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On last August, I did an Internship at The Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD kota
BOGOR) which is located at Jln. Pemuda No.25, Tanah Sereal BOGOR.
On the First day of Internship, we were divides into groups & given our respective task by Our
Mentor there.
I had been assigned to the Archipe room, My duties there are compiling & orginizing archives
by giving code to every document, inputing archival data on the Computer, compiling non-
employee files, printing, recording incoming & outgoing goods, and others related to archives.
Interesting things that i had during my 2 months there was I met students from various Schools
who were both doing Internship & became my new friends there.

Kelompok 15 :
* Yasmin umar
* Siti salma ramadhan
* Lingga alif

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