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Course Instructor:

Name: Terry Morriston

Office hours: By appointment in the virtual classroom
Telephone/Text: 724-941-2618 (Cell)

Hello from the Sunshine State. I’m proof that education has no geographical boundaries. I'm the
instructor for your course as well as being a colleague and fellow lifelong learner.

I'm excited about working with you and sharing my enthusiasm for Educational Technology. My
personal goal for this course is to help you explore how ed tech tools can be leveraged to increase
student achievement; improve communication with students, colleagues, and parents; and improve
teacher efficiency.

My course philosophy is that we are learners together—and that’s not just a cliché for me. I expect to
learn from you (I’m excited about that) and expect each of you to learn from each other. I have
instructor responsibilities, but I see my role more as a coach and facilitator. I want my students to take
control of their learning and push boundaries.

Before I moved to Higher Ed, I taught 34 years in public education.

In my “Final Four” public years, I was the HS librarian, the
Technology Coach, and then the Graduation Project Online
Instructor, all for Peters Twp SD. In my career, I have been a HS
English and journalism teacher, a restaurant owner, an office
manager, a grant evaluator, a presenter at educational
conferences, a community college reference librarian and an
online professional development instructor. My first job was at

At Waynesburg, I teach EDU518 (Effective Online Strategies),

EDU505 (Intro to Ed Tech) and EDU508 (Contemporary Issues in

When I'm not working, I like to volunteer, read and travel. After a lifetime as a Pittsburgher, I moved first
to Austin, Texas a few years ago, and now reside in Florida. I love that technology lets me teach
anywhere at any time.

My grandpuppies and grandkitties are a joy to me so I’ve invited Pigeon to be our class mascot. You’ll
see her posted in the class.

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