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NPM: 17210051










NPM: 17210051








ISMAIL, NPM 17210051 and accepted by Advisors for the submission of Thesis
Examination of English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, Islamic University of Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al-
Banjari Banjarmasin.

Banjarmasin, 15 Februari 2022

1. Name First Advisor and title :

Ratna, M. Pd
NIDN. 1105028002
2. Name Second Adviser and title :

Neneng Islamiah, M. Pd.

NIK. 061504751

Head of English Language Education Program

Angga Taufan Dayu, M.Pd. BI

NIDN. 1111706081


Nadirah P Ismail, NPM. 17210051. Teacher's creativity in using google classroom as

e-learning media: case study madrasah ibtidaiyah muhammadiyah 1 al-
furqan. Thesis. English Language Education Study Program Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education Islamic University of Kalimantan MAB.
Advisers (1) Ratna, M.Pd., (2) Neneng Islamiah, M. Pd.

Keywords : English Teacher, Creativities, Learning Activities, Google Classroom

The usage of the internet for education has risen substantially throughout the
years, from elementary school to college. Internet technology, which has a substantial
impact on the field of education, should ideally be balanced with each individual's
awareness. Learning media based on internet technology is a contemporary way of
education, and the Indonesian school system today employs the internet as a learning
medium as well. Of learning media Google Classroom is meant to help teachers
manage the creation and collection of student assignments in a paperless
environment. Google Classroom is an app that enables the creation of classrooms in
The purpose of this research are 1) to know the implementation of Teachers
creativity in using Google Classroom as an e-learning medium in Madrasah
Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan. 2) To know what kind of materials do the
teachers use in teaching English by using Google Classroom as an e-learning medium
in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan. 3) To identify the teachers’
challenges in using Google Classroom as E-Learning Media in teaching English at
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan.
To achieve the goals, the researcher used a qualitative researcher design. The
subject of this researcher are the English teachers at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan. To collect the data, the researcher used interview as a
method meanwhile, analysis the data the researcher used steps of analysis developed
by Miles and Huberman (1994). Result of analysis shows that Researcher based on
the result of analysis, it denotes that English teachers have innovated in developing,
e-learning activities for students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al Furqon
utilising Google Classroom media. The materials utilised are consistent with the
curriculum, namely the K13 curriculum, which emphasises reading, writing,
listening, and vocabulary memorization. General difficulties such as network issues
and more specific difficulties such as difficulties correcting student pronunciation and
complaints from parents who did not understand when accompanying their children
while learning English online.


Alhamdulillah, first of all, The writer would like thank to Allah S.W.T the

almright for guidance and blessing that become the great encouragement for the

writer to complete the thesis which is entitled “Teacher's Creativity in Using

Google Classroom as E-Learning Media: Case Study Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan.” and then thank to the prophet Muhammad S.A.W

who has brought us from the dark to the light.

Futhermore, the writer would like to express her gratitude to all the people

who have helped in the writing of this thesis, especially extended to:

1. Dr. Muhammad Yuliasnyah, M.Pd, the Dean of FKIP UNISKA

2. Angga Taufan Dayu M.Pd, The head of English Department of FKIP


3. Iwan perdana M.Pd, as the first advisor of this thesis for his patience,

guidance, sugesstions, helpfulness and coreections to make this thesis much


4. Supiani M.Pd, as the second advidor of this thesis for her guidance and

support for the writer.

5. The English Teacher of SMPN 1 Banjarmasin as participant of this thesis

6. All the lectures in English Department FKIP UNISKA for their valuable

knowledge and experience they have given to me.

7. Beloved parents and the whole family who have provided moral, material, and

spiritual support.

8. All friends of English Department in this thesis writing whose names cannot

be mentioned one by one.

Upon the completion of the thesis, the writerowes thanks and gratitude to them.

Without their substansial contribution, the writer will never accomplish the work. The

writer is aware that this far from perfect.

Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will give a meaningful contribution for all

the people read it. The writer also hopes it will be an inspiration for anyone who

wants to explore more about teaching and leaning online.

Banjarmasin, 15 Februari 2021

The writer



NPM : 17210051

Title : Teacher's Creativity in Using Google Classroom as E-Learning Media:

Case Study Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan.

I hereby declare that the thesis entitled “Teacher's Creativity in Using

Google Classroom as E-Learning Media: Case Study Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan. ” is the result of my own work except as cited in the

references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not currently

submitted in candidature of any other degree.

Banjarmasin, 15 Februari 2022

h P Ismail
NPM 17210051


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SHEET...............................................................................ii
DECLARATION OF THESIS.....................................................................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENT...............................................................................................iv
LIST OF APPENDIXES...............................................................................................v
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..................................................................................1
A. Background.........................................................................................................1
B. Research Questions.............................................................................................3
C. Objectives of the Research.................................................................................3
D. Scope..................................................................................................................3
E. Assumption.........................................................................................................4
F. Significance........................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II.................................................................................................................5
REVIEW OF LITERATURE........................................................................................5
A. Online Teaching and Learning...........................................................................5
B. Teaching English at elementary school..................................................................6
C. Teacher’s Challenges in Online Teaching.............................................................6
CHAPTER III................................................................................................................9
METHOD OF RESEARCH..........................................................................................9
A. Research design..................................................................................................9
1. Participant.......................................................................................................9
2. Setting of the Research...................................................................................9
3. Data and Source of Data...............................................................................10
4. Procedure of Data Collection........................................................................10
5. Data Analysis................................................................................................10
CHAPTER IV..............................................................................................................13
RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION..........................................................13

