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Book 9 Lesson 4 Vocabulary

apologize verb: to say you’re sorry

I apologize for losing my temper.
bathe verb: to wash yourself or someone else in a bath
He bathed the children and put them to bed.
fill (up) Verb: to put things into something until there is no more room
John stopped at the gas station and filled up his tank.
Sarah filled up the bathtub and took a bath.
forgive verb: to accept someone’s apology
forgave Ahmed apologized and I forgave him.
hang / verb: to put something somewhere so that its top part is fixed but
hung its bottom part is free to move, or to be in this position
My wife hung her clothes in the closet.
hope verb: to want something to happen
I hope that I pass the test. I studied very hard.
mean (to) verb: to want to
meant I didn’t mean to spill my coffee on you. I’m sorry.
realize verb: to understand; to know
When his car wouldn’t start, Jim realized that he was out of gas.
run out of verb: to use up all that you have
ran The car stopped when it ran out of gas.
My wife went to the grocery store because we ran out of milk.
spill verb: something that flows over the edge of a container by accident
My shirt is wet because Ahmed spilled his water on me.
step on verb: to put your foot on
Ali stepped on my foot by accident.
worry verb: to be afraid about something in the future
The students worried that they wouldn’t pass the test.
almost adverb: not completely
We have a lot of gas in the car. The tank is almost full.
empty adjective: having nothing in it
There’s no gas in the car. The tank is empty.
full adjective: having room for nothing more
The gas tank is full. We don’t need any gas.
hard adjective: opposite of soft
This chair is very hard. It’s uncomfortable.
pleased adjective: happy
I’m very pleased with my score on the test.
ready adjective: prepared
My suitcase is packed and the gas tank is full. I’m ready for the trip.
really adverb: very
Ahmed is really tired because he stayed up night.
so adverb: used to emphasize how great a feeling or quality is, or how
large an amount is:
I've never seen so many people here before!
soft adjective: opposite of hard
My pillow is very soft and comfortable.
sorry adjective: feeling bad about
Ahmed was sorry that he caused the accident. He feels bad about it.
worried (about) adjective: afraid of something in the future
John is worried about tomorrow’s test. He didn’t study.
alarm clock noun: a clock with a bell to wake you up
The alarm clock rang at 0600 this morning.
baggage noun: suitcases
We put our baggage in the car and went on our trip.
bath noun: the act of washing in a bathtub
When we got to the motel, I took a bath.
bathtub noun: a place where you take a bath
Jane filled up the bathtub with water.
bill noun: a paper saying how much you must pay
The motel bill was 100 dollars for two nights.
blanket noun: something on your bed to keep you warm
I have two sheets and a blanket on my bed.
closet noun: a place to hang your clothes
I have a lot of shirts and jackets in my closet.
end noun: the last part
At the end of the day, we went to sleep.
gas/gasoline noun: fuel for your car or truck
The car needs gas. The tank is almost empty.
gas station noun: a place to buy gasoline
John went to the gas station to fill up his tank.
gauge noun: something that shows you how much gas you have
The gas gauge is on “F”. That means the tank is full.
hanger noun: something used to hang up clothes
There are many hangers in the closet.
lady noun: a woman who is polite and behaves very well
Jane is the lady who works in my office.
ladies’ room noun: a bathroom for women at a public place
Susan went to the ladies’ room to wash her hands.
laundry noun: dirty clothes
Ali did the laundry yesterday. He now has clean clothes.
men’s room noun: a bathroom for men at a public place
Ali went to the men’s room to wash his hands.
motel noun: a hotel for people who are traveling by car, where you can park
your car outside your room
We will sleep at motels on our car trip.
pillow noun: something to rest your head on when you sleep
I have two pillows on my bed.
restroom noun: a bathroom at a public place
The restaurant has restrooms for both men and women.
sheet noun: something that covers your bed
My bed has two sheets and a blanket on it.
tank noun: the part of your car where you put the gas
We need to put some gas in the tank. It’s empty.

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