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6. Strongyloides stercoralis
1. Enterobius vermicularis
 S.stercoralis eggs is smaller than
 The specimen of choice is
hookworm eggs
cellophane tape preparation
 Well-developed larvae are always
collected from perianal region
contained in S.stercoralis eggs
 Most common helminth in US
 Diagnostic rhabditiform larvae may
 Copulation- mating of select worms
be recovered in fresh stool samples
 Gravid- pregnant female worm
and duodenal aspirates
 It is believed that E.vermicularis is
 Enterotest has proven successful in
responsible for the transmission of
obtaining desired larvae and
hookworm-like eggs

2. Trichuris trichuria
7. Trichinella spiralis
 Male worm possesses an easily
 Examination of the affected skeletal
recognizable curled tail
muscle is the method of choice for
 Laboratory diagnosis technique for
recovery of the encysted larvae
recovery is zinc floatation method
 Resistant to colder regions
 Third most common helminth
 Known as the great imitator
 Symptoms resembles to ulcerative
8. Dracunculus medinensis
 Adult D.medinensis may be
3. Ascaris lumbricoides
recovered in infected ulcers
 The egg is usually corticated
 Symptoms are associated with
 Decorticated: lacking an outer
allergic reactions
mammillated albuminous coating
 Guinea worms are suspected as
 Largest known intestinal nematode
being “fiery serpents” responsible
 Most common intestinal helminth for a plague
in the world

4. Necator americanus
 Hook is more pronounced

5. Ancyclostoma duodenale
 Ancyclostoma braziliense &
Ancyclostoma caninum are
parasites of dogs and cats;
condition is known as cutaneous
larva migrans

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