A. Research Findings.............................................................................................13
1. English teacher's Creativity in Using Google Classroom as E-Learning
Datum 1: Stages of English Teachers' creativity in using Google Classroom.....13
Datum 2: The learning method used by English teacher in teaching Using Google
Classroom as E-Learning Media..........................................................................15
2. The Materials do the teachers use in teaching English by using Google
Classroom as an e-learning medium in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah… 1
Datum 1: The Materials in Teaching English through Google Classroom..........17
3. The challenges of the teachers in using Google Classroom as E-Learning
Media in teaching English at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan
Datum 1: The problem of online learning............................................................19
Datum 2: The efforts made to overcome the problem of learning English using
google classroom..................................................................................................22
B. Discussion.........................................................................................................23
1. Learning stages.............................................................................................23
2. Learning methods..........................................................................................24
3. Teaching method...........................................................................................24
4. Teaching strategy..........................................................................................24
5. Teaching technique.......................................................................................24
1. Creativity of English Teachers in Designing E-Learning Using Google
Classroom as a learning medium.........................................................................25
2. Learning Material Activities Using Google Classroom Developed by
English Teachers..................................................................................................28
3. The challenges of the teachers in using Google Classroom as E-Learning
Media in teaching English at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan
CHAPTER V...............................................................................................................35
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION........................................................................35
A. Conclusion....................................................................................................35
B. Suggestion.....................................................................................................36


Appendix 1: Interview Question

Appendix 2: Interview trancript participan



1. Background
Education in general is a conscious and well-planned effort to realize
the learning atmosphere and learning process for students to actively develop
their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble morals, as well as the skills that he and society need.
Education can also be considered a conscious and systematic effort to achieve
a level of living or for better progress. Education can develop character
through a wide range of activities, such as value planting, ethical
development, religious values, learning and training of moral values, and so
on. A professional teacher is required to be able to display skills in front of the
class, one component of that skill is the ability to deliver lessons to students.
In order to deliver lessons effectively and efficiently, teachers need to know
different types of learning media in order to make learning more interesting
and increase students' curiosity (Edy,2013).

According to Miarso (2010), media as one of the components in a

learning system, has a very important position in the learning process.
Learning media is used in an effort to improve students' understanding of
learning. Where once we have determined the media choices we will use, then
in the end we are required to be able to provide understanding to students in
the defense process effectively. As the era progressed, the use of the internet
for education from elementary school to college has been significantly
improved. Internet technology that exerts considerable influence in the world
of education, ideally should also be balanced with the awareness of each

individual. Learning media with internet technology is a modern method of
learning, which currently the education system in Indonesia also uses the
internet as a learning medium.

With this growing technological era, the learning program is directed

to make better use of technology. One of the uses of current technology is that
e-Learning uses the web to access it. It's not a deny because many students
now have smart phones so it's easier to access them from anywhere and
anytime. Utilization of e-learning that is commonly developed today is using
LMS (Learning Management System). In the learning process, there are two
very important elements are teaching methods and learning media. The
selection of one particular teaching method will affect the appropriate type of
learning media, although there are still various other aspects to look out for in
selecting media, including learning objectives, the types of tasks and
responses students expect to master after learning and the context of learning
including student characteristics. nevertheless, it can be said that one of the
functions of learning media is as a teaching aid that also affects the learning
conditions that are in the system and created by teachers. (Arikanto,2015)

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan is aschool that has

been utilizing e-Learning as a learning medium for the last year and a half.
Learning activities using e-learning media in the school make use of the
google classroom app. In the process of learning students are assigned by the
teacher and send the results of the report to the google classroom application.
In addition, students are given additional materials to understand more
broadly the material that may not be able to be delivered directly when face-
to-face in the classroom. E-learning is an alternative medium to provide test
questions and media imrpovization that does not always use print media.
However, in the implementation there are some teachers who still do not use
google classroom media in the learning.

Based on the above conditions, researchers will examine the extent of
the application of google classroom media to learning in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan and it is hoped that with the study can be used
as an evaluation material for the development of e-learning media in schools.
With the title Teacher's Creativity in Using Google Classroom as E-
Learning Media: Case Study Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-

2. Research Questions
Based on the background above, the research questions can be stated
into the folowing questions:

1. How do the teachers use Google Classroom as E-Learning Media in

teaching English at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan?

2. What kind of materials do the teachers use in teaching English by using

Google Classroom as an e-learning medium in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan?

3. What challenges are the teachers have in using Google Classroom as E-

Learning Media in teaching English at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan?

3. Objectives of the Research

1. To know the implementation of teachers creativity in using Google
Classroom as an e-learning medium in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan.
2. To know what kind of materials do the teachers use in teaching English by
using Google Classroom as an e-learning medium in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan.
3. To identify the teachers’ challenges in using Google Classroom as E-
Learning Media in teaching English at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan.

4. Scope
This research is focused on the implementation of teachers’ creativity
and challenges in using Google Classroom as E-Learning Media in teaching
English at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan.

5. Assumption
This research will be conducted under the following assumption that
the use of appropriate media in teaching can help the teacher and the students
to reach the goal of the teaching and learning process.

6. Significance
1. The teacher

This research can be a source of information for teachers to explore

the challenges and opportunities of using the teacher's creativity on using
Google Classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic. The teachers are
expected to try to find new things as an alternative to maximize their
teaching abilities. Teachers must have their own way to be used to transfer
their knowledge to students to get the best result.

2. The Students

The result of this research is expected to give the information to the

students related to the media that can be used in online learning in this case
Google Classroom.

3. Future Researchers
The result of this research is expected to be a reference for future
researchers who are interested in conducting similar research.



A. Online Teaching and Learning

Teachers are intended to make remarkable changes in learners. To be a

successful teacher does not depend only on the quality of teacher education

courses, but also on the attributes of the teachers themselves. Many elements

have reported to influence teacher’s success such as teachers’ personality and

behaviors (Bhardwaj, 2009; Medley & Mitzel, 1955), teachers’ ability and

skill (Porter & Brophy, 1988) and also environment and working conditions

(Johnson & Birkeland, 2003; Korthagen, 2004). The pandemic situation has

completely replaced the way of pedagogics from face-to-face learning into

online teaching and learning. Then, the utilization of technology

communication has frequently increased within the classroom. Supported

Dudeney & Hockly (2007) the knowledge Communication technology (ICT)

is an interactive and collaborative medium which the creation of fabric and

activities which will easily be shared publicly which helps students discover

the language they're learning and its use. In an effort to ensure that all students

have the same access to high-quality teaching and learning, it is therefore

necessary to explore a wide range of factors related to teachers’ adoption and

use of online teaching, especially to help institutions better support teaching

and learning in online spaces (Kebritchi et al., 2017).

