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Karol Leigh-Anne Lacuarin


Word Processors

Some examples of word processing software are: Microsoft Office and

Google Docs. Microsoft Word is a widely used word processing software that
would usually come with buying a computer, although it is paid, the moment
you have Microsoft Word or Microsoft Offices in general, you wouldn’t have to
worry about losing all your data or progress because Microsoft Word is a word
processing software that you can freely use even without internet. Google
Documents or Google Docs for short is an online word processor that is also
very well-known in the world. Although Google Docs is mostly an online word
processor, it has a feature that’ll allow you to make your document available

Both word processors mentioned have its advantages and

disadvantages. Microsoft Word is the most well-known word processor in the
world and for a long time has dominated the word processing scene. One of
its big advantages if that, almost every computer has it, it’s practically
standard for most devices in the world. Microsoft Office has more advanced
features that Google Docs and other word processors cannot cater. Microsoft
Office also comes along with templates you can use as a foundation for the
document you write. Although it has its share of advantages, Microsoft Word
also comes with its disadvantages. A huge one is that, collaboration is very
difficult with Microsoft Word. Usually with Microsoft Word, only one person at
a time can work on it. Along with that, portability of one file is difficult with
Microsoft Word, you will have to keep transferring to another device through a
hard drive/USB/online drive. As for Google Docs on the other hand, it makes
up for Microsoft Word’s big disadvantage and that is, collaboration. Since
Google Docs is web-based and doesn’t need to be installed, as long as there
is an internet connection, collaboration wouldn’t be too difficult with Google
Docs, this is one of the main reasons why people tend to prefer using Google
Docs when it comes to group related works. Documents on Google Docs are
very portable as well, as long as there is an internet connection, you can
easily work on your document just by opening it up on any web browser on
any device. While Google Docs has its huge share of advantages, most of it
relies on internet connection, which is one of Google Docs’ biggest
disadvantages, a lot of its best features, relies on an internet connection.
Without internet connection, it’ll be very hard for us to make use of Google
Docs’ best features.

In conclusion, both Microsoft Word and Google Docs has its fair share
of advantages and disadvantage, although most people, especially in the
educational industry, still use Microsoft Word but Google Docs is slowly
making its way up to be one of the most convenient word processor in the
world all because of its advanced features that Microsoft Word doesn’t have,
all thanks to the power of internet.

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