

Forward thinking leaders and ambitious individuals, who are willing to evaluate, let
go, and adopt New Leadership Rules will succeed and dominate the unprecedented
opportunities that are right in front of us.

If you are motivated to be the best you can be, to succeed beyond your wildest
dreams and to take as many people with you as possible, consider adopting some or
all of these 33 New Rules of Leadership:

© Andrew John Harrison |

1. Tribal leadership is out, collaborative leadership is the future.

2. Money, talent, and ideas are mobile. They go where they are treated

3. Technical skills are no longer enough, to thrive a leader needs both

technical and soft skills.

4. Telling people what to do is out, replaced with the Four W's; who, what,
when, and why.

5. The power has shifted from the company to the consumer.

6. Power at the top has shifted to power at all levels, top to bottom.

7. IQ has been expanded to EQ, FQ, LQ, RQ, and PQ.

8. Competition and win lose has been replaced by coopetition, frenemies,

and win/win.

9. Leadership is ubiquitous, no longer just in the hands of the few.

10. Conspicuous consumption and greed are balanced and replaced by

equity, meritocracy, and equality.

11. Agility, instant results and pivoting are the new normal.

12. Team and organization cultures that led us to succeed in the past need
to be revamped and updated just like our smartphones update
regularly to access news speeds and services.

13. Instant results, instant feedback, Instant media, and instant

communication is the new normal.

14. Work/Life balance are over, holistic living and one life is the future.

15. Information is ubiquitous and the Information Economy is over, welcome

to the experience led Transformation Economy.

16. Intimacy and authenticity are the new competitive advantage.

17. Management is out, Leadership is in.

18. The robots are not coming, they are already here. Anything that can be
replaced by a robot, will be.

19. Retirement is dead, replaced with passion for life.

© Andrew John Harrison |

20. The corporate ladder looks more like snakes and ladders.

21. Religion is the past. Spirituality is the future.

22. The dark triad of Narcissism, Psychopathy, Machiavellianism isn't new,

it's that we aren’t educated and informed.

23. Greed and financial dependency are being replaced by financial

responsibility and taking care of each other.

24. Welcome to the new Golden Age where small is beautiful, health and
prosperity are basic rights.

25. Disruption, transformation and acceleration are the new normal. If

your industry, job or career hasn't been disrupted yet, it soon will be.

26. One size fits all leadership is dead. Hello customized styles based on
the situation. It’s all about personalization.

27. Working for people is dead. Partnership and working with are the
new normal.

28. The domination game, command, and control are giving way to
partnership, cooperation, and team work driven by mutual self-

29. Creative visualization is ubiquitous, and all visionary leaders

incorporate and embody it or become obsolete.

30. The accumulation of stuff economy is being replaced by the Experience

and Sharing Economy. Then we will move to the Transformation

31. Leadership is about building a conscious culture that evolves and

adapts to new thought, ideas and know-how.

32. Learning, unlearning, and relearning is now a fundamental skill of

leadership by example.

33. Gossip, celebrity and notoriety are instant, global and in everyone's
hands. The power of the mob or group mind and behavior is on
steroids and here to stay.

Goldzone Leadership Center, LLC. | Phone +1-888-995-2188

© Andrew John Harrison |

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