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Basic Science

Growth is the permanent increase in size of an organism due to increase in number of cells.
Growth is brought about by cell division. Development is a series of orderly changes by which a
living thing comes into maturity. It is a series of changes that occur during growth.

Changes in Non – living things:

Physical changes and chemical changes
Matter consist of solid, liquid and Gas it undergoes changes from solid to liquid, liquid to solid,
gas to solid, liquid to gas when exposed to heat, light or air.
Examples of chemical changes are burning, cooking, rusting, and rotting. 
Examples of physical changes are boiling, melting, freezing, and shredding.
Many physical changes are reversible if sufficient energy is supplied.
Examples of Physical Changes
 Crushing a can.
 cooking of food.
 burning of wood.
 ripening of fruits.
 rotting of fruits.
 frying egg.
 rusting of iron.
 mixing acid and base

Example of chemical changes

Boiling water.
 Mixing sand and water.
 Breaking a glass.
 Dissolving sugar and water.
 Shredding paper.
 Chopping wood.
Basic technology
Airflow, or air flow, is the movement of air. The primary cause of airflow is the existence of air.
Air behaves in a fluid manner, meaning particles naturally flow from areas of higher pressure to
those where the pressure is lower. Atmospheric air pressure is directly related to altitude,
temperature, and composition.

There are a variety of types, including straight probe anemometers, designed

to measure air velocity, differential pressure, temperature, and humidity;
rotating vane anemometers, used for measuring air velocity and volumetric
flow; and hot-sphere anemometers.
Pneumatics is how air pressure powers and moves something. Essentially, pneumatics puts
compressed air to practical use by moving applications like the tools and machinery used in the
engineering, manufacturing and construction industries.
Types of Pneumatic Machine
Pneumatic hand pump.

 Pneumatic air compressor machine.

 Jack Hammer.

 Vacuum pump.

Hydraulic machines use liquid fluid power to perform work. Heavy construction vehicles are a
common example. In this type of machine, hydraulic fluid is pumped to various hydraulic motors
and hydraulic cylinders throughout the machine and becomes pressurized according to the
resistance present.

2 A hydraulic machine has four types – hydraulic press, hydraulic lift,

hydraulic pump and hydraulic brakes. Q.

Business studies
Advertising media is an umbrella term referring all types of media
Major types of advertising media:
1.Print media
2.Tv Advertising media
3.Digital advertising media
Physical health education
The heart and blood vessels make up the Circulatory system. The circulatory system provides
oxygen, nutrients and hormones to muscles, tissues and organs throughout your body.

Two pathways come from the heart:

 The pulmonary circulation is a short loop from the heart to the lungs and back again.
 The systemic circulation carries blood from the heart to all the other parts of the body
and back again.

To help keep your heart healthy:

 Get plenty of exercise.

Eat a nutritious diet.

 Reach and keep a healthy weight.
 If you smoke, quit.
 Go for regular medical checkups.
 Tell the doctor about any family history of heart problems.

The circulatory system also helps your body get rid of waste products. This waste includes:

 Carbon dioxide from respiration (breathing).

 Other chemical byproducts from your organs.
 Waste from things you eat and drink.

These blood vessels work with your heart and lungs to continuously circulate blood through your
body. Here’s how:

1. The heart’s bottom right pumping chamber (right ventricle) sends blood that’s low in
oxygen (oxygen-poor blood) to the lungs. Blood travels through the pulmonary trunk (the
main pulmonary artery).
2. Blood cells pick up oxygen in the lungs.
3. Pulmonary veins carry the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart’s left atrium
(upper heart chamber).
4. The left atrium sends the oxygenated blood into the left ventricle (lower chamber). This
muscular part of the heart pumps blood out to the body through the arteries.

The parts of your circulatory system are your:

 Heart, a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout your body.

 Blood vessels, which include your arteries, veins and capillaries.
 Blood, made up of red and white blood cells, plasma and platelets.

The parts of your circulatory system are your:

 Heart, a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout your body.

 Blood vessels, which include your arteries, veins and capillaries.
 Blood, made up of red and white blood cells, plasma and platelets.

Home Economics
Textile is a flexible woven materials consisting of a network of natural and artificial fibers
usually referred to as threads or yarns.

1. Linen                                              2. Wool

3. Cotton 4. Nylon

5. Polyester 6. Silk etc.


These are terms associated with textile, they are:

1. Fiber: it is like a hair, it is a basic unit of raw material used in making yarns and fabrics e.g.
cotton, wool etc.

2. Fabric: this is any cloth constructed with yarns or directly from fibers by weaving, knitting,
crocheting etc. A woven fabric is made up of two set of yarns or threads which are warp and

3. Yarn: this is the thread made by twisting fibers.

4. The warp: this is the yarn that runs lengthwise in woven fabrics. It is parallel to the selvedge.

5. The weft: this is the set of threads or yarns which cross the warp at right angle and also the
Agricultural Science

Secure and Durable

While all packaging should be reasonably strong, the amount of protection needed will
of course, depend on the fragility of your product.

Affordable and Easy to Use

The more complex the packaging, the longer it will take you to prepare products for
sale. Customers aren’t too fond of overly fussy packets either, so keep things simple
with heat-sealed ‘pull open’ bags and clear, unobtrusive shrink wrap.

Always Widely Available

Packaging supplies are one of those things that you’ll run out of from time to time.
While sales figures will give you a good idea of what to buy and how much, there’s no
real way to predict if or when you’ll experience a spike.