B. Teaching English at elementary school

English becomes the major international language of printed

information. A great deal of the world’s scientific, commercial, economic,
and technological knowledge are written and published in English. The new
era and globalization today demand many people to master English as an
international language. By mastering English well, they could absorb and
expand the knowledge, technology and culture. They also could
communicate with other people from the other country. The Indonesian
government has chosen English as the first foreign language which is taught
in Indonesia’s schools. some studies show that teaching and learning English
in schools has not been ready to satisfy the required goals (see, for instance,
Bagheri, 1994; Moradi, 1996a; Rahimi, 1996b; Rashidi, 1995; Saadat, 1995;
Zanganeh, 1995). In spite of studying English for an extended period of your
time in schools, students aren't ready to communicate in English within the
real contexts. As a result, the authorities and researchers have tried to
research the explanations why, despite all the cash and time spent and efforts
taken, students aren't as successful in learning English as they're expected.
Behroozi and Amoozegar (2014)'s paper displays the necessity to reassess
the approaches wont to teach English language. Moreover, more experience
in online teaching was associated with higher self-efficacy in this study. At
the same time, teachers with little experience reported high levels of struggle
related to communication and interaction, and unfamiliarity with effective
online pedagogy and technology.

C. Teacher’s Challenges in Online Teaching

The change of face-to-face learning inside classroom into online learning

outside the classroom has resulted in several consequences. First, the sudden

alteration of face-to-face to online learning has shocked both teachers and
students since it has not been predicted previously (Atmojo & Nugroho,
2020). Second, teachers and students have to adapt to some changes in their
teaching and learning activities, such as use of technology, designing online
materials, and assessing students’ works online (Lai et al., 2015; Yamagata-
lynch, 2020). Third, shifting from inside to outside language classroom
provides a number of challenges and difficulties, particularly for the teachers
(Satar, 2018). The teachers tend to give their students assignments that have to
be submitted in a particular deadline. Soon, it becomes another great
challenge, to check students’ tasks daily, give score and feedback is hard for
the teachers (Sun et al., 2020). Since internet access and network connection
become the primary needs to conduct online teaching and learning, unstable
internet connection and limited quota invite another challenge. The teachers
confess that the internet connection problem hit student-teacher engagement
in delivering materials. Additionally, the financial condition generates
student's problems in participating in online learning. They could only afford
a limited internet quota that was not sufficient to comfortably join the online
learning activities. This result in line with Lucena & Leal (2020) Moreover,
the lack of students’ motivation and engagement in online learning activities
seemed to be a serious problem that should be solved. It happens regularly
and continuously. The students tend to skip the teachers’ instruction that has
written abit longer, the result is the outcome of the study is not maximal. This
result confirms a previous study that found out the students with an instructor
become a lot more effective than learning alone in an online condition (Lai et
al., 2015). Furthermore, lack of student-teacher engagement and responsive
feedback from the teacher can decrease the students’ motivation. Although
online learning allows improving the students’ language skills, still, it needs
teachers’ presence (Malathy, 2019).



A. Research design
Researcher used narrative design (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000) by
exploring the stories of teacher ‘experiences in using Google Classroom
during the COVID-19 pandemic based on the teacher’s experience. The
reason why I chose this design was that I wanted to focus more on the story
or personal life experience of a teacher in teaching online learning using
Google Classroom. Qualitative research is a means for exploring and
understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human
problem. The process of research involves emerging questions and
procedures, data typically collected in the participant’s setting, data analysis
inductively building from particulars to general themes, and the researcher
making interpretations of the meaning of the data. The final written report
has a flexible structure. Those who engage in this form of inquiry support a
way of looking at research that honors an inductive style, a focus on
individual meaning, and the importance of rendering the complexity of a
situation (adapted from Creswell, 2007).
Focusing on the teacher's actions that occur in teaching English
online, this study is looking at creativity teachers are carrying out during the
current pandemic.
7. Participant

English teacher in a Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah in

Banjarmasin is the volunteer. Three participants with pseudonyms she is
Mrs. A, Mrs. R, and Mr. W. The reason the researcher chooses them as the
participant is that the researcher already knows her and she is also one of the
research tutors while doing field practice at a school in Banjarmasin.
8. Setting of the Research

The research had been conducted on 11 December 2021. The chosen
place is Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan Banjarmasin.
The school is located at Komplek Kadar Permai 2, Jl. Sultan Adam, Sungai
Miai, Kec. Banjarmasin Utara, Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan.
Where the distance traveled is easier to access data and the place to go is
where I was during PPL 2 semesters yesterday.
9. Data and Source of Data

This research data was collected from the experience of the teacher's
challenges and creativity in using Google classroom. The source of the data
taken is the English teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-
Furqan Banjarmasin by direct or face-to-face interviews containing questions
about the story of the teacher's experience about the challenges and
implementation of teacher creativity in overcoming English learning using
application Google classroom.
10. Procedure of Data Collection

To obtain the required data, the researcher used semi-structured

interviews as an instrument. The reason why the semi-structured interview is

a popular data collection method is that it has proved to be versatile, flexible,

and suitable with the research design (the intended suitability is to match

certain data sources for research being carried out). The semi-structured

interview method is considered an important source for gathering further

insights into experiences this instrument is implemented by direct or face to


11. Data Analysis

Data analysis of qualitative research is an analysis done toward non-

number data, such as interview result, notes or report from books, article,

including photographs, pictures, or film (Irawan Prasetyo, 1999). Analysis is

the procedure that a researcher use to condense facts into a narrative and its

interpretation. (Schensul). Data analysis was the process of condensing a

significant quantity of acquired data in order to make it understandable.

