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Journal of Cleaner Production 139 (2016) 309e318

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Life cycle assessment for soil stabilization dosages: A study for the
Paraguayan Chaco
Cecília Gravina da Rocha*, Ana Passuello, Nilo Cesar Consoli,
Ruben Alejandro Quin~o
 nez Samaniego, Nestor Masamune Kanazawa
Department of Civil Engineering (DECIV), Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Av. Osvaldo Aranha 99 e 3 andar, Porto Alegre, RS, 90035-190,

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Geotechnical engineering can account for a considerable portion of the environmental impact in infra-
Received 16 November 2015 structure and construction projects. As a result, sustainability is increasingly becoming a key research
Received in revised form topic in this area. This paper assesses the environmental impact of clay-lime blends for the Paraguayan
28 July 2016
Chaco region. More specifically, it compares distinct dosages to attain a target strength (unconfined
Accepted 31 July 2016
Available online 6 August 2016
compressive strength and splitting tensile strength) and stiffness (initial shear modulus) using life cycle
assessment (LCA). Seven impact categories were considered: acidification, eutrophication, photochemical
oxidation, depletion of abiotic resources, stratospheric ozone depletion, global warming, and embodied
Life cycle assessment (LCA)
energy. For all target values of strength and stiffness examined, low-binder/high-density dosages have a
Sustainability lower impact across all categories compared to high-binder/low-density dosages. More specifically,
Geotechnical engineering minimal impact across all categories is attained when the smallest binder content (required to attain a
Ground improvement target strength or stiffness) is used. Changes in binder content and density produce major increases in
three categories: energy consumption, global warming, and photochemical oxidation. Lime production
accounts for more than 75% of the total energy, greenhouse gases emission, and photochemical oxidation
for each of the blends examined. This supports previous research, which shows that materials accounts
for a considerable part of energy consumption in geotechnical works. As a result, minimizing binder
content and maximizing density are main strategies to create more sustainable dosages for soil
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction result, it is an important link in the construction chain that can also
contribute towards the sustainable agenda (Holt et al., 2010).
Sustainability is becoming a major concern for the construction In spite of that, research on sustainability in geotechnical engi-
industry and its subsectors. This includes geotechnical engineering, neering is still limited (Holt et al., 2010; Jefferis, 2008). This means
which focuses on the design of earthworks (embankments, dikes, there is little information to support decision-making in geotech-
levees, channels, reservoirs), foundations, retaining walls, and nical projects, and consequently opportunities to improve their
pavement subgrades required for major building and infrastructure sustainability are missed (Holt et al., 2010). According to Jefferis
projects (e.g., Lambe and Whitman, 1979; Xanthakos et al., 1994; (2008), such a lack of information is surprising considering that
Terzaghi et al., 1996). Geotechnical engineering involves extensive this subsector involves major changes in the earth surface that will
changes in the earth surface and soil properties and, consequently, endure for decades and the use of large quantities of materials.
accounts for a considerable portion of energy and materials Studies assessing the sustainability (social, economic, and envi-
consumed in a project (Holt et al., 2010; Abreu et al., 2008). As a ronmental) of techniques used in geotechnical engineering are also
This is the case for soil stabilization, a technique that involves
the use of blends of soil and binders (e.g. lime, cement, gypsum) to
* Corresponding author.
improve properties such as strength and stiffness (e.g. Ingles and
E-mail addresses: (C.G. da Rocha), anapassuello@gmail.
com (A. Passuello), (N.C. Consoli), Metcalf, 1972; Consoli et al., 2012a,b). One trend in existing
(R.A. Quin nez Samaniego), (N.M. Kanazawa). studies is to examine the suitability of wastes or by-products in
0959-6526/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
310 C.G. da Rocha et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 139 (2016) 309e318

