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1st Answer

Introduction: We all know that the world has been increasingly inter-connected.
Advances in technology would enable the startup to move into international markets,
expand their business operations and brands on a global basis. While doing so, HR
often has an important role to play, and the importance of this cannot be understated.
Following is the scope of an HR in the process of expansion of the Sundaram
electronic company in Chandigarh:
Concept and Application: Going hand-in-hand with savings in money refers to the
improved control over the budget of the company, and to be able to reduce costs is
important. In addition to saving money on establishing and maintaining a local company,
other savings should be made with respect to insurance and health care packages for
the employees, through the use of local knowledge of the PEO. Additionally, a PEO
may be able to discover trends of labor market and is, therefore, possible to provide a
great pool of specialized workers that would fit in an optimal way with the company.
Also, in a time of expansion, the company wants to be sure that all the employees
remain on the same page and the values of the company are shared by all. Therefore,
the HR as a company with PEO need would work together to make sure satisfaction in
the workplace, and this includes the guaranty that the conflicts can be resolved and
conditions of positive working exist.
Remote work in India:
Until 2020, most organizations in India often prohibit work-from-home arrangements for
the employees. That had to change out of necessity during the pandemic. In today’s
time, employers in India have relaxed their stance when it comes to remote work, and
this enables the employees to work from home on a much more frequent basis.
Employees don’t always wish to work from home. Many professionals are staying in
guest accommodation or with many of their members of their family, and this often
makes it challenging for the employees to work in a remote manner. Employers who are
accustomed to providing remote work to their employees in other portions of the world
must ensure that their workers in India consist of the tools as well as opportunities that
are important in order to create advantageous environments of working.
Paid time-off in India: Employees in India have been entitled of 12 days off for each
240 days worked, but fifteen days per each year is very common. Laws on requirements
of PTO vary from one state to another, and the needs are based on the local of the legal
entity of the company, not the employee location. Employers must clarify PTO earnings
and rollover policies in all the contracts of employees in India.
Employers in India can offer unlimited PTO to their employees. If an employer offers
unlimited PTO, the employer must track all the time taken to make sure compliance with
Indian laws.
When it comes to pan India expansion, it is important that the HR makes recruitment in
different states based on the local language and the local knowledge of that candidate
in that particular state. This is important as the customers would thank you for it.
If the Sundaram electronic company follows trends of consumer over the last few years,
the big local push is probably not news to you. 54% of the grocery shoppers prefer to
buy locally sourced food as they want to support farmers and other producers in their
Hiring from a local talent pool would signal to the consumers and clients that the person
is a true citizen of the area. The company has invested in its growth, the welfare of its
citizens and the health of the local economy. After all, citizenship begins at home.
Vetting Candidates becomes easier: It is important to consider what would happen
when a company would solicit applications from all over the country. Sundaram would
have to invite a whole bunch of unknowns into the equation. When people would
respond to the job listing from different states away, it is challenging to know what the
company/brand is getting, and more challenging to vet the candidates in a proper
manner. Skype and Google Meet can be great, but it is no substitute for an in-person
Now, it is also important to think regarding the difference it can make when the
company decides to look closer to home for new and talented employees. Maybe, this is
a cynical way to look at things, but it stands to reason that the local candidates would be
less likely to stretch the truth in their material of application. And, when it comes to
drawing from the local talent pool, the HR can probably have an important role to play to
winnow down the six degrees of separation to one or two degrees instead. In other
words, it is a pretty good chance to know someone who would be knowing the
candidate. The company HR may not so much interview perfect strangers as they are
interviewing distant acquaintances. In business, less unknowns you have, the better the
company would be.

Pay the local rate: Knowing the “going rate” of remuneration and benefits in a foreign
market is often the important factor when it comes to recruiting and retention of high
caliber employees. For SMEs, this is often a challenge as most published remuneration
surveys can get dominated by the statistics of the large multi-nationals who have their
benefits and salaries are always on the higher side. Recruitment agents are also often
of little use provided many of them are driven by the commission.
Conclusion: The above are the typical zones where an HR would often lead to make
sure that Sundaram Electronics Company can ensure a successful pan India
expansion. The key factor to this process is the need to identify and retain a high-quality
foreign consulting resource such as the ones provided by selected international service
companies of expansion. The alternative is to identify and engage a myriad of individual
law firms, benefit consultants and companies of payroll and manage tem across
different time zones as well as geographies, and this can be certainly a challenging as
well as process that consumes a lot of time.
2nd Answer
Introduction: An HR professional should understand the different functional areas of
their departments so that they can assist the employees as required. At the same time,
they should also ensure that they develop the plans in order to expand the practices of
human resources, and this is to ensure that they can have a positive impact on the
remaining organization.
