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Recipe for pancakes


- Flour

- Eggs

- Milk

- Salt

- Sparkling water

- Butter or Oil

- Jam

Things you need:

- Pan

- Cooker

- Bowl

- Spoon


Mix- wymieszać

Stir- mieszać (łyżką)

Put- połóż

Pour- Wlej/wsyp

Fry- smażyć

Add- dodaj

Into- do

Some- trochę

Spread- rozsmaruj

Warm up- rozgrzać

Dough- ciasto (niesłodkie)

Turn on the other side- obróć na drugą stronę

Plate- talerz

Roll- zawiń


1. Pour 1 glass of our into a bowl.

2. Add 2 eggs, a glass of milk, a glass of sparkling water, some oil and
some salt.

3. Mix everything.

4. Warm up a pan.

5. Pour dough on the pan.

6. Fry for 1 minute and turn on the other side.

7. Put a pancake on a plate and spread some jam.

8. Roll the pancake.

9. Have a nice meal!


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