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Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

Course : DPMT (Sixth Semester) 2016 Syllabus Date : 28.12.2021
Subject : Industrial Management and Entrepreneurship Time : 02.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m.
Answer all questions 30 x 1 = 30

1. Management functions consist of_______.

A) planning, organizing, staffing, motivating, controlling and decision making
B) planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling and decision making
C) planning, organizing, staffing, leading, forecasting and controlling
D) None of the above
2. An organizational design with low departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority centralized in
a single person and little formalization are characteristics of _______.
A) Simple structure B) Divisional structure
C) Functional structure D) None of given option
3. Which one is not a recognised key skill of management?
A) Conceptual skills B) Human skills
C) Technical skills D) Writing skills
4. A manager resolving conflict among organizational members is performing what function?
A) Leading B) Commanding C) Controlling D) Directing
5. The process of monitoring performance, comparing it with goals and correcting any significant deviations
is known as Controlling. Say true or false.
6. What does the letter “R” in HRM is _______.
7. Performance Appraisal is process of measuring and evaluating an employee‟s behavior and performance.
Say true or false.
8. EMS stands for_______.
9. TQM stands for_______.
10. Which of the following is responsible for quality objective?
A) Top level management B) Frontline management
C) Middle level management D) All of the above
11. Control chart is a
A) Process monitoring tool B) Process control tool
C) Both (a) and (b) D) None of the above
12. The objective of TQM is
A) To improve process B) To improve profitability C) All of the above D) None of the above
13. Quality assurance is a function responsible for
A) Controlling quality B) Managing quality C) Inspections D) removal of defects
14. A conscious decision to perform one or more activities with greater effort than other competing
activities is called_______.
A) Personality B) Motivation C) Perception D) Management
15. The practical application of the collaborating and compromising approaches to conflict management
is known as:
A) Negotiating B) Arbitration C) Mediation D) None of the above
16. Which of the following enjoys limited liability?
A) A partnership B) A close corporation C) A sole proprietorship D) None of the above
17. ISO stands for _______.
18. The full form of MSME is Micro Small and Modern Enterprise. Say true or false
19. Which of the following is the method of training?
A) Demonstration B) Lectures C) Conferences/Seminar D) All of the above
20. POKA-YOKE is the Japanese term for error-proofing. Say true or false
21. MRP stands for _______.
22. Which one of the following items is not part of the fundamental JIT concept?
A) Right quantities B) Right time C) Right customer D) Right components
23. The letter “O” in SWOT Analysis stands for „Options‟
A) Opportunities B) Options C) Opinion D) None of the above
24. Industrial safety management is that branch of management which is concerned with ____
hazards from the industries.
A) Reducing B) Eliminating
C) Controlling D) All of the above
25. According to modern ecologists, the factors of environment pollution are –
A) Human population explosion B) Rapid industrialization,
C) Unplanned urbanization D) All of the above.
26. Main pollutant of the Indian coastal water is –
A) Oil spill B) Industrial effluents
C) Municipal sewage D) Aerosols
27. The instrument used to measure the noise is called
A) Audiometer B) odometer
C) clap-on-meter D) accelerometer
28. Noise is:
A) Loud sound B) Sound of high frequency
C) Unwanted sound D) Constant sound
29. Improper recruitment, selection and placement in industries is a _________cause of accident.
A) Environmental B) Technical C) Personnel D) None of the above
30. OSHA stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Say true or false

Answer all questions (Max. 40 words) 4x2= 8
1. What is Management?
2. Write any two limitations of ISO 9000.
3. Who is Entrepreneur?
4. Define Accidents in Industry.

Answer any four questions (Max. 100 words) 4 x 3 = 12
1. Write a short note on the levels of management.
2. Describe Quality Circles and Objectives.
3. Write about MRP systems.
4. State the important steps to start a small scale Industry.
5. What is Ecology and Eco system?

Answer any two questions (Max. 300 words) 2 x 5 = 10

1. What is training? Write the importance of training?

2. What is the impact of industrial development on environment?
3. Describe the causes and effects of air pollution on Human beings.


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