ground improvement applications (e.g. Mujah et al., 2013; Ahmad 2. Strength and stiffness of clay-lime blends
et al., 2012). Another trend is to analyze and compare ground
improvement techniques based on number of environmental 2.1. Experimental program
criteria (e.g. Jefferson et al., 2010; Egan and Slocombe, 2010;
Harbottle et al., 2007). The experimental program was carried out in two parts. First,
Jefferson et al. (2010) discusses the sustainability evaluation of the properties of the clayey soil were characterized. Next, a number
vibro stone columns, particularly the aggregates nature, and how of unconfined compression, splitting tensile, and ultrasonic pulse
carbon dioxide emissions can be used as an environmental indi- velocity tests were carried out for clay-hydrated lime blends
cator for this ground improvement technique. Egan and Slocombe considering distinct amounts of lime, dry unit weights and distinct
(2010) present the carbon dioxide emissions breakdown for two curing time periods. Additional details regarding this experimental
ground improvement alternatives (vibro stone column and piling) program can be found in Consoli et al. (2016).
for an office development. Finally, Harbottle et al. (2007) apply life
cycle assessment to compare two land remediation techniques (soil 2.1.1. Materials and methods
stabilization and landfilling) considering five impact categories. The clayey soil was obtained from the region of Paraguayan
Life cycle assessment (LCA) has also been successfully applied to Chaco (Western Region of Paraguay), specifically at the Department
evaluate the environmental performance of roads (Biswas, 2013; of President Hayes. Disturbed samples were collected in sufficient
Celauro et al., 2015; Huang et al., 2009). Between those, Celauro amount to complete all tests. Table 1 provides an overview of the
et al. (2015) evaluated and compared different road construction characteristics of the lime and soil studied. According to Mitchell
techniques to identify the best alternative in terms of environ- (1981), the minimum amount of lime to stabilize clayey soils is
mental sustainability. The authors found that the use of fine soils about 3%. Besides, 5% and 7% of hydrated lime were chosen
stabilized with lime ‘‘in situ’’ in embankments is not only a good considering international experience with soilelime blends
technical solution for improving soil mechanical properties, but it (Mitchell, 1981; Consoli et al., 2001, 2011a,b; Thome  et al., 2005).
also produces a reduction of energy consumption and pollutant The molding points for all tests carried out herein had a moisture
emissions, compared to the typical solutions in which virgin ma- content of about 13% (optimum moisture content for modified
terials transportation is involved. Yet, the environmental impact of Proctor). They also had three different dry unit weights (19 kN/m3 e
distinct dosages for soil stabilization still needs further research. the maximum dry unit weight for modified Proctor compaction
This paper advances in fulfilling this gap by assessing the effort and other two values below it e 17.5 kN/m3 and 16 kN/m3, in
environmental impacts of a clayey soil stabilized with lime, which order to study a whole working range of field applications) and
can be used in the Paraguayan Chaco region for different purposes three binder contents (3%, 5% and 7% of lime). Three curing time
(e.g. dams, embankments, subgrades of pavements, and landfill periods were examined (7, 28 and 60 days) which are usual curing
bottom liners). More specifically, this research compares the impact periods for applications in the field. Binder content denotes the
of distinct dosages to attain a target strength (unconfined percentage of binder (in mass) in relation to the specimen total dry
compressive strength and splitting tensile strength) and stiffness mass of solids. All combinations of binder content and densities
(initial shear modulus) using life cycle assessment (LCA). The soil were studied, resulting in nine distinct dosages (three binder
examined here is dispersive and stabilization is required to convert contents multiplied by three dry unit weights).
it into a non-dispersive soil (Consoli et al., 2016). As reported in
previous studies (e.g. Sherard et al., 1976; Ingles, 1985; Wan and Molding and curing of specimens. For the mechanical
Fell, 2004; Bell and Maud, 1994; Richards and Reddy, 2007), the
strength and stiffness tests, cylindrical specimens 50 mm in diam-
non-treatment of dispersive soil for earth dams, hydraulic struc-
eter and 100 mm high were used. A target dry unit weight (dry unit
tures, roadway embankments and subgrades has led to problems
weight will be simply refereed as density from here onwards) for a
such as erosion, piping damage and even structural failure.
given specimen was then established through the dry mass of clay-
Previous studies (e.g. Consoli et al., 2009a, 2011a,b, 2012c, 2014)
lime divided by the total volume of the specimen. In order to keep
have shown that several properties of stabilized soils, including
the density of the specimens constant with increasing lime content,
dispersive ones (Consoli et al., 2016), are governed by a ratio be-
a small portion of the clay was replaced by lime. As the specific
tween porosity and binder content. Essentially, this ratio shows
gravity of the lime grains was 2.60, for the calculation of porosity, a
that a target performance for a given property can be attained with
composite specific gravity based on the clay and lime and per-
a dosage with low-binder content and high-density (or low
centages in the specimens was used. After the clay, lime and water
porosity). Alternatively, it can be attained with a high-binder con-
were weighed, the clay and lime were mixed until the mixture ac-
tent and low-density (or high porosity). Thus, the question that
quired a uniform consistency. The water was then added, continuing
arises and which is answered here can be summarized as follow:
the mixing process until a homogeneous paste was created. The
which dosage has a lower impact from an environmental view-
amount of lime for each mixture was calculated based on the mass
point: a low-binder/high-density dosage or a high-binder/low-
of dry clay. The specimen was then statically compacted in three
density dosage?
layers inside a cylindrical split mold, so that each layer reached the

Table 1
Materials characteristics.