Researchers employed research data analysis to reduce data to a narrative

and analyse it in order to draw insights. The data analysis procedure aided in

the fragmentation of a big amount of data, which makes sense. (2010)


Several approaches for data analysis existed, depending on the

qualitative researcher's fundamental philosophical viewpoint. In the model,

there were four concurrent verification flows: data gathering, data reduction,

data visualisation, and data conclusion drawing and verification. (1994,


a) Data collection

After identifying the issue, the researcher conducted an interview with

the English instructor to gather data. The researchers gathered all recorded

data then duplicated them. The researchers gathered data using transcription.

The researcher assures the teacher's originality in using Google Classroom as

an E-learning medium in this stage.

b) Data reduction

It is a technique for decreasing the quantity of data saved in a data

storage environment. The researchers analysed and selected data acquired

throughout the study procedure about instructors' inventiveness in utilising

Google Classroom as an E-learning medium.

c) Data Display

At this step, the researcher meticulously summarises and discusses the

study results. As a consequence, it is straightforward to verify. The word

"display data" refers to the process of organising data.

d) Conclusion Drawing and Verification

Furthermore, the researcher drew conclusions and provided

recommendations based on the data analysis.



This chapter summarises the results from the study project Teacher's Creativity

in Using Google Classroom as E-Learning Media: Case Study Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan. The conversation starts with an overview of the study

and its results.

A. Research Findings
With the advancement of technology, the use of e-learning in education has

grown widespread. As one of the schools that has embraced e-learning, teachers at

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan are expected to be innovative in

their use of available media. Where school-based e-learning programmes make use of

the Google Classroom tool. As a teacher, must be able to incorporate the creativity

into the classroom setting. A creative teachers will use a variety of strategies to

increase the interest level of online learning. One such strategy is to build online

learning activities with Google Classroom.

1. English teacher's Creativity in Using Google Classroom as E-Learning


Datum 1: Stages of English Teachers' creativity in using Google


At Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan, English teachers teach
English using Google Classroom in very comparable ways. In general, the three
resource persons revealed that they began by collecting materials that
corresponded to the learning syllabus, either from textbooks or the internet, and
then uploaded educational videos about the materials and distributed them via
Google Classroom links. Following that, students are assigned a Google
Classroom task that must be submitted through Google Classroom. Also.
Regarding the extracts from interviews with three English instructors who served
as resource people in response to the question, "How did you implement English
learning utilising Google Classroom and your creativity?" The first teacher
responded in the following manner:

"To begin learning English using Google Classroom, you must

first locate appropriate educational resources to share with
children, such as instructional videos. Thus, while covering colour
identification material, I will give an instructional video
accompanied by attractive images. For instance, when an image of a
blue automobile appears in the movie, it is mentioned that the car is
blue. This manner, students will be more motivated to study English,
even if they are learning it online. After the children have gained
vocabulary from the shared videos, I often provide practise
questions for them to complete and then collect them using Google
Classroom in order to assess the children's comprehension."
The first responder said it was vital to discover educational materials for
children, such as acceptable learning videos, and then to give youngsters practise
questions. Subsequently, in response to the same question, the second instructor
said as follows:
“In the learning stage using Google Classroom, it must be made as
engaging as possible and as simple as possible for the kid to grasp,
such as the word included, since youngsters often struggle with
vocabulary in English. As a result, I provide the content in the form
of a pdf or a video, however movies are often more successful. As
stated in the content, "it's time for lunch," I share an animated film
with 3rd grade kids in Google Classroom. With animated learning
films, kids become more engaged and thrilled to listen to the stuff we
need to transmit, even if it is simply through Google Classroom. The

remainder often contain homework from LKS or links that they must
based on the second respondent's education Google Classroom is supposed to
be enjoyable. This may be accomplished by showing animated films that
correspond to certain learning objectives. The third teacher's response to the same
question is as follows:
“Thus, for the phases of learning using Google Classroom, the
instructor must first offer or deliver the content. Because they
cannot meet face to face, the teacher must consider how to transfer
the material effectively without meeting face to face. Apart from
digital books or ebooks, you may also study via learning videos,
which are ideal for internet usage. All I have to do is create or
locate a learning video that is relevant to the content and engaging
for students, and then share it with students through Google
Classroom. After seeing the movie, I requested my pupils to create a
video with a personal introduction that included their name, class,
and address. Yes, it is a straightforward movie; what matters is that
youngsters practise speaking and expand their vocabulary."
According to the third responder, learning was accomplished via the use of

videos and online books accessible through Google Classroom. Based on the

responses from the three resource persons, it can be concluded that creativity in

teaching English through Google Classroom begins with creating or searching

for relevant learning videos where the existence of learning videos can increase

students' interest and understanding of English material delivered through

Google Classroom. Usually students have difficulty memorizing vocabulary or

practicing speaking, but with animation in the form of conversation using

English, it can improve students' understanding. after that students are given

assignments either through worksheets, links or to make video speaking.

Datum 2: The learning method used by English teacher in teaching Using

Google Classroom as E-Learning Media

The English teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan

adopted the synchronous online courses learning technique to present information

whilst utilising Google Classroom as E-Learning media. This course takes happen

concurrently and may employ different formats such as virtual classrooms, instant

chat, and more. The researcher inquired, "How do you teach using Google

Classroom at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan?" Then the first

teacher's response is:

"In light of the pandemic and the nature of online learning, the
method of instruction will be synchronous online courses, and the
medium of instruction will be E-learning applications such as Google
Classroom, which will be integrated with Telegram, YouTube, and
WhatsApp to ensure the English learning process runs smoothly." For
instance, the instructor may provide an English movie related to the
subject being discussed; for instance, if the subject is the introduction
of colours, the teacher may provide an animated film depicting the
introduction of colours for students to view.
The first responder uses Google Classroom, which includes Telegram,
YouTube, and WhatsApp.Subsequently, in response to the same question, the
second instructor said as follows:
"In my classroom, I use worksheets, student handbooks, and
learning links to help students comprehend."
The second teacher said that he use worksheets, handsbook and link. The third
teacher's response to the same question is as follows:
“Asynchronous online classrooms are used as the teaching
technique, while e-learning systems such as Google Classroom are
used as the teaching medium, which are coupled with other supporting
apps to guarantee that the learning process takes place. "Everything
seems to be in functioning order."