Concept and Application: Following are the eight functional areas that a human
resource team can often focus on:
Recruiting and Staffing Employees: Hiring employees is usually the job of the hiring
manager, however, the department of human resource would usually sort through job
applications to find suitable candidates for the recruitment manager. An applicant
tracking system makes use of keywords to enable the HR to pull applications that fulfil
the criteria of job listing. As suitable applications are identified, they are forwarded to the
recruitment manager for further review. Once the hiring manager has taken their
decision on who they wish to interview, they would contact the HR to set up the
Employee Benefits: These involve health insurance, retirement accounts, health care
flexible spending accounts, vacation time, sick leave and family leave and any other
benefits that the employer offers. A good benefit package would enable the employer to
attract and retain talent. .This implies that the HR department has to know the various
kinds of programs of employee benefit, and what the insurance company would provide
the best benefits at the optimal cost apart from ensuring that their plans are compliant
with federal laws.
Employee Compensation: It becomes the responsibility of the human resources to
decide how much someone would be paid, the bonuses that are paid on the basis of
performance, a raise in the salary and if a particular person is salaried or paid on an
hourly basis. To that extent, they would supply the payroll department with the
information it requires to pay employees the correct amount if vacation pay is due, when
a sick day was taken and if a bonus has been issued.
Employee and Labor Relations: HR must adhere to procedures despite the fact if
their employees are a union or not. For union employers, HR has to understand that
collective bargaining practices while non-union employers may have contracts for
employees who have been considered sub-contractors.
In either situation, it is within human resources’ realm to establish contracts, negotiate
details with respect to the knowledge of what the company is able to offer with respect
to the compensation and understand what the employees seek with respect to the
benefits. Human resource professionals must also be skilled in the negotiation process
and have the role of a neutral party, and thus, balance the needs of the parties involved.
Human Resource Information and Payroll: In addition to monitoring the activity of
payroll, the HR employees often remain accountable in order to ensure that they are
kept track of the work environment of the company. They also should receive feedback
from the employees on their working environment to figure out if they can do more in
order to service external clients. Overall, working conditions are important when it
comes to determining the reputation of the organization and if the consumers would buy
from them. In this case, the HR professionals should take inventory as to what they
would require in order to upgrade in the building where they are operating and what
systems often enable to enhance the productivity of their employees.
They would have to check in with management on the budget they would have to make
necessary change and purpose the advantages it would provide the company.
Employee training and development: In collaboration with management, an HR
generates professional development programs to enable the employees succeed in
their respective line of work. They would monitor how many employees are in every
program, their performance, the feedback of their managers and the results to see if
more training is needed. Some of the programs involve:
 Diversity and inclusion
 Business communication
 Customer service training
A great example of a brand that reaches out to its talent pool through a strategy of
innovative smartphone is McDonald’s recent campaign. The fast-food chain wished to
attract millennials who look for work in Canada, and so it created a recruitment
campaign that would enable the candidates to apply through the Snapchat Application.
As per McDonalds, these applications let the candidate upload a 30-second video
resume that is easily shareable with the hiring portal of the company. The campaign had
launched last month in Canada, and that was McDonald’s first social outing.
Goldman Sachs, the major investment bank, has also experimented with an advertising
campaign on the music streaming app, to attract younger candidates in order to apply
for jobs at the bank.
The campaign which was launched in both the US and the UK in the year 2016,
directed the candidates to the bank’s’ career quiz that enabled the candidates to explore
roles that were best suited for them.
Conclusion: So, the various functions of the sub-divisions of the HR department
involves recruitment, testing the candidates, once the candidates are on board,
managing their payroll system and management and keeping an account of their
employee benefits provided by the company. Corporate recruitment has never been as
challenging and complicated as it is today. If the company wishes to attract and hire top
talent at the company, they have to be creative and take a new and an innovative
approach to recruitment and building the brand of employer by making sure that once a
candidate is recruited, he is treated on a fair basis. It is also important that the HR and
the various functions of HR and the sub-divisions work in such a way that they embrace
the technology and prioritize the experience of the candidate.
3rd Answer
Introduction: HRP is a process that involves four different steps in order to analyze
the current human resources, forecast the requirements of future, identify areas where
there are gaps, and then ensure that these steps are implemented in order to tighten up
those gaps. Breaking it down, the objectives of human resources planning is to ensure
that the company has the right number of people in the right jobs at the right time.
Concept and Application:
Step 1:
Assess the current HR capacity: It is important to look at the current HR state of play.
