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Why kids should not use phones at school

Does your child have a phone to take to school? Do you know if it is disrupting them? Many students
with smart phones can lead to negative consequences!

Summary of your argument – Phones shouldn’t be allowed – Target Audience = Parents. Summary –
1 sentence summary of these 3 proof/arguments in your introduction.

1 Para: Phones = Students become anti-social – They choose to watch on their phone on breaks
instead of playing or talking with friends.

If kids have phones and just stick with all the time, it can impact you. Just by watching a lot can equal
negative side effects. It can take over yourself and you can become abnormal. Do you want your
children to be like that? How would you feel if you got one of the side effects? You also won’t have
any friends to play with. Would you want to have a isolated life?

2 Para: Impact on physical health – Gaining weight – At break students choose to SIT on their phone
instead of going and playing with friends – Decrease in physical activity – Doctors says…

By just watching 24/7 can irritate your gorgeous eyes. People didn’t invent technology just to stay to
it. This is called overusing technology!

3 Para: Negative impact on education – Gets disrupted in class – don’t listen to teacher – don’t focus
in class – don’t learn – lose grades

Watching too much can impact your education or your child. If your child gets As all the time, but
just by watching non-stop can turn into Fs. So then you can wish As goodbye?

That’s why children shouldn’t have phones.

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