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Book 8 Lesson 2 Vocabulary

exercise verb: to work out

Ahmed exercises every day. He does push-ups and sit-ups.
forget (to) verb: opposite of remember
forgot Ali forgot his English book. He left it in the car.
hit verb: opposite of miss
hit Susan hit the tennis ball with her racket.
miss verb: opposite of to hit
He wanted to hit the tennis ball, but he missed.
remember (to) verb: opposite of forget
Ahmed remembered his English book. He didn’t forget it.
shut verb: to close
shut It’s cold in here. Shut the window.
try (to) verb: to attempt
tried The student tried to score 100, but he made one mistake.
work out verb: to exercise
Ahmed works out every day. He does push-ups and sit-ups.
get in shape verb: to become physically fit by working out
got Ahmed is getting in shape. He works out every day now.
have a good time verb: to have fun; to do something you enjoy
had My family has a good time when we go to the beach.
have fun verb: to have a good time; to do something you enjoy
had My family has fun when we go to the beach.
exercise noun: something that you do to get in shape
Push-ups and sit-ups are exercises.
fun noun: something that you enjoy
Playing football is a lot of fun.
gymnasium noun: a place to exercise and work out
The soldiers work out at the gymnasium every day.
push-up noun: an exercise to make the arms and shoulders strong
Ali does 20 push-ups when he gets up in the morning.
sit-up noun: an exercise to make the stomach strong
After he does 20 push-ups, Ali does 20 sit-ups.
volleyball noun: a game
We play volleyball at the gymnasium every afternoon.
watch noun: a timepiece worn on the wrist
Look at your watch and tell me what time it is, please.
workout noun: a period of exercise
Ahmed had a 45 minute workout today. He jogged and did sit-ups.
beautiful adjective: opposite of ugly
That woman is very beautiful.
difficult adjective: opposite of easy
Ahmed thinks that math is easy, but English is difficult.
exciting adjective: opposite of boring
The football game was very exciting. The score was 1-1.
healthy adjective: opposite of sick
The doctor said that Ali is healthy. He’s not sick.
important adjective
The test is very important. If I pass, I will graduate.
interesting adjective: opposite of boring
This book about Saudi Arabia is very interesting.
terrific adjective: wonderful; very good
The football game was terrific. I had a lot of fun.
theirs possessive pronoun
This is not our car. It’s theirs.
yours possessive pronoun
This is not my car. It’s yours.
mine possessive pronoun
This is not your car. It’s mine.
hers possessive pronoun
This is not his car. It’s hers.
his possessive pronoun
This is not her car. It’s his.
ours possessive pronoun
This is not their car. It’s ours.
free time expression: time when you don’t have to work or study
The students have free time on Thursday and Friday.
in shape expression: strong and healthy
John exercises every day. He’s in shape.
out of shape expression: not strong
Ahmed never exercises. He’s out of shape.

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