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Dr. Rismiyanto

Disusun Oleh :
Ali Sodikin (202303001)
Diar Rusiana S (202303005)
Febty Aviya K (202303010)

1st Abstract

Sudiro. Q 100030028. The Competency, Motivation of the Clinical Teacher and its
Leadership influence to the Performance of Clinical Teacher in
Nursing Department of Health Polytechnic of Surakarta. Thesis. The Post
Graduaet of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Counsellor :
Prof. Dr. Sutarno Joyoatmojo, M.Pd and Drs. Budi Sutrisno, M.Pd

The aims of this study are (1) To know the description of the competency,
motivation of clinical teacher, leadership and the performance of clinical teacher.
(2) To know the contribution of the competency, motivation of clinical teacher,
and leadership to the performance of clinical teacher.(3) To know how is the
influence of competency, motivation of of clinical teacher, and leadership to the
performance of clinical teacher. The responden of this study are the clinical
teachers in nursing departement of health polytechnic of Surakarta. The data
analysis method is multiple regression.
The results of this study are (1) There is positive influence in the
competency, motivation of clinical teacher, and leadership to the performance of
clinical teacher. (2) There is positive and significant competency to the performance
of clinical teacher with the score of regression coefisien is 0,537. It means that the
influence is strong, and the score of t-account is 2.771 with its significance level is
0.009. (3) There is positive and significant leadership to the performance of
clinical teacher with the score of regression coefisien is 0,239. It means that there is
influence and the score of t-account is 3.247 with its significance level is 0.003.
(4) There is positive influence and significant competency, motivation of clinical
teacher, and leadership to the performance of clinical teacher with the score account
of F is 21.399 which is bigger than its critical limit (score 4) and the score of R
determination is 0.682 which means that its influence is strong enough.
Based on those results, it is suggested that: (a) The head of clinical teacher
always improve his/her competency and performance. (b) The head of nursing
departement broaden his/her knowledge to guide, supervise and involve the
clinical teachers in solving the problem and getting decision to improve the
performance of clinical teacher. (c) The directorate of health polytechnic plan to
improve the competency of clinical teacher and leadership of nursing departement
so that the performance of clinical teachers will be optimal.

Keyword : Competency, Motivation, Leadership, Performance, and Clinical Teacher

2nd Abstract

Sudendi Retno Efendi

NIM. 1717631007

Low literacy ability makes students of elementary school reluctant to read
and therefore there should be a real effort done by schools to improve their
literacy ability. Gerakan Literasi Sekolah or School Literacy Movement is
expected to be a solution for building students’ love-reading character. SD Islam
Muhammadiyah Cipete has implemated a school literacy movement for building
students’ love- reading character. The purpose of the study was to describe and
analyze the character building of fond of reading through teh school literacy
movement at SD Islam Muhammadiyah Cipete which was carried out in 3 stages,
namely: habituation of fun reading activities in the school environment,
developing reading interest to improve literacy skills, implementing literacy-based
learning, and describing the character of students' fondness for reading. This study
used qualitative approach and types of phenomenological reasearch. The data of
the research were obtained through interview, observation, and documentation.
The data analysis was done by collecting, reducing and presenting data, and
making conclusion. This study used triangulation technique for data validation.
The result of the research shows that building a love-reading character through
Gerakan Literasi Sekolah consists of several steps: habituation of fun reading
activities in the school environment is shown by the habit of regularly reading al-
qur’an and reading books in the reading corner. Development of reading interest
to improve literacy skills by means of the one day one verse and one day one
book programs. The implementation of literacy-based learning is shown by
linking the reading corner as a fun learning place. Students at the SD Islam
Muhammadiyah Cipete have a character who likes reading, shown by a sense of
liking to read books and carrying out reading activities continuously. Based on the
result, it can be concluded that the process of building a love-reading character
through Gerakan Literasi Sekolah at SD Islam Muhammadiyah Cipete has been
optimally conducted because of the commitment and good communication
patterns between the principal, teachers, and parents.

