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Field Trip Permission Form For 18+ students

Field Trip Information: London Hyde Park, Sightseeing, Winter Wonderland

Date: 10/12/2022

Location: Hyde Park, London

Purpose: Fun trip for students before their christmas break

Cost: £20

Cash or check payable to: Student Union Room UG20

Means of Transportation: Coach Bus and Train

Special Instructions: Make sure to bring some warm coats, Epipen ( in case of allergies ), Inhaler ( if you
have asthma )… etc

Name: Kine Fatou Sy

Student ID: 689565

Phone: 07490374534

I, Kine Fatou Sy agree to attend a field trip to London Hyde Park Winter Wonderland the 10 th

December 2022,

please find cash/check in the amount of £20 to cover the cost of the trip.

Student Signature: __________________________

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