Then, the third teacher said that online learning must be in sync with the
learning concept to be delivered

Table 4.1 the result of an interview by Four English Teachers on how to

using Google Classroom as E-Learning Media activity design

No The way using Google Classroom as E-Learning Media activity design

at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan
1 Developing online learning activities that are suited for the situation
2 Choose from a variety of interesting online learning activities.
3 Establish a time for consultation between students and teachers.
4 Allowing time for Q&A at the conclusion
5 By focusing on student concerns
6 Getting to know the students who would be taught
7 Integrating the to-be-taught skills

2. The Materials do the teachers use in teaching English by using Google

Classroom as an e-learning medium in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan

Datum 1: The Materials in Teaching English through Google Classroom

Based on facts from interviews and documentation. The English teacher at

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqon uses materials according to the

K13 curriculum with the help of learning media such as textbooks, worksheets,

ebooks as well as learning videos and powerpoints so that the process of learning

English using Google Classroom becomes more interesting These facts are

verified by an interview in which the following question is asked: "What

materials do you use during learning by using Google Classroom as an e-learning

medium?" The first teacher answered as follows:

“As I said before, the material will certainly change the
curriculum according to the syllabus and lesson plans that are made.
While there is a clear difference between RPP and face-to-face
learning in the RPP section. The difference is that when using Google
Classroom, the content provided online must be presented in an easy-
to-understand way. For example, when there is a "read and circle"
task, I try to explain how students should work on an assignment using
Google Classroom by giving examples like I like fishing (I like fishing)
then explain to them to circle the picture that fits the sentence.
The first respondent stated that Google Classroom's online content should be
easy to understand.. Subsequently, in response to the same question, the second
teacher said as follows:
“The materials utilised must adhere to the curriculum, namely the
K13 curriculum. Still, since the environment is different than normal,
and face-to-face learning is often conducted through Google
Classroom, there may be a variation in the media used; however, the
remainder of the content is consistent with the syllabus. If face-to-face
learning is used, the instructor presents content to students using a
chalkboard and markers, or by reading discussions from books to
them, or by practising English conversations amongst classmates,
however this cannot be done using Google Classroom. As a result, the
instructor must be inventive in terms of how the curriculum might be
distributed via various mediums.”
According to the second responder, the content utilised must adhere to the
K13 curriculum. and the instructor must be innovative in his or her delivery of the
subject. The third teacher's response to the same question is as follows:
"The content is aligned with the curriculum. The k13 curriculum is
used in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al Furqon. Because
the learning occurs through Google Classroom, I usually assign a
necessary goal of remembering a minimum of five new vocabulary

words in each course for assessing student vocabulary. While I can
see immediately when students recall vocabulary during face-to-face
instruction, I always require them to submit a vocabulary deposit
video through Google Classroom. Because, in my view, the more
vocabulary you have, the better and, of course, all English learning
materials, the primary factor is the language that children
the third respondent stated that the material must be curriculum-based. where
students are given a target to memorize five vocabularies every day
4.2 The Materials do the teachers use in teaching English by using Google
Classroom as an e-learning medium in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah
1 Al-Furqan

No Google Classroom Learning Activities Materials Skill

1 create a remembering video for a student's memory ability
2 Writing (Make a sentence) Writing skill
3 Reading the material by their self Reading skill
4 Doing the task All skill

According to the statistics above, English instructors at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al Furqon utilise resources that align with the K13 curriculum.

The remaining teachers acclimatise to giving materials to students through

Google Classroom, which is much different from face-to-face teaching.

Nonetheless, the content delivered stays consistent with the current curriculum

and the content is completed.

3. The challenges of the teachers in using Google Classroom as E-Learning

Media in teaching English at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-


Datum 1: The problem of online learning

Indeed, various difficulties arise throughout the online learning process. The

researchers discovered issues with the learning process while using Google

Classroom, which was presented by an English instructor. The issue is with the

student network, which impedes the learning process. Students' passion for

studying is waning, and there is a communication breakdown between instructors

and students. This information was gathered when the researcher inquired, "Is

there a difficulty with using Google Classroom in learning activities?" Then the

first teacher's response is:

"The issue with online education in general is the internet network

that connects professors and students. However, the challenge that I
often have as an English instructor is in correcting pupils when the
book includes content about reading, for example. I invited the pupils
to read the material on Google Classroom and then uploaded it as a
video to Google Classroom. There must be a significant number of
kids who make mistakes in their pronunciation or reading. Here, I'm
having difficulty explaining to them one by one that if this word is
interpreted incorrectly, it's not like this. Therefore, if there is a request
to read again at the next meeting, I will share my own video first to
demonstrate proper reading and then ask students to create a similar
video. However, there are still a significant number of students that
have incorrect pronunciation; this is an impediment that, in my view,
is extremely tough to overcome when studying English using Google
Classroom. Because in face-to-face instruction, I can correct the
child's pronunciation immediately, but with Google Classroom, this is
quite difficult."

According to the first response, a frequent occurrence is network issues. Then

there's the issue of correcting kids' reading. Subsequently, in response to the same
question, the second instructor said as follows:
"The most common issue I faced when teaching English using
Google Classroom was a network issue; to provide my content, I often
utilised a link to YouTube that featured a relevant learning video. The
issue is that parents often object, claiming that their home network is