Variables Results

Specific gravity of the soil grains 2.74

Specific gravity of the hydrated lime grains 2.60
Soil grain size distribution Fine grains (93%) and sand grains (7%)
Mean particle diameter (soil) 0.005 mm
ASTM D 2487 soil classification (ASTM, 2006) Lean clay (CL)
Soil pH 8.3
Optimum moisture content (soil only) 13%
C.G. da Rocha et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 139 (2016) 309e318 311

specified density. The samples were then placed inside plastic bags Ultrasonic elastic constants and pulse velocity tests.
to avoid significant variations of moisture content. They were cured Elastic properties of artificially cemented soils might be determined
in a humid room at 21 ±2  C and relative humidity above 95%. through the use of ultrasonic pulse velocity tests carried out ac-
cording to standard ASTM D2845 (ASTM, 2008). Transducers are
2.1.2. Unconfined compression tests coupled to the top and bottom of the specimens through the use of
Unconfined compression tests have been systematically used in special coupler gel. The accuracy of the measurement depends
most experimental programs reported in the literature in order to upon the ability of the operator to determine precisely the distance
verify the effectiveness of the stabilization with binders or to access between the transducers and of the equipment to measure pre-
the importance of influencing factors on the strength of cemented cisely the pulse transit time. The waveform should have a decaying
materials. One of the reasons for this is the accumulated experience sinusoidal shape. The analysis of the results allows establishing the
with this kind of test for concrete. The tests followed standard initial shear modulus (Go) for each specific porosity and cement
ASTM C39 (ASTM, 2012), being simple and fast, while reliable and amount used in the blends.
inexpensive. Before carrying out testing, the specimens were sub-
merged in a water tank for 24 h for saturation to minimize suction 2.2. Strength and stiffness results
(Consoli et al., 2011a,b). The water temperature was controlled and
maintained at 21  C ± 2  C. Immediately before the test, the spec- Consoli et al. (2016) have shown that the strength and stiffness
imens were removed from the tank and dried superficially with an of the clay-lime blends examined here can be expressed as math-
absorbent cloth. Then, the unconfined compression test was carried ematical equations involving the following adjusted porosity-
out and the maximum load recorded. Because of the typical scatter binder ratio: h/(Liv)0.16. Fig. 1(a) presents the unconfined
of data for unconfined compression tests, for each point, three compressive strength (qu) and tensile strength (qt) as a function of
specimens were tested. such ratio [expressed as porosity (h) divided by the volumetric lime
content (Liv), the latter expressed as a percentage of lime volume
2.1.3. Splitting tensile tests regarding total volume (Consoli et al., 2009a,b)] for the three curing
Splitting tensile tests followed standard ASTM C496 (ASTM, period studied (7, 28 and 60 days). Good correlations (R2 ¼ 0.96 for
2011). An automatic loading machine with maximum capacity of the three curing period studied) were observed between h/(Liv)0.16
50 kN and a proving ring with capacity of 10 kN and resolution of and qu of the clay-lime blends studied. Good correlations
0.005 kN were used for the splitting tensile tests. After curing in the (R2 ¼ 0.98, 0.95 and 0.97) between h/(Liv)0.16 and qt were also ob-
humid room and before carrying out testing the specimens were tained for the three curing periods studied, respectively for 7, 28
submerged in a water tank for 24 h for saturation to minimize days and 60 days of curing [Fig. 1(a)]. Finally, good correlations
suction (Consoli et al., 2011a,b). The water temperature was (R2 ¼ 0.91, 0.91 and 0.99 respectively for 7, 28 and 60 days of curing)
controlled and maintained at about 21  C ± 2  C. Immediately were observed between h/(Liv)0.16 and initial shear modulus (Go)
before the test, the specimens were removed from the tank and [Fig. 1(b)]. In addition, for each equation, there is a one-to-one
dried superficially with an absorbent cloth. Then, a cylindrical correspondence between the adjusted porosity-binder ratio and
specimen was placed horizontally between the platens of the performance, i.e. for each curing period there is a single value of
compression-testing machine. The specimen was compressed by strength or stiffness for every ratio value.
loading it along two opposite generatrices (two lines on the surface
of a cylinder contained in a unique plane which is perpendicular to 3. Life cycle assessment (LCA) method
the cylinder base and which intersects the cylinder axis) leading to
failure in tension along the plane formed by these two generatrices This LCA study follows the ISO14040/44 methodology (ISO,
(the maximum load was recorded). 2006a,b) and involves four iterative phases: (i) goal and scope