Eco-Friendly and Legally Compliant

You’ll also need to check that your packaging supplier is adhering to all of the
necessary state and national laws. The Australian government has set up the Australian
Packaging Covenant to encourage all businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and
sustainable packaging is a big part of this.


On hearing the false accusation that the disciples who were under the influence of the Holy Spirit,
were drunk, Peter stood up to refute the charge of drunkenness. This led to his first speech on the day
of Pentecost.

Peter told his hearers that it was unlikely that they would be drunk at the third hour of the day, that is,
9.00am. He made references to the Old Testament to prove that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah.
He quoted Prophet Joel 2:28 to show that they were not under the influence of the Holy Spirit. He
cited the miracles, the crucifixion and death of Jesus as proofs of His Messiah ship. He said God
raised Him from the death as David had prophesied in the Psalm 16:10: For thou wilt not abandon
my soul to Hades, nor let thy Holy One see corruption.”
Peter went further to say that Jesus had not only risen but had ascended into heaven. In heaven, He
has received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, and from heaven, He has sent the Holy
Spirit to His disciples. He concluded by telling them that this outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
manifested by the gift of tongues, was the proof that God has made the crucified Jesus both Lord and


The people were deeply touched by Peter’s speech. They found themselves guilty of blindness for
not recognizing Jesus as the Christ. They accepted their responsibility for persecuting Him as a false
Christ and admitted their guilt for crucifying Him.

After they had condemned themselves as guilty, they asked, “Brethren, what shall we do?” Peter told
them to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins, and they would
receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:37-38).They did as Peter said and about three thousand
converts were made after Peter’s speech.

Social Studies

Organizing Social Studies content using concepts and generalizations involves identifying all
those key facts, skills, values, attitudes, concepts and generalizations in the existing disciplines
and structuring the contents around those that are of more immediate relevance to our realities.

A generalization is a broad statement about a subject based on information, observations, and

experiences. What is a fact? Facts are statements that can be proven true.

Concepts are the overarching ideas or enduring understandings that are threaded through the K–
12 social studies standards. Power, regulation, distribution and innovation are examples of
concepts. Explicitly focusing instruction on concepts emphasizes big ideas that are universal.

In multiple countries' curriculums, social studies is the integrated study of multiple fields of
social science and the humanities, including 



4.political science.

Civic education

An electoral system or voting system is a set of rules that determine how elections

and referendums are conducted and how their results are determined. Electoral systems are used
in politics to elect governments, while non-political elections may take place in business, non-
profit organizations and informal organizations. 

What are the types of electoral system in Nigeria?

Majoritarian systems differ according to the number of representatives elected in an
electoral district and the kinds of majorities (simple or absolute) that winners must achieve.
 Single-Member Plurality Systems. ...
 Multi-Member Plurality Systems. ...
 Single-Member Majoritarian Systems.
The purpose of the electoral?
 Established in Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, the Electoral College is the
formal body which elects the President and Vice President of the United States.

Visual arts
graphic design is defined as “the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and
experiences with visual and textual content.” In other terms, graphic design
communicates certain ideas or messages in a visual way.

These graphic design elements include:

 Color
 Form
 Line
 Shape
 Size
 Space
 Texture

These graphic design principles include:

 Balance
 Contrast
 Emphasis
 Movement
 Proportion
 Rhythm

With a variety of different types of graphic design specialties available, below are four of
the most common areas.
 Brand Identity and Logo Design. ...
 Packaging Design. ...
 Web and Mobile Design. ...
 Layout and Print Design.

Computer Studies
A graphics package is an application that can be used to create and manipulate images on
a computer. There are two main types of graphics package: painting packages. drawing

A Graphics package is a General Purpose package used to draw pictures. What is it used
for? Draw Graphic: You can draw graphics such as line, boxes, circles by selecting tools
from a tool palette.

There are two major types of graphic packages, raster or painting, and vector or drawing
applications. Raster graphic applications are resolution-based. Images are based on
pixels; when scaled they lose quality and clarity. Vector graphics are resolution-

The Ghana Empire, also known as Wagadou (Arabic: ‫ )غانا‬or Awkar, was a West
African empire based in the modern-day southeast of Mauritania and western Mali that existed
from c. 300 until c. 1100. The Empire was founded by the Soninke people, and was based in the
city of Koumbi Saleh.
Complex societies, some based on trans-Saharan trade in salt and gold had existed in the region
for centuries at the time of the empire's formation.[1] The introduction of the camel to the western
Sahara in the 3rd century AD served as a major catalyst for the transformative social changes
that resulted in the empire's formation. By the time of the Muslim conquest of North Africa in
the 7th century, the camel had changed the ancient, more irregular trade routes into a trade
network running from Morocco to the Niger River. The Ghana Empire grew rich from this
increased trans-Saharan trade in gold and slaves and salt, allowing for larger urban centers to
develop. The traffic furthermore encouraged territorial expansion to gain control over the
different trade routes.
When Ghana's ruling dynasty began remains uncertain among historians. The first identifiable
mention of the imperial dynasty in written records was made by Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-
Khwarizmi in 830.[2] Further information about the empire was provided by the accounts
of Cordoban scholar Al-Bakri when he wrote about the region in the 11th century.
After centuries of prosperity, the empire began its decline in the second millennium, and would
finally become a vassal state of the rising Mali Empire at some point in the 13th century. Despite
its collapse, the empire's influence can be felt in the establishment of numerous urban centers
throughout its former territory. In 1957, the British colony of the Gold Coast, under the
leadership of Kwame Nkrumah named itself Ghana upon independence in honor and
remembrance of the historic empire, although their geographic boundaries never overlapped.

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