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Name: Lingan Lance S.

Date: 02-23-23

Year & Section: 12-Fortitude

Reflective Journal No.1

This past weeks, me and my research team had a pre and post-test about a game called “epic word game’

for the past days, we computed the scores of both pre and post test results of our respondents, we were
so glad because our Null Hypothesis was rejected which mean our research worked. After computing all
the results, my members took turns in encoding our Appendixes C-1, C-2 and C-3. I’m not much of a help
but I wanted to, if they need me for something,

This game is all about Enchanced English Vocabulary and Spelling. I’m glad that our research can
help students emprove their learning experience and also us researchers, it also motivates me to focus on
it no matter what happen. You’ll never know if you have’nt even try if you failed don’t be afraid to try

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