Fig. 1. Variation of (a) unconfined compressive strength (qu) and splitting tensile strength (qt), and (b) initial shear modulus (Go) with adjusted porosity-binder ratio.
312 C.G. da Rocha et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 139 (2016) 309e318

definition, (ii) inventory analysis, (iii) impact assessment, and (iv) following main processes: (i) lime production, (ii) soil extraction,
results interpretation. Analyses were performed at Open LCA 1.4 (iii) lime transportation, (iv) soil transportation, and (v) blends
(Green Delta, 2014), considering an attributional approach. Open production (mixing, homogenization, and compaction) (Fig. 2). The
LCA 1.4 is a free LCA software with an open source code, allowing use, maintenance and disposal of the material was not considered
transparency in the analysis, since the code can be viewed and in the boundaries of the study, since these blends may be applied to
modified by anyone (OpenLCA, 2016). different purposes and the performance and service life may vary
Considering the one-to-one correspondence between the depending on the application. For the lime production process,
porosity-binder ratio and performance, five ratios were defined primary data was gathered from a lime production plant
(last column in Table 2). For each ratio three dosages were proposed (Samaniego, 2015; Villalba, 2015). Missing and incomplete data was
(low-binder/high-density dosage, medium binder/medium density completed with secondary data, from the Ecoinvent database,
dosage, and high-binder/low-density dosage) creating five groups version 2.2 (SCLCI, 2010). For the other processes, impacts were
(B, C, D, E and F). All dosages within a group provide the same value derived only from the diesel consumption of the equipment and the
for the adjusted porosity-binder ratio (h/L0.16
iv ) as shows in Table 2 water required for the blends mixing.
and thus the same performance. A mechanical shovel performs soil extraction whereas trans-
For example, h/L0.16iv ¼ 33.07 produces an unconfined compres- portation of lime and soil require a truck. Mixing and homogeni-
sive strength (qu) of approximately, 695 kPa (for 7 days of curing), of zation involves five equipments: (i) motor grader (construction
968 kPa (for 28 days of curing) and of 1227 kPa (for 60 days of machine with a long blade used to create a flat surface during the
curing), as can be observed in Fig. 1(a). Although increasing curing grading process), (ii) lime spreader (machine used for in situ pul-
time period needs to be considered in the construction schedule, it verising and moisture conditioning by mixing lime with soil), (iii)
provides a means to improve performance, which is mandatory for road cold recycler machine (construction machine in which the soil
dispersive soil such as the one examined here. Yet, most impor- is processed in a mixing chamber where lime is added), (iv) water
tantly, curing time period is a variable whose increase does not lead spreader truck (machine used for in situ dispersing water in the
to major rises in environmental impact such as increases in binder soil), and (v) tractor with steel blade disks (equipment to slice
content. The tensile strength (qt) and initial shear modulus (Go) loosen and lift the soil). Finally compaction requires two equip-
produced by h/L0.16
iv ¼ 33.07 can also be observed in Fig. 1(a) and (b). ments: (i) pad-foot roller (self-propelled unit, with drum fitted
with projecting club-shaped ‘feet’ e high contact stress, ‘kneading’
3.1. Goal and scope definition action and sometimes vibrating as well) and (ii) smooth-wheeled
steel drum roller (self-propelled steel rollers applying pressure
The study goal was to evaluate the potential environmental through the weight of the roller).
impacts of one cubic meter (1 m3) of clay-lime blends, to be applied
as a road embankment, considering the fifteen dosages options 3.2. Life cycle inventory
described in Table 2 and detailed in Table 3. This unit (1 m3) eases
the understanding of the impact values and their comparison with Hydrated lime production encompasses limestone extraction,
other studies of stabilized soils. The results are compared within transportation to the factory, calcination (producing quicklime),
each of the groups (B to F), to evaluate whether increasing lime and quicklime hydration. Primary data (Samaniego, 2015; Villalba,
content or density is more interesting from an environmental 2015) was collected at a lime production plant located in
viewpoint. Paraguay and refers to the year of 2014 (Tables 4 and 5). Missing
The scope of the study is from cradle to gate and involves the and incomplete data was extracted from Ecoinvent database v.2.2
(SCLCI, 2010). Limestone is the main input for hydrated lime pro-
duction. River water is applied for quicklime hydration. Limestone
Table 2
calcination takes place in two centre burned vertical kilns. The fuel
Dosage options for groups B, C, D, E and F.
used in the process is firewood. The amount of raw materials
Group Dosage option gd (kN/m3) h (%) L (%) Liv (%) h/L0.16
iv necessary to produce 1 kg of hydrated lime and 1 kg of quicklime
B B3 17.28 36.75 3 1.94 33.07 are shown in Tables 4 and 5, respectively.
B5 16.52 39.47 5 3.03 Paraguayan electricity mix (100% hydropower) was applied in
B7 16.00 41.32 7 4.03 the calculations of background and foreground processes. The im-
C C3 17.50 35.94 3 1.96 32.27
C5 16.75 38.61 5 3.07
pacts associated to soil extraction and lime and soil transportation
C7 16.24 40.42 7 4.09 are only due to the diesel consumption of the equipment required
D D3 18.20 33.37 3 2.04 29.78 for these processes. For soil transportation, average speed was
D5 17.50 35.88 5 3.21 considered 30 km/h and a waiting of 7 min between loading and
D7 17.02 37.58 7 4.28
unloading was estimated. The average distance for soil extraction
E E3 18.63 31.79 3 2.09 28.26
E5 17.96 34.19 5 3.29 was considered to be 1.5 km (distance usually considered for soil
E7 17.50 35.82 7 4.40 extraction and earthmoving works). For lime transportation, an
F F3 19.00 30.45 3 2.13 26.98 average speed of 40 km/h was considered and also a loading/
F5 18.35 32.76 5 3.36 unloading period of 40 min. Finally, a load of 20,000 kg of lime per
F7 17.91 34.33 7 4.51
trip was estimated. The site location was considered to be at 100 km

