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Complete the crossword below.

2 3

10 11




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Across Down
2. a digital audio file that can be taken from the 1. to change your behaviour in order to deal more
internet and played on a computer or a device that successfully with a new situation
you can carry with you 3. not as good, successful, etc. as you had hoped;
5. a person who pays money, usually once a year, making you feel displeased
to receive regular copies of a magazine or 4. the force that attracts objects in space towards
newspaper or have access to it onlin each other, and that on the earth pulls them towards
6. a large tropical fruit with thick rough skin and stiff the centre of the plane
leaves on top, that is sweet and yellow inside with a 9. to laugh at somebody and make jokes about
lot of juice them, either in a friendly way or in order to annoy
7. able to move quickly and easily; able to think them or make them embarrassed
quickly and in an intelligent way 11. a sea creature with a hard shell, a long body
8. to control or influence somebody/something, divided into sections, eight legs and two large claws
often in a dishonest way so that they do not realize (= curved and pointed arm
it 12. the pleasant smell that something has
10. at the end of a period of time or a series of
events; after all
13. a narrow piece of material worn around the
wrist, as a decoration, to take in sweat during
exercise, or to show support for s
14. (of food, wood, etc.) that has decayed and
cannot be eaten or used

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