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WEEK 7 / Learning Product

Learning goal
By the end of the week, students should be able to understand the meanings conveyed by the grammar and vocabulary used to talk about repetitive and
routinely actions and to produce it in certain communicative acts.

1. Carefully watch the next image:

2. Write 10 sentences to describe the routine shown on the image. Pay attention to the next example:
a. Math has lunch after the school.
3. Once you have finished, upload your activity to your personal google drive folder, with the file name WEEK7_LP.PDF
4. VERY IMPORTANT: When you have your activity uploaded, go to "Añadir envío" on this activity and send the legend "Uploaded activity"


Here is the rubric that will be used to grade your paragraph:


Davies, P. (2021). Go high! A1.1. México: Editorial UAEH.

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