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Cio item meio Mixed conditionals ‘1a Look at the sentences (2d) and answer the questions. a Ifthe tourism industry had never sprung up, there would be fewer opportunities for others to take advantage of it. b Ms Becker would know how vital tourism is to our economy if she had visited our country. € Iflocal governments hadn't been pushing ecotourism, a number of species would be extinct by now. d_ Ifit wasn't for the development of the resort, we'd never have persuaded the government to invest in our roads. 11 Which sentences show the present result of a past event? 2. Which sentences show the past result of an ongoing situation? ‘Ib For which sentences are the following statements true? 1. The main clause contains an adverb which intensifies the meaning, 2. The main clause contains would + be and not would + have + past participle. 3. The if clause is past perfect continuous. 4 The if clause is past simple and the main clause contains would + present perfect. Geena 2c Choose the correct alternative. 1 | wouldn't be feeling/have felt so tired right now if I'd actually had time to relax on our trp. 2. That trip wouldn't be/have been half as good if you hadn't come. 3. Ifyou looked/‘d been looking where you were going, you wouldn't have tripped over that suitcase. 4 I'd buy an ice cream if | didn't spend/hadn’t spent all my money on souvenirs already. 5. If weren‘t/hadn’t been so afraid of spiders, | would have agreed to go camping. But they terrify me! 6 If we spent/d spent less on our holiday, we could have stayed for an extra week. 7 if my parents didn’t bring/hadn't brought me up bilingual, | wouldn't have been able to go to school in the US. 8 We wouldn't be/haven't been suffering from food . = poisoning now if we'd eaten where | suggested! 9 We might not choose/have chosen that hotel if we'd seen photos of the room before we booked. 10 If it wasn’t for this traffic jam, we would arrive/ have amtived by now. 2b Which of the sentences in 2a contain mixed conditionals? | inverted conditionals = Cd 3a Look at the inverted conditional sentences. Rewrite them using non-inverted conditionals. a Were it not for Venice's relaxed policy on the number of tourists it admits, it wouldn't have found itself sinking over the last few decades. b Had we thought for one moment that it would take three hours to get through customs, we would have chosen a different route. © Were we to invest more in publicity abroad before the summer, we would probably have more seasonal tourists d_ Should anyone still be ignorant of America, they probably won't learn about it by visiting its official website. 3b Answer the questions. 11 What changes did you have to make in each sentence? 2. Does the underlined part of each sentence refer to the past, the present or the future? 3. Do we use inverted conditionals in formal or informal contexts? EQUI ee Choose the correct alternati 1. Had/Were/Should we to visit Mexico again, | would spend more time visiting the Mayan ruins. 2. Had/Were/Should you ever come back to Madrid, you'll be welcome to stay at my house. 3 Had/Were/Should she planned her visit properly, she would have had time to go scuba diving, 4 Had/Were/Should | not had food poisoning, | would have enjoyed myself a great deal more. 5 Had/Were/Should it not for the GPS on my phone, we would be hopelessly lost. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word given, and decide when you should add ‘not!. Use inverted conditional forms where appropriate, adding a subject where necessary. J (set) off earlier had | known how bad the traffic was going to be. 2 Had our flight. lying on the beach right now! 3 (need) anything during your stay, don't hesitate to ask. 4. Were it not for our tour guide, we (miss) the best sites. 5. Had the tourism industry not developed here, | think that now a lot of young people {look for work in other cities. (cancel), we'd be 6 (pay) attention, you would have heard the ski instructor's directions. 7 (treat) better by the manager, we would have had no reason to complain. Developing vocabulary Phrasal verbs 2 - new experiences Ja Read the text, Then work with a partner. Discuss the meaning of the words in bold, using the context to help you. On the frst day of the trek, | hadn't (1) bargained for the tropical heat. That evening | was feeling overwhelmed by the experience and started to regret ever having (2) taken on such an adventurous holiday. | sat in my tent thinking about all the things | was (3) missing out on back home. Next morning it (4) turned out that quite a few of the others in our group were feeling the same way, so we rested in camp. The sun came out and | couldn't believe how beautiful the forest was. In the afternoon our guide (5) ran through the plans for the rest of the hike, and I started to feel excited about what lay ahead The next day we continued walking. We (6) ran into local people and our clothing immediately (7) gave us away as tourists ~ many of them were walking barefoot. Sometimes we could (8) make out their songs in the distance long before we saw them. Finally, we reached the crest of a high ridge and ur guide (9) pointed out the local landmarks. That night we stayed in a small village. The local food was (10) growing on me, and | ate everything | was offered, After two days I saw we were nearing the coast. At one point we were delayed by bad weather, butit soon (11) picked up. The path was mostly downhill now so | | was able to really enjoy the magnificent scenery all | | around. When we finally reached the coast, | was so glad I'd (12) seen it through - it was one of the best experiences of my life. ‘Ib Match the phrasal verbs in 1a (1-12) to the synonyms/definitions (2-!). a reveal h indicate or emphasise meet unexpectedly i expect i not be able to ‘experience something start todo something difficult continue to the end hear or understand, especially with difficulty k discuss or repeat something a ¥ become more / aes appealing prove to be the case ie (used when a situation has g improve a particular result) 2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using a phrasal verb from 1a. 11 Iwasn'tsure about Beyonce's new song the first time heard it, but now I'm starting to like it more Beyoncé's new song I first heard it. 2. Nick found the hike quite difficult, but afterwards he was glad he had continued until the end. Nick found the hike quite difficult, but afterwards he was glad he 3 |happened to see Chris in the museum. \ in the museum. 