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means roughly the degree of importance of a thing or an action. Values provide

ideals and standards with which to evaluate things, choices, actions, and events. In
ethics, the focus is primarily on moral values, although other types of values –
economic, aesthetic, epistemic (or knowledge-related) – are sometimes relevant

For example, economic factors may play morally significant role, if economic
decisions have morally significant consequences to people

Norms are value-based principles, commands and imperatives – such as the sets of
AI guidelines. They tell what one should do, or what is expected of someone.

Norms may be prescriptive (encouraging positive behavior; for example, “be fair”) or
.(”proscriptive (discouraging negative behavior; for example, “do not discriminate;

Investor loyalty was defined as a customer's level of attachment to and exclusive

"holding of a "stock or equity or share

standards are an important part of an organization’s culture. They establish the

parameters of behavior that owners and top executives expect from employees and
.also from suppliers, at least to the extent of their relationship with the organization

examples of these standards would be responsibility, honesty, transparency or

fairness and even though they might be interpreted differently by each person,
companies usually describe the founder’s perspective of each value to avoid

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