Table 3
Mass of soil, lime and water to produce one cubic meter of blend (Dosage matrix).

B3 B5 B7 C3 C5 C7 D3 D5 D7 E3 E5 E7 F3 F5 F7

Soil (kg/m3) 1677.52 1573.21 1495.33 1699.03 1595.63 1518.19 1767.11 1666.67 1677.52 1573.21 1495.33 1699.03 1595.63 1518.19 1767.11
Lime (kg/m3) 50.33 78.66 104.67 50.97 79.78 106.27 53.01 83.33 50.33 78.66 104.67 50.97 79.78 106.27 53.01
Water (kg/m3) 224.62 214.74 208.00 227.50 217.80 211.18 236.62 227.50 224.62 214.74 208.00 227.50 217.80 211.18 236.62
Blends (m3) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
C.G. da Rocha et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 139 (2016) 309e318 313

Fig. 2. System boundaries of soil stabilization.

Table 4
Inventory data for hydrated lime production.

Output Input flow Physic Measure Comment

flow amount unit

Hydrated Electricity mix (PY) 0.028 kWh Electricity in Paraguay (PY) is produced via hydropower plants (100%) (VMME, 2015). Hydropower production
lime data was taken from Ecoinvent (SCLCI, 2010).
Packing lime products 1.0 kg Process of packing per kg of lime. Data taken from Ecoinvent (SCLCI, 2010).
Quicklime, in pieces, 0.757 kg Data taken from Ecoinvent (SCLCI, 2010).
loose, at plant
Water, well, in ground 6.02E-4 m3 Data taken from Ecoinvent (SCLCI, 2010).

Table 5
Inventory data for quicklime production.

Output Input flow Physic Measure Comment

flow amount unit

Quicklime Limestone, 2.0 kg Data taken from Ecoinvent (SCLCI, 2010).

crushed, washed
Electricity mix (PY) 0.011 kWh Electricity in Paraguay (PY) is produced via hydropower plants (100%) (VMME, 2015). Hydropower production data
was taken from Ecoinvent (SCLCI, 2010).
Logs, mixed, at 9.14E-4 m 3
Given a wood density of 607 kg m3, lower heating value of 15.5 MJ kg1 and a consumption of 5.55E-01 kg wood per
forest kg of quicklime. Logs production data was taken from Ecoinvent (SCLCI, 2010).

from the lime factory/distribution centre and thus an average dis- of diesel per cubic meter of blend (for a density of 19.60 kN/m3). For
tance of 100 km was established for each trip. simplification purposes, such consumption was considered for any
The calculation of diesel consumption for soil extraction and density within the examined ranges (16e19 kN/m3). Yet, additional
lime and soil transportation is depicted in Table 6. First, equipment studies are needed to define functions that discriminate the fuel
net power (HP) was identified and multiplied by an empirical factor consumption (and consequently compaction energy) to attain
(F), obtained in the equipment guide, which provides the litres distinct densities.
consumption per hour of equipment use (L). This was multiplied by
the amount of time (in hours) required to process 1 ton of material 3.3. Impact calculation
(H), providing the diesel consumption (litres) per mass (kilogram)
of material (G). CML-IA method (Guine e, 2001) was applied in the calculations,
Similar calculations were performed for obtaining the diesel as stated by UKs Building Research Establishment PCR of con-
consumption for blends production (mixing, homogenization, and struction products (BRE, 2013), considering the following impacts:
compaction). The impact of this process is the sum of the diesel acidification potential (generic), climate change (GPW e 100 years),
consumption of all equipment required for producing one cubic eutrophication potential (generic), photochemical oxidation (low
meter of clay-lime blend. As shown in Table 7, this results in 1.03 L NOx POCP) depletion of abiotic resources, and stratospheric ozone
314 C.G. da Rocha et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 139 (2016) 309e318