4. | wasn't prepared for the hostile reception we received, \ the hostile reception we received, 5. She was a brillant spy, because she never did anything to betray her real identity She is why she was such a brillant spy. 6 thought there would be a storm, but in the end it was 2 beautiful sunny day. real identity, which I thought there would be a storm, but it a beautiful sunny day. In open cloze activities, look carefully at the words before and after the first gap. Think about what type cof word is missing, > EXAM SUCCESS page 133 3. Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use one word only in each gap. Steph Conway, who runs an au pair agency in Sydney, ‘Australia, reports that these days more and more Europeans are taking (a) the challenge of a working holiday ‘down under’. What's more, demand has never been higher with an increasing number (b) families needing help because both parents are working. She (c) out to all the host families she works with that they have to be more than just an employer, providing a secure and supportive family environment. This young person has travelled to a different world - the weather, the culture, the food, everything's different, (d) ifthe au pair speaks good English, they may have problems making (e) the Australian accent, leading to communication difficulties and a greater sense of isolation. But Steph says that the vast majority of au pairs pick things () quickly and adjust to their new life really well. 'f they can just see those dificult first weeks (g) ,' she says, ‘the au pair relationship can be one that's extremely rewarding for both parties.’ 4, (SPEMING! Work with a partner. Write questions for your partner using some of the phrasal verbs in 1a, Take turns asking and answering them. 1 SPRING] Work with a partner. Discuss these questions. 1 What can you see in the photos? 2 What challenges might people in these places face? In listening activities that have a number of short extracts, the two multiple-choice questions do not necessarily come in the same order as the information in the listening text. > EXAM SUCCESS page 129 2 USTEWS! © 19 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (a, b or c) that fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract. Extract One You hear two film-makers talking about working in South America, 11 What aspect of Patagonia do the film-makers disagree about? a the diversity of the flora and fauna b the curiosity of the human inhabitants ¢ the severity of the meteorological conditions 2. Inthe man’s opinion, the surprising thing about Patagonia was a howIittle it cost to work there b_ how often bureaucrats interfered ¢ how quickly the film was completed Extract Two You hear an anthropologist telling a friend about a remote island. 3 What topic does the woman express regret about? athe island she chose to work on the way she went about her work ¢ the fact that she didn’t finish her work 4 How does the man respond to the woman? a He doubts that he could have done it. b_ He's impressed by her physical strength € He's envious of what she's experienced. Extract Three You hear a solo sailor being interviewed about an experience at sea 5. Why does the man refer to soap and aftershave? a to emphasise his sense of frustration b toillustrate his feelings of anxiety € to highlight his sense of isolation 6 The woman and man agree that people react to the sea in different ways, b_ you should expect the unexpected at sea €_itSimpossible to be alone even at sea. SPEMKNG| What about you? What do you think would be the best and worst things, about being cast away on a small tropical island for six, months? 4a Look at the sentences. Does each one express strong or mild regret? a Maybe | should have looked a bit harder. b I'd rather not have spent so much time on it € Ifonly Id been a bit more adventurous when I was younger ~ but it's too late now! I wish I'd thought this through more carefully. before | got started. 4b Answer the questions. 11 Which sentences in 4a contain the past perfect? 2. What type of word comes after have in the other sentences? 3. Which word could be replaced with sooner without changing the meaning? Gos ae Complete the second sentence so that ithes a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the | word given. Do not change the word given. 1 was so disappointed because | left the library without the books I needed to do my homework. I without the books | needed to do my homework. 2 I'm somy that | didn't try harder to look Connie up when | was in Paris last year. I look Connie up when | was in Paris last year. 3. Itwas a shame I had to go by bus instead of going by train. ' than by bus. 4 One of the worst mistakes I've made was borrowing money that | couldn't afford to pay back. wisH SHOULD RATHER ONLY than | could afford to pay back. Developing writing Areview -1 1 SHRM! Work with a partner. Discuss these questions. 