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Blog Post 1: Why is Collaboration Important in the Film Industry?

Collaboration is vital within the film industry as it allows for the sharing of ideas between
individuals, thus encouraging creative outcomes.

– very good, though the intro could be developed a bit further… eg. Outlining the main
points for discussion and aims of the blog etc. Perhaps you could do a bit more
research on the structure of an introduction. A great start though!

One of the first steps when starting a film project is creating an idea; this can be
accomplished in multiple different ways. Forming a group of people and sharing ideas is one
of the best ways to allow creativity to flow. The atmosphere within which ideas are shared
must be a comfortable and safe environment for everyone (Video Arts 2017). Creating this
atmosphere ensures that everybody can share their ideas without fear of judgement or
rejection. – well said

Inspiration could come at any time, so an individual may be able to develop an idea
independently. In this case, they are encouraged to share their idea with people they trust;
this can form a creative discussion that will allow others to contribute towards the idea and
help to develop the idea further (Allen 2018).

… and this relates to and supports my argument… make obvious for your reader…

Allen (2018) mentioned ‘plus-ing’ others’ ideas; when a team member shares an idea, the
rest of the team should encourage them and support their idea instead of ignoring it or
rejecting it. ‘Plus-ing’ team members ideas allows them to feel safe when sharing their ideas
and encourages them to share their ideas more in the future. ‘Plus-ing’ also allows for a
solid idea to be created as many unique ideas and views can be shared if everyone in the
team can contribute (Allen 2018).

... and this links to my argument...

When working on a film project, there are many different tasks and roles to be completed;
these include directing, scriptwriting, editing, acting, as well as many others. It is challenging
for a single person to complete all of these tasks individually; therefore, most films are
created with a group of people. When working in a group, there is a higher possibility of
ideas to be shared which would help have creative outcomes as others within the group
could bring new or interesting ideas (Video Arts 2017). – good
When creating and sharing ideas, it is crucial to have a creative mindset; however, an open
mode needs to be established to do this (Video arts 2017). John Cleese presented the idea
of the open and closed mode (Video Arts 2017); the open model allows individuals to be
more creative as they are in a relaxed and more playful mood. In contrast, the closed mode
is a more serious and focused mood that allows an individual to be more productive. Cleese
(Video Arts 2018) stated that once an idea is created, an individual should switch to the
closed mode in order to focus on the task and make their idea into a reality.
... and this relates to collaboration, my argument and film industry example...

Overall, to have creative outcomes within the film industry, collaboration is required as it
allows for the sharing of ideas between individuals.

Conclusion is good, well done, though it could have a more developed summary of the
discussion throughout the essay, and this could be more specific and supported at times.

A terrific first post. Some relevant examples and aspects of the Cleese video and lecture
are discussed, well done.  

The discussion is generally consistently supported by references and your research, which
is great. A well-formatted reference list and a great first effort at in-text referencing, fab –
though see some formatting suggestions above.

Further independent research on the topic would improve.

Greater focus on a specific film/screen scenario or outcome, related to points from your
research, would improve throughout. See above for more feedback.

The discussion is well-expressed, great effort Olivia.


A very well-formatted reference list, fab.

Further independent academic research on the topic would improve.

Use italics for all main titles next time, subtitles use “ ”

Allen, Simon. 2018. Topic 3 Creativity And Collaboration. podcast lecture. In Foundation in
Creative Media (CRE100). Lecture recorded at Murdoch University on May 4, 2018, 45 min.

Video Arts. 2017. “John Cleese on Creativity In Management.” Uploaded on June 22, 2017.
Youtube video, 36:59.

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