Table 6 throughout the life cycle, including the energy consumed during
Diesel consumption for soil extraction and soil and lime transportation (lts/kg of soil the extraction, manufacturing and disposal of the raw and auxiliary
or lts/kg of lime) of blend.
materials, from cradle to gate (i.e., from raw materials extraction to
Equipment Net Empirical Lts/Hour Hours/ Lts/kg blends mixing and compaction).
power factor (F) (L ¼ F x HP) tn (H) (G ¼ L x H)

Mechanical shovel 150 0.15 22.50 0.007 0.15E-03 4. Results

(soil extraction)
Dump truck (soil 220 0.05 11.00 0.023 0.25E-03
The matrix containing the total impact (per category) for each
Dump truck (lime 360 0.05 18.00 0.344 6.21E-03 dosage can be obtained by multiplying two matrices. The first
transportation) matrix is a modified version of the impact matrix per unit process
(Table 8) in which the impacts of soil extraction and soil trans-
portation is added forming a single column (as they refer to soil
depletion (ODP steady state). Since energy consumption is a major mass) and the impact of lime production and lime transportation
concern in civil engineering, embodied energy was calculated are also combined in a single column (as they refer to lime mass),
through the cumulative energy demand method (Frischknecht resulting in a 7  4 matrix. The second matrix is the dosages matrix
et al., 2006). This considers the direct and indirect energy use (Table 3). Fig. 3 shows the total potential impacts for each dosage

Table 7
Diesel consumption for mixing, homogenization and compaction (lts/m3 of blend).

Power (HP) Factor (F) Lts/hours (L ¼ F x HP) Time Hours/m3 (H) Lts/m3 (L x H)

Motor grader 185 0.15 27.75 0.0075 0.21

Lime spreader 115 0.15 17.25 0.0042 0.07
Road cold recycler machine 430 0.15 64.50 0.0042 0.27
Water spreader truck 220 0.15 33.00 0.0039 0.13
Tractor with steel blade disks 150 0.15 22.50 0.0042 0.09
Pad-foot roller 115 0.15 17.25 0.0092 0.16
Smooth-wheeled steel drum roller 115 0.15 17.25 0.0058 0.10

Table 8
Impacts matrix per unit process.

Soil extraction Soil transportation Lime production (per Lime transportation Water (per kg Blends production (per cubic
(per kg of soil) (per kg of soil) kg of binder) (per kg of binder) of water) meter of clay-lime)

Acidification (kg of SO2-eq.) 4.95E-06 8.05E-06 6.19E-04 1.99E-04 6.82E-07 2.47E-02

Global warming (kg of CO2- 5.10E-04 8.30E-04 1.00Eþ00 2.05E-02 1.68E-04 2.55Eþ00
Eutrophication (kg of PO4-eq.) 9.07E-07 1.48E-06 7.99E-05 3.65E-05 3.52E-07 4.53E-03
Photochemical oxidation (kg 8.98E-08 1.46E-07 1.54E-04 3.61E-06 3.34E-08 4.49E-04
of C2H4-eq.)
Depletion of abiotic resources 3.37E-06 5.48E-06 1.40E-04 1.35E-04 9.84E-07 1.68E-02
(kg of Sb-eq.)
Stratospheric ozone depletion 6.32E-11 1.03E-10 2.09E-09 2.54E-09 1.36E-11 3.16E-07
(kg of CFC-11-eq.)
Embodied energy (MJ) 7.66E-03 1.25E-02 7.82Eþ00 3.08E-01 5.96E-03 3.83Eþ01

Fig. 3. Total energy consumption (MJ) and GHGs emission (CO2-eq.) for each blend examined.
C.G. da Rocha et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 139 (2016) 309e318 315