inadequate, and that even viewing a video takes too long to load, at
which point the youngster becomes bored and flees, unable to learn.
It's a prevalent issue online these days, as far as I can tell. If we are
studying English for the sake of elementary school students, whether
they like it or not, we must be patient even if we have explained one by
one. For instance, if there is an assignment to complete LKS or
questions from a single link, our role is to explain what it means one
by one. Occasionally, even after the writing that I provided to Google
Classroom has been explained, there are still those who do not
comprehend. Until the kids' parents objected, they said, sir, I am
unable to communicate in English. I'm at a loss on how to explain it to
my youngster. I'm also perplexed as a teacher. Therefore, as a result
of this online learning, we are forced to share responsibilities with
parents in order to educate their children at home, which is often left
entirely to the instructor."
The second responder raised the same issue as the first, namely the network
and the challenges associated with judging pupils' pronunciation.. The third
teacher's response to the same question is as follows:
"What I believe is that there are undoubtedly some challenges to
overcome while teaching English online using Google Classroom. As
we all know, English courses are regarded very challenging due to the
fact that it is a foreign language that demands a high level of
comprehension and vocabulary. Additionally, the pupils I teach are
primary school students who are often negligent in school,
particularly with Google Classroom. I often run into each other when
I offer writing projects to my parents. When there is reading or
speaking content, the situation is no less challenging. For instance,
during the self-introduction material, when students were required to
create a self-introduction video and subsequently transmitted to
Google Classroom, there were several inaccurate pronunciations,
(That's the wrong reading, open the name but I don't know how to
read it. So my neim is Fitroh, not my name is Fitroh) If face-to-face
learning is like that, definitely; but, using Google Classroom makes it
tough for me."

The third responder said that the most frequent impediment he faced was the

duty performed by the children' parents. where Google Classroom makes it more

difficult for professors to maintain control over students' performance.

Based on the presentation of the three resource persons, the difficulties they

faced during learning with Google Classroom were generally network problems.

Meanwhile, they experienced their own difficulties as English teachers where

they experienced difficulties in correcting students' pronunciation, difficulties in

explaining the tasks that must be done by students and often met parents of

students who spelled out their children's writing assignments. Also, not a few

parents protested because of the difficulty in helping their children learn English

and understand the existing vocabulary

Datum 2: The efforts made to overcome the problem of learning English

using google classroom

Based on data from interviews. The English instructor at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan uses his inventiveness to address the issue of

learning English using Google Classroom. Such as creating their own

instructional films in which the instructor goes into depth about the content

provided, or use supportive media such as WhatsApp to communicate more

intensely with parents. It is based on the response to the question, "How do you

approach problem solving in online learning using Google Classroom?" The first

instructor then responded:

"My effort was probably similar to that of other teachers,

particularly English instructors here, in that I attempted to reach the
kids' parents first via more extensive engagement through the
WhatsApp group. Listen to their comments about not being able to
follow their children while they learn English, and then inquire about
their wishes. Finally, there were several learning films that I
purposefully produced myself with explanations that I attempted to be
as informative as possible when I couldn't locate an acceptable and
detailed video on YouTube. Thus, in the case of colour, I bring folded

paper in a variety of hues and demonstrate it (this is green, green is
hijau, read griin not gren) in a manner similar to that."

According to the first responder, he attempted to contact the children's parents

first via wider engagement via WhatsApp groups.. Subsequently, in response to
the same question, the second instructor said as follows:

"What I try is to try to explain in as much detail as possible about

the tasks that must be done and explain that children must write their
own assignments. Trying to foster understanding to parents of
students that circumstances that make online learning inevitably have
to be done. Then to overcome students' pronunciation errors as much
as possible I made a video to show the correct way of reading and the
wrong way of reading, for example (the correct reading is I like
playing hook, not I like playing kite) also by including appropriate
and interesting pictures.”

the second respondent said that he tried to explain in as much detail as

possible about the tasks that the child had to do with the help of learning videos.
The third teacher's response to the same question is as follows:

"To solve network problems there is nothing that can be done but
be patient because it involves technical problems that cannot be
conditioned. The rest is about the problems experienced by students in
understanding the material or in pronunciation or vocabulary literacy
as much as possible, I try to maximize learning videos. By making
videos that are easy to understand and include images or animations
as attractive as possible".
whereas the third respondent indicated that there is nothing that can be done to
remedy network difficulties other than being patient. The rest he attempts to optimise
his learning videos.

B. Discussion
The teachers must decide on a teaching strategy, as well as the methods,
techniques, tactics, and phases that will be employed. The researchers discovered the
teaching styles, methods, tactics, and approaches used by English instructors at
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqon during E-Learning activities using

Google Classroom media. The following explanation will be provided by the

1. Learning stages

The stages of learning using Google Classroom begin with gathering content

that corresponds to the learning curriculum, either from textbooks or the

internet, and then posting instructional films about the topic and sharing them

through the Google Classroom link. Following that, students are assigned

Google Classroom tasks that must be completed and submitted through

Google Classroom.

2. Learning methods

According to the data, English teachers implement Inquiry-Based Learning in

E-Learning activities with Google Classroom media. This technique is well-

suited for online learning because it emphasises active learning and puts the

participants' ideas, questions, and observations at the focus of the learning


3. Teaching method

The findings indicated that the English teacher utilised an e-learning activity

using Google Classroom to provide information during online learning. The

activity was student-centered and synchronous. These courses run

concurrently and may take a variety of formats, including virtual classrooms,

instant messaging, and more.

4. Teaching strategy

English teachers use a variety of teaching tactics in E-Learning activities that

use Google Classroom media, including quizzes, QnA sessions, consultations,

writing, and creating Videos.

5. Teaching technique

English teachers use current technology to promote learning through E-

learning activities using Google Classroom material. For instance, when

quizzes, consultations are conducted using the WhatsApp application, and

QnA and writing periods are implemented in Google Classroom.

According to the information above, the English teacher begins the learning stage

by reviewing the syllabus and then providing material in the form of books,

worksheets, and appropriate learning videos on Google Classroom, before requiring

students to complete both written assignments and video productions. Then

instructors use quizzes, QnA time, consulting, writing, and video production into

their instructional strategies. According to the results of the study, the English

instructor at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al Furqon demonstrates their

creativity by developing engaging online learning activities using Google Classroom

resources. The researchers evaluated the data using Mulyana's (2010) theory of

teacher creativity and Jack et altheory 's of learning activity (2009).