Keywords: Character, Literacy, Reading, and Building

3rd Abstract

Analysis of Learners' Learning Styles on Learning Outcomes of

Addition of Fractions in Elementary Schools
Dian Aprilia Kusumasari1*, Nursiwi Nugraheni2
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Gunungpati Semarang 50229 Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Abstract. One of the causes of differences in learning outcomes is learning style. The
researcher aims to describe learning styles that are appropriate to the material for
adding fractions in terms of learning outcomes. Researchers used descriptive
qualitative research methods. The research subjects were VA class students at SDN
Purwoyoso 04. The findings of the study were that there were 11 students with a
visual learning style (45.83%), 10 students with an auditory learning style
(41.67%), and 3 students with a kinesthetic learning style. (12.50%). Based on the
results of mathematics tests with a visual learning style, it has an average of 80.00.
Auditory learning style 77.00. While the kinesthetic learning style is 76.67. The
conclusion of the research is that the subject of visual learning styles gets the best
learning results in the material of adding fractions. Appropriate learning is oriented
towards the needs of students, namely differentiated learning.

Keywords: Learning Styles; Learning Differentiation

The first abstract consists of the following parts:
1. Introduction: This part introduces the aims of the study and the respondents involved.
It also mentions the data analysis method used.
2. Recommendations: This part provides suggestions based on the results of the study,
including actions for the head of clinical teacher, head of nursing department, and the
directorate of health polytechnic.
3. This part presents the key findings of the study, including the positive influence of
competency, motivation, and leadership on the performance of clinical teachers. It also
includes specific statistical results to support these findings.
These parts collectively provide a concise overview of the study's objectives,
recommendations, and results.
The second abstract consists of the following parts:
Title: "Building a Love-Reading Character Through Gerakan Literasi Sekolah at SD
Islam Muhammadiyah Cipete Cilongok Banyumas"
Author: Sudendi Retno Efendi
Affiliation: SD Islam Muhammadiyah Cipete
Abstract Body: The abstract provides an overview of the study, including the purpose,
methodology, and key findings. It describes the implementation of a school literacy
movement to build students' love-reading character and the qualitative research approach
used in the study. The abstract also outlines the data collection techniques, data analysis,
and the results of the research.
Keywords: "Activeness, Thematic Learning, Post Covid-19"

The third abstract consists of the following parts:

Title: "Analysis of Learners' Learning Styles on Learning Outcomes of Addition of
Fractions in Elementary Schools"
Authors: Dian Aprilia Kusumasari and Nursiwi Nugraheni
Affiliation: Universitas Negeri Semarang
Abstract Body: The abstract provides an overview of the study, including the purpose,
methodology, and key findings.
Keywords: "Character, Literacy, Reading, and Building"

Analyse the use of simple present tense, future tense and/or simple past tense used in
those abstracts:

1st Abstract
The abstracts predominantly use simple present tense to present the findings and results
of the study. Future tense is used to provide recommendations based on the results,
suggesting actions for the head of clinical teacher, head of nursing department, and the
directorate of health polytechnic. Simple past tense is used to describe the aims of the
study and the data analysis method used. Overall, the tenses are used appropriately to
convey the current findings, future recommendations, and past methodology of the study.

2nd Abstract
The second abstract primarily uses simple present tense to describe the research
approach, data collection techniques, and the results of the study. For example, "This
study uses a qualitative approach and types of phenomenological research" and "The data
of the research are obtained through interview, observation, and documentation"
Additionally, the abstract uses simple past tense to describe the methodology and
findings of the research. For instance, "The data analysis was done by collecting,
reducing, and presenting data, and making a conclusion" and "The result of the research
shows that building a love-reading character through Gerakan Literasi Sekolah consists
of several steps"
The abstract does not explicitly use future tense.

3rd Abstract
The abstract primarily uses the simple present tense to describe the research methods,
findings, and conclusions. For example, "The researcher aims to describe learning
styles," "The conclusion of the research is that the subject of visual learning styles gets
the best learning results," and "Researchers used descriptive qualitative research
Additionally, the abstract uses the simple past tense to describe the data collection
process and the research subjects. For instance, "The research subjects were VA class
students at SDN Purwoyoso 04," and " "Learning style questionnaire data and student
interview data are used to review student test results."".
There is no use of future tense in the abstract.

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