for two categories: energy consumption and GHGs emission. figures, the lowest impact in each category was considered to be
one (1) and appropriate proportions were assigned to higher im-
4.1. Which dosage is more sustainable? pacts. Dosages with the highest binder content (and lowest den-
sity), namely, B7, D7 and F7 (Fig. 3), have the highest impact across
Fig. 4(a), (b) and (c) show a comparison between the potential all categories. Conversely, low-binder/high-density dosages,
impacts of dosages for groups B, D, and F respectively. In such namely, B3, D3 and F3 have the lowest impact across all categories.
As expected, medium-binder/medium-density dosages (B5, D5,
and F5) have impacts in between these two dosages types (Fig. 3).
In terms of embodied energy, global warming, and photochemical
oxidation, high-binder dosages (B7, D7, and F7) have about twice
the impacts of low-binder dosages (B3, D3, and F3). These trends
are observed because lime production is an energy and carbon
intensive process (Table 8).
For instance, B7, D7, and F7 have embodied energy values 1.91,
1.93 and 1.95 times higher than B3, D3 and F3 respectively (Fig. 4),
mainly related to biomass consumption (logs) during quicklime
production. Similar trends are observed for global warming po-
tential, where high-binder dosages present CO2-eq. release be-
tween 1.98 and 2.02 times higher than low-binder dosages. For
photochemical oxidation, high-binder/low-density blends present
between 1.97 and 2.01 higher potential than low-binder/high-
density ones. Finally, the potential impacts increase by less than
60% for other categories (acidification, eutrophication, depletion of
natural resources, stratospheric ozone depletion) when comparing
B3, D3 and F3 to B7, D7, and F7, respectively. This indicates such
impacts are not related only to binder content, and depend also on
diesel consumption for transportation, digging and mixing.
Total energy consumption and CO2-eq. emissions rise as binder
content increases (Fig. 4). Nonetheless, they also rise as density
increases (Fig. 4). This is clear when comparing two dosages with
the same lime content but different densities. For instance, dosage
B3 has a binder content of 3% and a density of 17.28 kN/m3. It re-
leases 56.2 kg of CO2-eq. and consumes 482.3 MJ of energy during
its life cycle (Fig. 4). Conversely, that same binder content (3%) with
a higher density (19 kN/m3) as F3 requires 526.5 MJ and releases
61.6 kg of CO2-eq. (Fig. 4). It is worth noticing that such increase in
energy consumption and CO2-eq. emissions does not arise from the
compaction processes. As previously discussed, a single diesel
consumption value was established for the mixing, homogeniza-
tion, and compaction of one cubic meter of blend, regardless of the
density, and of the lime and soil proportions. Thus, the increases in
impacts are due to the fact that denser blends require more mass of
materials, including lime. For instance, F3 requires 55.34 kg of lime
for producing one cubic meter of blend whereas B3 requires only
50.33 kg (Table 3).
Finally, it would be reasonable to use a blend with a higher
strength than the one required in case it had a lower environmental
impact. For instance, dosages in group D (h/L0.16 iv ¼ 29.78) provides
qu of approximately 1383 kPa (for 28 days of curing). Yet, these
could be replaced by dosages with h/L0.16 iv < 29.78 such as the
dosages in groups E and F, as they provide a higher performance
(considering the same curing period). Yet, this would not be the
case as even the dosages with the lowest impact in groups E and F,
namely, E3 (517.1 MJ and 60.4 kg of CO2 -eq.) and F3 (526.5 MJ and
61.6 kg of CO2 -eq.) still have a higher impact than D3 (506 MJ and
59.1 kg of CO2 -eq.) which has the lowest impact in group D. This
finding has an important practical implication. It suggests the first
step in creating more sustainable dosages is to define the desired
performance (e.g. unconfined compressive strength or splitting
tensile strength) and only then apply the two guidelines proposed
here (minimize binder content and maximize density).

4.2. Understanding the impacts

Fig. 4. Impacts comparison between dosages in Group B (a), Group D (b), and Group F (c). The seven impact categories examined here can be organized in
316 C.G. da Rocha et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 139 (2016) 309e318

