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Learners with Difficulty Remembering and Focusing

What is Learning Difficulty?

A learning difficulty is a condition that can cause an individual to experience problem

in a traditional classroom learning context. It may interfere with literacy skills
development in listening, thinking, speaking, reading, writing, spelling or doing
mathematical calculation.

 These are learners who have difficulty with memory any deficits in registering
information in memory, consolidating information in long-term memory,
retrieving or accessing information from long-term memory.

What are the causes why learners have difficulty with remembering and

Cause of Learners with Difficulty Remembering and Focusing

 Prenatal
 Perinatal
 Postnatal

Learners with Learning Disabilitie (LD)

- A disorder in physiological processes involved in understanding or
using language which may be manifested in problems with listening,
thinking, speaking, reading, writing, and spelling.
Types :

Dyslexia – is a severe disability in learning to read particularly as it relates decoding.

Dyscalculia – is a severe disability learning mathematical concepts and computation.

Dysgraphia – is a severe difficulty in learning to write, including drawing.

What are types of learners with difficulty remembering and focusing?

1)Attention Deficit Disorder ( ADD)
2) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Types of Learnes with Difficulty Remembering and Focusing :

1) Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

- refers to a child who is not acting or moving around, and can even look attentive
during a task, but is generally absorbed in his or her own thoughts and daydreams to
the points that he/she cannot finish his/her task on time given by the teacher.

2) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

- a child who is thought to be generally hyperactive. This child has a motor that is
always running that he/she seems incapable of controlling. He/she does everything
in a hurry, and some part his /her body always appears to be moving which keeps
him/her quite distracted.

Signs of ADHD
1) Inattentive – not paying attention
- Careless, mistakes, not listening, easily distracted, etc.

2) Hyperactivity/ lmpulsivity- overly active and impulsive

- fidget, squirm around, get up often, etc.
Indentifying students with LD and ADHD begins with the parents and
teachers. The parents and Teachers should monitor the students at all
the time, Along with fulfilling the requirements for consistency and
persistence in more than one setting, this may give teachers and parents
the motivation to use pre-referral strategies before reporting a youngster
for special education testing.

1) LD

Students with learning disabilities (LD) have difficulty acquiring basic

skills or academic content due to difficulty using or understanding
spoken or written language.
The most common treatment for learning disabilities is special education.
Specially trained teachers may perform a formal assessment to
understand the child’s academic and intellectual potential.

Other professionals such as speech and language therapists also may

help. Some medications may help the child learn by enhancing attention
and concentration. Psychological therapies may also be used.

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