11 What sort of places do you like to go to on holiday: large cities, the countryside, the beach or somewhere else? 2 What sorts of holiday activities do you like to do on holiday? 3. How difficult do you think itis to choose a holiday that suits all members of the family? 2a Imagine you are going on a surfing holiday Cornwali, UK. What sort of information would you want to know before the holiday? 2b READING Now read the review. How many of your questions does the review answer? A surfing holida, in Cornwall ‘When my parents said they were taking us on a surfing holiday in Cornwall, had to look on a map. Cornwall it turns out, is a dramatic peninsula in the south-west comer of the UK, with many beaches and picturesque ports. In my view, it’s perfect for teenagers because there are lots of exciting activities. Without doubt, the biggest attraction for young people is surfing. Lessons are readily available and with the help of the super-friendly instructors, we could ride big ‘waves within a few days. Don’t worry about equipment — everything from longboards to bodyboards is available for hire. Frankly, the water is a litte chilly, but you can also hire a wetsuit which takes care of that There's a wide range of accommodation in Cornwall from camping to luxurious hotels. And when the day's surfing is over, there are plenty of designer boutiques, shops and restaurants for you to enjoy. What's more, if you're into art, the Tate Gallery in St Ives is a must. ‘There are other options for different family members t09, including exotic gardens and coastal walks. Early autumn is 1 time to visit as the surf is most reliable. To be honest, try to avoid the holiday month of ‘August if possible -I wish weld known that as the traffic. can be terrible! Also be aware that some beaches have dangerous rip currents, especially at low tide, so swim. and surf on beaches with lifeguards, We had a fantastic time on our surfing holiday in Cornwall. recommend it to anyone looking for an adventure holiday that offers plenty of alternatives for all family members, 3. Read the review again. Work with a partner. Think about the question that this text is answering. What type of task is this? Who is the reader? What is the topic? What information has the writer been asked to include? Now try to write the question that this text answers. FA When you write a review, clearly identify the subject in the title or introduction. Then organise your answer so that you explore different aspects of the subject in your review including all the information asked for in the question. > EXAM SUCCESS page 132 words and phrases in the review in 2b. PAE LS GREW Useful words and expressions for a review Personal opinions In my view, Frankly/To be (perfectly) frank, = As far as I'm concerned, = I'm certain that = | thought/found that = I'm afraid that ® To tell the truth, Evaluating = it's perfect for = There's something for every budget/every age group/everyone I'd recommend it to anyone looking for The facilities were disappointing We had issues with twas a shame that (MODABUEARY! Describing places 5a Match the adjectives 1-8 to the nouns a-h. Sometimes more than one answer is possibl 1 budget a valley 2 heavy b sand dunes 3 lively © accommodation 4 rolling d sea 5 tropical beach 6 dense café 7 rough g traffic 8 steep h forest 5b Use some of the adjectives from 5a to describe the nouns in bold. Try to think of another adjective to describe the underlined nouns. 1. There was a view from the mountain. There was a magnificent view from the steep mountain. We went for a walk in the countryside. The marketplace is in the centre of the village. You can take a boat across the lagoon. 2 3 4 5. The airport is sometimes closed because of fog. 6 Aroad leads to the temple 7 Ifyou're looking for transport you can take the bus. 8 Our visit to the waterfall was postponed because of rain. You are going to do the task in 9. Make notes about a suitable activity holiday, either from your own expe! or using your imagination. Use this paragraph plan to organise your notes. nce Paragraph 1: General information about the holiday ~ where it, was, type of activity, ete. Paragraph 2: What was involved, what you enjoyed most, easy/difficult it was, what you learnt. Paragraph 3: Other facilities and activities in the area; any other advice for visitors. Paragraph 4: Your recommendation ow ‘SPAKE Work in pairs. Tell your partner about the activity holiday, using your notes in 6. @ COMMON MISTAKES 8 Correct the eight mistakes in this student's work. Things we did The great thing about the resort was that there was sontething for each taste. Each day our group of eight teenagers did a different act we started with canseing and the instructors taught us the proper techniques. Tell the truth, I thought be difficult, but ance we could balance and use the paddle | correctly, it was quite easy and lots of fun. Next we went rafting, which was all abaut teamwork because everyone hhad to make a particular job £0 steer the eaft through the ‘fust-floning water. On the last day we nent bodyboarding. Without the dosdbe, this was one of the most exciting things Td ever done - I wished i¢ could have gone on forever! For all the activities we were given saf and lifejackets 10 we never felt frightened and as fur that It concerned, we were never in any danger. Local facilities The hotel was right beside of the river and a short distance ‘from the nearest tawn, To be perfectly honest, it wasn’t the ‘mast luxurious hotel I have ever stayed in, but it wasn't bad either. The town itself was, on my view) quite pretty, but not | everyane agreed yon the