This would involve analyzing the HR strength of the company across factors that involve
the number of employees, skills, qualifications, experience, age, contracts, titles and
During this phase, it is a good idea to ensure that the HR gathers insights from the
managers who often provide a real-word feedback on the issues of HR they face, and
also the areas where they think changes are important.
Step2: Forecast future HR requirements: The HR has to then require looking at the
future HR needs of the company and how HR would be applied to fulfil those
organizational goals. HR managers would usually look at the market or the trends of
different sectors, new technologies that can automate various processes, and the
industry analysis in order to ensure that their future requirements are gauged.
Of course, there are various factors that impact the HR planning such as the attrition
rate of the natural employee, layoffs, likely vacancies, retirements, promotions and the
contract terms. Above all of this, the HR has to understand the goals of the company as
they enter a new market, as the company launches new products and services, as they
expand into new areas.
In order to forecast HR demand refers to an extremely complex task on the basis of
several dynamics.
Step 3: Identify HR gaps: An effective HR plan often walks the fine line between
supply as well as demand. By assessment of the current HR capacity and projection of
the future requirements, an HR needs to ensure that he/she has a clear picture of any
gaps that are existing. With the use of HR forecast, it is possible to better judge if there
would be a skills gap, for instance.
Should the company upskill existing employees or recruit the employees who are
already qualified in particular areas. Are all the current employees being used in the
right areas or would their skills be better suited to ensure that they perform their
different roles in a much better way.
Step 4: Integrate the plan with your organization's overall strategy
After an HR has assessed the capacity of Human Resources, projected future HR
demands, and identified the gaps, the final step is to ensure that they integrate the
human resource plan with the strategy of the company. On a practical level, one would
require a dedicated budget for the recruitment of human resources, training and
redundancies, and one would also need management buy-in across the business.
The HR would require co-operation and the important finances in order to ensure that
they implement the plan and bring a collaborative approach from the different
departments to place into practice.
Conclusion: So, it can be concluded that the process of forecasting human resources
involves steps such as assessment of the capacity of employee, forecasting the future
requirements, identification of the gaps of human resource and whether a company
should upskill the current employees or bring in new and skilled employees, and
integration of the plan with the overall strategy of the company.

Introduction: Qualitative forecasting refers to a method of making predictions with
respect to the finances of the company that make use of the judgments from experts.
Expert employees often perform qualitative forecasting by identification and analyzing
the relationship between the current knowledge of past business operations and
potential operations in the future. This enables the experts to make estimations with
respect to how a company may perform in the future on the basis of the opinions they
would offer and the information that is collected from different sources, such as staff
polls and market research.
Concept and Application: Following are some of the qualitative methods of
Delphi Method: This method involves questioning a panel of experts at an individual
level in order to collect their opinions. Interviewing or gather information from experts
one at a time rather than in a group would often enable them to prevent bias and make
sure that any consensus regarding the business prediction would stem from the expert
opinion of their own. Other employees would analyze the responses of the experts and
return them with extra questions until they set a prediction that would make sense for
the company.
Jury of executive opinion: This approach would rely on judgments from the experts in
sales, finance, purchase or teams of production. Forecasting by executive opinion often
makes sure that a team would complete a forecast in a quick manner and consider
different perspectives from different departments to best inform their forecast. Some
companies make use of executive opinion forecasting along with a method of
Consumer Surveys: These surveys often ask the consumers of a business regarding
their experience as a consumer. Companies may send customer surveys to consumers
through mail-in questionnaires or forms which are sent through an email. Other options
to conduct the consumer surveys involve cold-calling customers over the phone and
inviting them to the office for personal interviews. After collection of information from the
consumer surveys, these details can be used to learn and ensure that these surveys
help them make and inform their predictions about the future of the company on the
basis of experience of their existing consumers.
Sales Force Polling: These involve speaking with sales staff who would work closely
with consumers and may have thorough information when it comes to satisfaction and
experiences with the company. An advantage of sales force poling is that it makes use
of the information from employees who are regularly involved in the actual operations of
the business, and this can make sure that the details are correct and important.
Conclusion: So, it can be concluded that the methods of demand forecasting which are
qualitative in nature involve Delphi Method, Market Research, and Jury of executive and
sales force polling. The idea is to involve experts who are well-experienced when it
comes to understanding a customer, market research that is done using consumer
surveys, jury of the executive where judgments from sales, finance and marketing team
members are considered, sales force polling that involves talking to the staff members.
So, the Aztec Tech Solutions Ltd’ must make use of the Jury of executive opinion
method in order to ensure that they can forecast the demand in a proper manner.

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