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Research Title

Perspective and Coping Mechanism of Elementary Teachers of Aklan Catholic College towards the
Distance Learning of Pupils

Statement of the Problem

This study focuses on determining the Perspective and Coping Mechanism of Elementary Teachers of
Aklan Catholic College towards the Distance Learning of Pupils.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the Elementary Teachers of Aklan Catholic
1.1 age;
1.2 gender;
1.3 years in teaching at ACC
2. What are the positive experiences encountered by the Elementary teachers in the
modular distance learning of the pupils in terms of:
2.1 Providing the pupils wide range of topic in a specific time frame;
2.2 Time allocation in doing the activities are justifiable/reasonable
3. What are the negative experiences encountered by the Elementary teachers in the
modular distance learning of the pupils in terms of:
3.1 Certainty that the outputs are actually done by the pupils;
3.2 The intended learning is not fulfilled
4. How do teachers cope with teaching their pupils through modular distance learning?

Research Design
The study will employ a quantitative research design. Quantitative research design is aimed at
discovering how many people think, act or feel in a specific way. The standard format in
quantitative research design is for each respondent to be asked the same questions, which
ensures that the entire data sample can be analyzed fairly. Also, this will utilize descriptive
survey to determine the experiences and coping mechanisms of elementary teachers of Aklan
Catholic College towards the modular distance learning of pupils. Descriptive research is
defined as a research method that describes the characteristics of the population or
phenomenon studied. This methodology focuses more on the “what” of the research subject
than the “why” of the research subject. This method primarily focuses on describing the nature
of a demographic segment, without focusing on “why” a particular phenomenon occurs. In
other words, it “describes” the subject of the research, without covering “why” it happens.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the Perspective and Coping Mechanism of Elementary Teachers of Aklan
Catholic College towards the Distance Learning of Pupils.
The study will be conducted at Aklan Catholic College, Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines. The total
population of 15 elementary teachers who are employed in Aklan Catholic College will function
as the population of the study. In this research, a sample of 15 will serve as the respondents.
The sampling method that will be used for the study is the pure random-sampling method.
A letter of permission to conduct the study will be sought from the school assistant principal of
Aklan Catholic College and a letter of consent of participation for the elementary teachers will
be attached in the survey questionnaire.
The data gathering tool that will be used is survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire will
be composed of 10 questions to determine the experiences and coping mechanism of parents
towards the modular distance learning of their children. The distribution of survey
questionnaires will be sent through Messenger or Google Form to the 15 respondents of the

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