river, For example, would y equipment as helmets PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT 9 Do the task below. Use the paragraph plan from 6 and expressions from the Writing bank. You can talk about the situations in the photos or invent others. An international magazine read by young people has asked for reviews of activity holidays. You have decided to send in your ‘own review, Include information about the location, activity, what was involved, facilities inthe area and other advice for visitors. ‘hk PUNE. Uueer UUs eas MTom OR Clute ey Listening Paai cseus) Before you listen, read all the questions carefully. This will help you anticipate what sort of information you are going to hear. This is particularly importa in listening tasks with three extracts, as there might be a wide range of topics. > EXAM SUCCESS p BW © 21 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (a, b or ¢) that fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract. Extract One hear two ulptors talking about displaying works outdoors. 11 According to the woman, the biggest outdoor exhibitions is that .dvantage of a more people visit them. b they are cheaper to put on. ¢ agreater variety of artists participate. 2 What do the man and woman disagree about? a the purpose of all art exhibitions b the value of conventional art galleries € the importance of people's responses to art Extract Two You hear an interview with a man who installs sculptures in outdoor locations. 3 What does the man find most satisfying about his job? Speaking Padoaens ‘a when sculptors remain calm and jent b when artworks survive the exhibition undamaged ¢ when the public can’t understand how he did it In collaborative t ks, you need to exchange ions, give reasons and a disagree. Listen to what your partner is saying and ask questions or respond to them as appropriate to extend the discussion. ideas, express of ree oF 1g to the man, who chooses the location for an artwork? a. The installer should make the decision. b The artist and installer collaborate. € The artist has the last word 2 Work with a partner. Do the task. Extract Three > EXAM SUCCESS You will be leading a team that will travel to the You hea parks 5. The woman and man agree that © art critics discussing outdoor sculpture ‘Amazon rainforest in search of new species of flora and fauna. Talk to each other for about two minutes, a outdoor sculptures are not new ; b some sculpture parks are overrated. € outdoor sculptures can deteriorate over time. 6 The woman says she would like to see more ures How important would the: eee een one : a that move by themselves. b_ made from organic materials ¢ exhibited in multiple locations. Now decide which would be the most important Use of English > TIP FOR USE OF ENGLISH In multiple-choice cloze tests, selecting the right answer will often be a matter of collocation. The options might all have a similar meaning, but only one will collocate. Try reading the sentence through with each different option — which one ‘sounds’ right? > EXAM SUCCESS page 133 Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. When you travel to a foreign country, it can be difficult to (1) the language, food, climate and local customs, Psychologists recognise this condition and call it ‘cuture shock’. (2) .., with international travel becoming more and more affordable, some people argue that its becoming increasingly common, Teenagers too can suffer from culture shock, (3) they are travelling in a developing nation, studying abroad, or moving because their parents are going to live and work in another country. These young people sometimes report that, when they frst arrive, the combination of so many new experiences can all be a bit (4) But the good news, (5)... to researchers, is that culture shock is usually only a passing phase and most travellers (6)... it quite quickly. 50 although some young people may experience an (7)... period of anxiety for the vast (8)... this is soon replaced by something altogether more positive - a sense of engagement and personal growth brought on by exposure to a completely new environment. Its now widely accepted that people can embrace two cultures at the same time = their original culture and the one into (9)... they have moved, This is a process psychologists called ‘mediating’. But even better is the fact that many young people never experience culture shock at (10)... and! enjoy the excitement of cultural exchange from day one. Ser na 1A accustom alter accept adjust (On the contrary Despite this if only 4 Choose one of these two writing tasks. Then whatever write your answer. For guidance on writing proposals, see page 132. For guidance on writing reviews, see page 132. Even so > EXAM SUCCESS page 132 In fact whether even if overreacting overwhelming evateuitg ‘An exhibition called ‘Global Culture’ featuring music, dance and art from around the world will visit your country next year. Write a proposal for the event ‘organising committee explaining why your town or local area should host the event. Include relevant information about accommodation, transport, nitial possible venues and the local community. occasional B D B D B D B D acclaiming B relating reporting D according get over B pick up bargain for D. grow on original B instant D group B minority D B D B D majority ‘Your school magazine wishes to publish music reviews, Write a review of either a concert or an where what album including information about the performerts), which once least whom type of music, who it might appeal to, how all successful it was/is and your final recommendation apararararararararar last ee

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