1. Creativity of English Teachers in Designing E-Learning Using Google

Classroom as a learning medium

The English teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al Furqon in

designing online learning activities applies four characteristics of theoretical

creative teachers (Mulyana 2010). The four characteristics are Fluency,

Flexibility, Originality, and Elaboration. The researcher will explain the

explanation as follows:

a) Fluency

Fluency refers to the teacher's ability to develop precise thoughts in

response to the topic at hand. Online learning is a challenge for instructors

because they must adjust their teaching style to accommodate online

learning by using their creativity. The English instructor at Madrasah

Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqon uses his inventiveness to address

difficulties via E-Learning activities that are situationally suitable and

engaging online learning activities. Making movies, reading, writing,

quizzes, Q&A sections, teacher consultations, and presentations are just

some of the activities.

b) Flexibility

In this instance, the teacher has the opportunity to expand his intellect.

This capability may be leveraged to generate novel and superior learning

concepts. By allowing for feedback from other individuals or pupils, the

ensuing ideas may please both instructors and students. The English

instructor at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqon has the

ability to broaden his horizons. The English instructor uses Google

Classroom to facilitate learning activities, such as consulting and offering

QnA time. Students may counsel and ask questions directly to the

instructor during consultation and QnA time about issues they are

encountering or constructive advice to ensure that learning runs smoothly

and is welcomed by all students.

c) Originality

The term "originality" refers to a teacher who generates fresh ideas. This

skill is necessary throughout the learning process since it contributes to the

effectiveness of the learning process. When online learning was initially

introduced, English instructors used E-Learning into their classroom

instruction. However, English instructors use E-Learning in their

classrooms for a variety of reasons, including the need for English

teachers to generate new ideas throughout the teaching process via the

usage of Google Classroom. By focusing on student concerns, English

instructors generate new ideas via the use of online learning activities such

as Quiz Time created using, a QnA section, and consultation.

Students develop an enthusiasm for learning and are not bored when

studying online as a result of these learning activities.

d) Elaboration

The teacher has a high attention to detail. The precision with which a

teacher approaches an issue has an effect on the level of his inventiveness.

The English teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqon

is attentive to and effective in resolving student concerns. The English

teacher changes the abilities to be taught and considers the students'

backgrounds before selecting learning activities. Thus, English teachers

may tailor learning activities utilising Google Classroom media to their

students' specific requirements and circumstances. According to this

explanation, the English instructor at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqon is capable of seeing an issue in depth.

Table 4.3 the result of analyzing data between the theory of (Mulyana,
2010) and results from interview in how to design learning activities by
using Google Classrom as a media.

The way to design online learning activities

Theory from (Mulyana,
No by The English Teacher using
Google Classroom as a media

1 Developing online learning activities that are

suited for the situation
Choose from a variety of engaging online learning

3 Establish a period for consultation between

students and teachers. FLEXIBILITY
4 Allowing time for Q&A at the conclusion
5 By focusing on student concerns ORIGINALITY
6 Getting to know the students who will be taught
7 Adapting the to-be-taught skills

According to the statistics above, the English teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al Furqon applies four theory-based criteria for creative

instructors while constructing online learning activities, namely Fluency,

Flexibility, Originality, and Elaboration.

2. Learning Material Activities Using Google Classroom Developed by

English Teachers

According to (Jack, Chris, and Donald 2009), creative teachers implement

twelve distinct types of activities, including guided discovery, interactive

lectures, student teaching, problem solving, projects, student presentations,

self- and peer assessment, learning independence, reading, technology, role

playing, and consulting.

According to the data gathered via interviews, English instructors demonstrate

their creativity by developing many engaging online learning activities to

supplement the learning process utilising Google Classroom and other media.

Making movies, reading, writing, quizzes, Q&A sessions, consultations, and

instructor presentations are just some of the activities. According to (Jack,

Chris, and Donald 2009), English instructors construct five types of learning

activities for their students. These include consultation, interactive lectures,

student presentations, reading, and self-study. This will be detailed in further

detail below:

a) Consulting

It is an effective substitute for instruction, in which school personnel give

their knowledge to students' inquiries and difficulties. English instructors

provide online learning activities, namely consultations, in which students

may discuss directly with teachers using Google Classroom or WhatsApp


b) Interactive lecture

It is a solution for long-lasting lectures or teachers. The objective is to

construct a border check with a teacher in which learners may demonstrate

their comprehension of the material delivered. The English teacher at

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al Furqon uses these learning

activities to ensure that he or she does not interfere with students'

comprehension of content delivered. The English instructor distributes

materials to pupils using the Google Classroom tool, which facilitates

virtual sessions.

c) Students Presentations

This might be a more informal style of student teaching. Students

demonstrate their class achievement in a variety of ways, including

homework solutions, quiz replies, peer evaluation, and team assessment.

The English instructor use this student presentation to design learning

activities such as recording films to clarify difficult concepts or

completing assigned tasks. This online learning exercise is designed to

improve your speaking abilities. Writing sentences and Quiz Time are the

next two online learning activities. Quizzes are produced and cover all

subject areas. Quiz Time is very beneficial for English teachers in

assessing students' comprehension of the subject delivered. Additionally,

English teachers provide online learning activities, such as QnA sessions.

d) Reading

Learners are accountable for comprehending written content in this sort of

activity but often do not grasp what they are intended to learn or what they

should be able to perform as a result of reading the material. The English

teacher incorporates supplementary tools to assist students in practising

reading, honing their reading abilities, and comprehending the topic.