two groups, exemplified by photochemical oxidation and depletion discriminate the fuel consumption to attain distinct densities
of abiotic resources. In the first group, which comprises global considering different soil and binder proportions, thus advancing
warming, embodied energy, and photochemical oxidation, a single from the initial assumption adopted here (a single consumption).
process (lime production) accounts for more than 75% of the total The study was performed based on a single lime production
impact for each dosage (Table 9). In the case of energy consump- plant, located in Paraguay, but the trends observed here shall apply
tion, this is because the process used for lime production (vertical to other cases, because lime production process environmental
kiln) is energy intensive and based on biomass (wood required for profile is not expected to change much according to plants location.
lime production). Also, compared to literature data, process effi- Also, since some LCI data applied in the study are adaptations of
ciency is low, needing 8.60 MJ of energy to produce 1 kg of quick- European processes, the impacts presented may not be totally
lime (see Table 3), while Kellenberger et al. (2007) reports 3.74 MJ representative of the Paraguayan practices, but they represent a fair
per kg of quicklime (based on two heavy oil burned kilns). Most guidance of the expected impacts of the clay-lime blend examined.
GHGs emitted for lime production (97%) are released during lime In addition, although the findings and conclusions are based on a
calcination (CaCO3 / CaO þ CO2) and fuel combustion, which is single blend, the energy and CO2-eq. emissions involved in binders
required to produce quicklime. For photochemical oxidation, the production such as lime and cement, which are not by-products or
participation of lime production process is associated to CO2 waste from other industries, is likely to account for a major part of
emissions during quicklime production (94% of participation in the total energy and CO2-eq. of a blend.
lime production). Thus, although additional studies are clearly needed to study
In the second group, which comprises depletion of abiotic re- other blends and binders, the findings presented here and partic-
sources, stratospheric ozone depletion, acidification, and eutro- ularly the strategies proposed here (define the desired performance
phication, potential impacts are more evenly distributed across the and then devise a dosage with minimum binder content and
five processes as illustrated by Table 9. For these impacts, blends maximum density) are likely to apply. In this sense, experimental
production is the process with greatest contribution. The impacts of programs should look at minimal binder content and maximum
blends production do not vary across dosages (as previously high- density for new materials for construction and geotechnical ap-
lighted the impacts are associated to the mixing, homogenization plications. More specifically, they should assess the minimal binder
and compaction of cubic meter of blend regardless of the lime and content, the maximum density, and the associated performance in
soil proportions and also the density). This suggests that for the terms of property examined. In addition, studies should also assess
latter group of impacts, improvements are needed in the under- the performance attained by cemented and non-cemented soils (in
standing of the impacts of blend production process itself rather case the latter is possible) and their associated environmental im-
than minimizing binder consumption as in the case of the former pacts. Finally, assessment of soils stabilized with binders that are
group. Complementary, this indicates that changes in binder con- by-products or waste of other industries (e.g. carbide lime e a by-
tents (within the studied ranges) produce less important changes in product of the production of acetylene gas) should also be the focus
terms of depletion of abiotic resources, stratospheric ozone of future research. Life cycle assessment can be applied to deter-
depletion, acidification, and eutrophication, when compared to the mine whether reducing binder content and increasing density
first group of impacts. would still be the preferred (similarly to the results presented
here). Alternatively, such studies might suggest the preferred
5. Discussion strategy to increase a property might vary depending on the
transportation distances involved.
This paper analyses the potential environmental impacts The porosity-binder ratio provides an important parameter to
(acidification, eutrophication, photochemical oxidation, depletion estimate the properties of a blend and also to devise distinct dos-
of natural resources, stratospheric ozone depletion, global warm- ages. From an environmental viewpoint, this ratio is key to assess
ing, and embodied energy) for five dosage groups (B, C, D, E and F) the environmental impact of distinct dosages. The results and
for a clay-lime blend. For the groups examined here, high-density/ conclusions presented here are valid only for the blends and also
low-binder content dosages have a lower impact across all cate- properties examined here. It is worth noticing that Consoli et al.
gories and thus should be preferred to low-density/high-binder or (2016) has shown that 3% of lime is not sufficient in terms of
medium-density/medium-binder dosages. More specifically, the durability and a lime content of at least 5% is required for ensuring
highest binder content has approximately twice the energy con- the endurance of the dispersive stabilized clay-lime blends studied
sumption, CO2-eq., and C2H4-eq. emissions associated in compari- here. Nonetheless, this study provides an important starting point
son to the lowest binder content (for a given h/L0.16
iv ). Thus from an and also example of how the rationale of minimizing binder con-
environmental viewpoint, increasing density should be preferred to tent and maximizing density can be generally applied. Regarding
increasing binder content. Clearly, additional research is required to previous studies on life cycle assessment in geotechnical works,

Table 9
Contribution of each process (%) to the total impact for each dosage.

Impact category Dosage option Soil extraction Soil transportation Lime production Lime transportation Blends production

Photochemical oxidation B3 0.017 0.028 0.882 0.021 0.052

B5 0.011 0.017 0.916 0.022 0.035
B7 0.008 0.013 0.931 0.022 0.026
F3 0.017 0.028 0.886 0.021 0.048
F5 0.011 0.017 0.919 0.022 0.031
F7 0.008 0.013 0.934 0.022 0.024
Depletion of abiotic resources B3 0.123 0.201 0.154 0.149 0.373
B5 0.101 0.164 0.210 0.202 0.324
B7 0.085 0.139 0.248 0.240 0.288
F3 0.128 0.208 0.160 0.154 0.351
F5 0.104 0.169 0.217 0.209 0.301
F7 0.088 0.143 0.256 0.247 0.266
C.G. da Rocha et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 139 (2016) 309e318 317

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