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Geek Slo, Story for FMP 9YO te $igre a Sem bh Ge Mere ‘A woman named Hannah is sat on the back seat of a car. The radio is on, and the news is. playing. Itis dark outside the car and the only light is from flashes coming through the window from streetlights along the road. All of a sudden, the music from the radio stops and a news presenter begins to speak saying “BREAKING NEWS.” The driver of the car turns up the volume of the radio. “Another woman has been abducted from her home last night. Very little traces have been found. This is the 15" young woman to go missing this past month. We warn everyone to stay vigilant and be careful. We still do not know who is taking these young women, where they're taking them and if they're alive or dead. All please be careful, stay vigilant and report anything suspicious you see to the police”. The driver looks back at Hannah and says “you better be careful. Whoever’s doing this sounds fucking scary”. Hannah looks back at the driver and says yeah, it’s terrifying, | mean who Sloms would so such a thing to all those people?” the driver responds saying “someone who lacks | Lac(- _ aall compassion for people and their families” Hannah responds “hopefully they catch { whoever it is soon” the driver responds “I hope they do too. Anyway, here is your stop:” Lrcm 1) Hannah thanks the driver as she gets out the car. The driver then rolls down their window [5 SC2M and says, “you be careful” Hannah responds with “I wil see you later” the driver then : i see you later leaving Hannah outside her apartment complex. She looks around and Gcl- 02/%en walks into the building. Cort boy mee, Hannah is walking down a narrow corridor with doors on either side such as in a hotel. She has the keys to her flatin hand and is fiddling with them as she walks. The corridor is very dimly lit with a yellow tinge to them and outside it is night-time. The sky is clear with the ‘moon being the only light source in the sky. Its light can be seen casting its light through the windows in the corridor. The woman continues to walk down the corridor as she reaches a bend and then turns to look towards her door. The door is cracked open with the lights within the room being on but pulsing. They dim to be bright then dim to be dim a few seconds later. She pushes the door open tentatively and moves into the room. Everything looks normal. Nothing looks out of the ordinary from a first quick glance. She looks around the apartment. Nothing looks out of the ordinary except the light is on in the bathroom which can been seen by the light appearing from the crack underneath the door. ‘She moves towards the door with a feeling of fear throughout her body. The door that she entered the apartment slams shut behind with a loud bang that reverberates around the room, As she goes to touch the door handle to open it the door handle twists without her touching it. She backs away which keeping her eyes locked on the door handle. Then the door handle moves repeatedly. Getting more violent with each twist of the handle. The sound that the door makes as it is rattled by the twisting of the door handle. She continues to back away and eventually backs. Into the door that she entered the apartment through. The door begins to make more and more noise with each passing second. There is also a deathly loud scream coming from behind the door. It gets louder and louder with every passing second. She has a face of white and full of fear as she starts to start fiddling with the doorknob trying to get it to open. She begins to turn around and start to pull the door with all her might. Willing the door to open. However, her efforts result to nothing the door stays locked shut. Hannah now turns to look at the bathroom door as the screaming and the door quieten down to a silence. There is no sound except her own heavy and panicked breathing. Then the bathroom door begins to open. The becomes cold. As a dark figure steps out of the door. It locks eyes with Hannah and begins to Wisper. “Run. Run away.” This repeats over and over getting louder. Still in a whisper like voice slowly turning into a screaming voice. The figure continues to start to slowly walk towards Hannah with a sort of calmness to its walk. With no hurry to its walk. Like it’s not in a rush with no worry that she might get away. As the figure makes its way across the room the door behind Hannah unlocks. She desperately grabs the handle and swings the door open in a hurry. The door hits a shelf behind the door knocking everything that was on the shelf of smashing it on the floor. As Hannah runs out of the room as she does the figure whispers “yes run, jane Makes it more fun for me.” With an evil sound totheendofthesentence, 1, [ime~J (0 che (ae Signe Crore ory Hannah runs down the corridor leaving the apartment door open as she is in such a panic to ‘get away. She runs with a face full of fear. Running faster than she ever has done before. Back down the corridor that she came using her arms to push of the walls to go after. As she pushes herself to try and go after and faster. As she looks back to see the figure following her with the same attitude to its walk with no rush to chase her like it knows it going to win. It then begins to whisper “that’s it. RUN.” The figure begins to repeat the same word “RUN.” Hannah keeps running down the corridor looking back occasional to see the figure getting closer. She exits the apartment complex and continues to run away from the building and along the street. itis dimly lit with only dim streetlights to light up the street in patches of light and dark. (cck O¢ ( 9 a. [aCrrsge. (e9'7, Hannahs breathing begins to become heavy and fast as she wills herself to run faster in the darkness. She can no longer see the figure in the darkness behind her. So, she stops looking around desperately to see where the figure went. She is now in the woods. It is dark with only the moonlight shinning down on her. Slightly illuminating the ground around her. She continues to look around frantically as she slowly moves backwards still franticly looking around with panic running throughout her veins. As she backs up into something stopping her from moving, She looks at the floor infront of her and sees a shadow lots bigger than her ‘own. She then hears a whisper from above her head. It whispers “got ya.” As she is then wisped away into the darkness with one last scream and a ghostly sound of the figure disappearing with her. tyre tag €nrlig sch beS yrore Wy 59s tt [ert thy Cwilitree wondeny

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