English teachers submit materials to Google Classroom, which students

may read independently.

e) Self-study

The purpose of this exercise is to assist students in meeting their learning

requirements. English teachers employ self-study activities to help

students better comprehend the content by providing connections to

information from a variety of sources. The English teacher gives YouTube

links to additional resources and uploads them to Google Classroom in

order for pupils to fully comprehend the topic and develop their listening

abilities. The English teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al

Furqon utilises their creativity to design learning exercises for students

using Google Classroom in order to keep them interested throughout the

online learning process. Five online learning activities are created by the

English teacher: Consultation, Interactive Lecture, Student Presentation,

Reading, and Independent Study. All students may benefit from this

learning exercise since it enables them to study well and comprehend the

subject offered. This will be made abundantly evident by the following


Table 4.4 The result of analyzing data between the theory of (Jack,
Chris, and Donald 2009) and results from interview in designing
online learning activities using Google Classroom

No Type of learning activities based on Learning activities designed

theory (Jack, Chris, and Donald 2009) by English Teacher
1 Consulting Consulting by WhatsApp
2 Interactive Lecture Teacher Explanation
3 Students Presentation - Video

- QnA time by Google
- Quiz time
- Writing sentences
4 Reading - Reading the material
The teacher uploads it in the
Google Classroom
5 Self-study Reading another material from:
- Link material from
another source
- Link YouTube
The teacher uploads it in the
Google Classroom

3. The challenges of the teachers in using Google Classroom as E-Learning

Media in teaching English at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-


Finally, when students had issues teaching and learning using Google

Classroom, the instructor mentioned that their parents may contact the teacher

privately through the group WhatsApp app if they encountered a problem or

had a question about the class. As Alim et al. (2019) discovered in their

research, instructors may immediately contact with students when they have a

difficulty or have a personal question. In other words, it can be inferred that

this strategy is applicable to teaching and learning processes that take place in

the absence of face-to-face contact or in a classroom setting. Data on teacher

difficulties using Google Classroom in English teaching and learning were

gathered via interviews. According to the data collected during the interviews,

the primary issue with utilising Google Classroom for learning and teaching is

preparation. The instructor must be capable of preparing and delivering

content in quantity. Additionally, instructors are required to be more

innovative, particularly in developing learning resources that are readily

accepted and approved by pupils. This scenario is comparable to that of

Harjanto and Sumarni (2019), who argue that utilising Google Classroom

motivates instructors to be more creative in their use of features to generate

better teaching. As a result, Ally (2004) asserts that the instructor may also

ascertain student requirements by creating and choosing appropriate materials

to assist students in achieving their learning goals. In other words, the primary

issue is not with Google Classroom itself, but with instructors' ability to use it

successfully and efficiently. The second issue is from the student perspective;

they often have limited internet connection and do not have an online

allowance, which makes it difficult to get materials and submit assignments.

The facts discovered are comparable to those discovered before to the advent

of Islam (2019). He discovered that students are unable to access Google

Classes without an internet connection. Students cannot obtain updated

information from the instructor in this case.

Unfortunately, this problem is created by economic reasons affecting students'

ability to purchase internet packages and by the fact that they reside in rural

places without access to the internet. As a result, it can be inferred that the

primary issue facing students is internet connectivity.

Thirdly, in light of the issue, the instructor shared a way for resolving issues

with Google Classroom in English teaching and learning.

To begin, the teachers follows the lesson plan and designs learning

activities in accordance with the Ministry of Education and Culture's

guidelines during the Covid-19 epidemic. Previously, instructors could utilise

Google Classroom to prepare and customise lesson materials for their

students. As Zaidi (2015) said, teacher training programmes may enhance

instructors' ability to teach or pursue professional growth. This aspect

contributes to the development of teachers' educational foundations. This

effective and important aspect contributes to the development of a favourable

attitude toward teaching.

One may argue that the training programme provides instructors with

expertise regarding online teaching and learning via the use of the Google

Classroom App.

Teachers reported that they often provide learning resources in the

form of video, audio notes, PDFs, or read text. Additionally, they assign tasks

in the form of video conferencing or reviewing video or recorded picture data.

It is comparable to the earlier research by Alim et al. (2019), which

discovered that the instructor must prepare the content and submit it to Google

Classroom in order for students to access it without regard for space or time

constraints. The ingredients may take the shape of articles or text, photos,

audio, video, and other educational resources. It may be stated that the usage

of multimedia in education can help make teaching and learning more

engaging and understandable.



This chapter conclusion and suggestion on study on English teachers creativity in

building E-learning activities using Google Classroom media at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al Furqon.

A. Conclusion

Researcher based on the result of analysis, it denotes that English teachers

have innovated in developing, e-learning activities for students at Madrasah

Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al Furqon utilising Google Classroom media. Three

alternative outcomes exist. The first conclusion drawn from this research is that

English teachers exercise their creativity in designing online learning activities by

creating activities that are situation-appropriate, with the stages beginning with the

selection of learning media that correspond to the syllabus material, such as

instructional videos, books, and worksheets. The teachers then selects engaging

online learning activities, gives consultation time for students and teachers, facilitates

QnA, attends to student concerns, examines the students' backgrounds, and modifies

the skills to be taught. According to data research, English instructors demonstrate

four characteristics of creative teachers (Mulayana 2010) while developing online

learning activities. These characteristics include fluency, adaptability, originality, and


These two investigations discovered information about the resources utilised by

English teachers in online learning activities at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah

1 Al Furqon. The materials utilised are consistent with the curriculum, namely the

K13 curriculum, which emphasises reading, writing, listening, and vocabulary


The third finding related to the difficulties encountered by English teachers while

teaching students using Google Classroom was divided into two categories: general

difficulties such as network issues and more specific difficulties such as difficulties

correcting student pronunciation and complaints from parents who did not understand

when accompanying their children while learning English online. The teachers then

attempts to resolve these issues by establishing an extensive contact channel with

parents through Whatsapp and by incorporating their creativity into the creation of

educational films.

B. Suggestion

The researcher would like to express some comments about this study in this area,

and it is anticipated that these suggestions would be beneficial to English teachers and

future researches.

The researchers recommend that English teachers at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqon share best practises for designing creative activities that

incorporate Google Classroom as an e-learning medium, so that all students can

successfully complete online learning assignments and that teachers always pay

attention to student concerns when teaching online. Additionally, the researcher

advises all English teachers at other schools to choose suitable learning activities in

light of the difficulties pupils confront while engaging in online learning.

The second recommendation is for more study. The researcher advises more study

to elicit other sources regarding learning activities utilising Google Classroom,

particularly in the area of English learning, in order to boost the creativity of English

teachers and to assist English learning education in Indonesia.


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