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Grade 9 Science Reviewer Quarter 1

Q1: Living Things and Their Environment

UNIT 1: Respiratory and Circulatory Sytems
I. Respiratory and Circulatory Systems

• The respiratory system is made up of organs that enables us to breathe

• Circulatory system is responsible for distributing materials/nutrients
throughout the body
• Just take note respiration is linked to breathing
• They share a common responsibility with supplying nutrients in our
The common purpose of these two systems could not be attained without the
other system.

The Human Breathing System:

In charge of supplying oxygen;
nose, nasal passageways, windpipe
and diaphragm.
The entering air is made up of warm,
damp and clean of unknown particles.

Next, the air moves down through the;

trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and

The respiratory system performs two

major tasks:
• Exchanging air between the body and the outside environment known as
external respiration.
• Bringing oxygen to the cells and removing carbon dioxide from them
referred to as internal respiration.

Organs of the Respiratory System:
Nose – also called external nares
• Divided into two halves by the nasal septum.
• Contains the paranasal sinuses where air is warmed.
• Contains cilia which is responsible for filtering out foreign bodies.

Pharynx – also known as the throat, it is a passageway for both air and food.
Three Sections of the Pharynx
• Nasopharynx – contains the adenoids which aid in the body’s immune
• Oropharynx – back portion of the mouth that contains the palatine
tonsils which also aid in the body’s immune defense.
• Laryngopharynx – bottom section of the pharynx where the respiratory
tract divides into the esophagus and the larynx.

- The epiglottis, a movable flap of cartilage that covers the opening of the
larynx (voice box) prevents food from entering the larynx during
- Occasionally, a person may swallow and inhale at the same time so some
food may enter the larynx and choking occurs. A technique called
Heimlich maneuver has saved many people from choking to death.

Larynx – serves as a passageway to the trachea and the area where sounds are
Size and thickness determine the pitch of the sound.
- Short and thin = high pitch
- Thick and long = low pitch Larynx

Trachea – also known as the windpipe, connects the

larynx to the right and left bronchi, point at which it
divides into the right and left bronchi is called the Bronchi

Internal Respiration – Air from the bronchi travels to the

bronchioles, then to the alveoli which connect to lung capillaries.

Oxygen and Carbon dioxide are exchanged and oxygen is delivered to the
body cells.

Lungs – consists of a right and left lobe, covered by a double

layer of membrane that makes movement in the thoracic
cavity easier. The outer layer is parietal pleura and the
inner layer is the visceral pleura.
The space between the two pleurae is called pleural cavity.
Consists of an apex(top section), hilum(middle section) and
base(lower section)

The passage of air from the external environment to the lung

capillaries, bloodstream and out consists of one inhalation
and one exhalation.
II. The Circulatory System

• The circulatory system is the life support structure that nourishes your
cells with nutrients from the food you eat and oxygen from the air you
breathe. Another name for the circulatory system is the cardiovascular
• It circulates vital elements such as oxygen and nutrients. At the same
time, it also transports wastes away from the body.

• Take note that circulation means the transportation or movement in


Functions of the Circulatory System:

• Transporting substances around the body. These include oxygen,
glucose, carbon dioxide, nutrients, water and waste products
• Controlling body temperature.
• Protecting the body. Blood contains cells and anti-bodies that fight
infection and clotting agents to stop bleeding.

Parts of the Circulatory System:

• Heart – pumps the blood throughout the body.

Cardiac System – The four right

chambers of the heart atrium
An upper chamber is called an atrium
atrium (right atrium and left
atrium) right left
A lower chamber is called a ventricle
ventricle ventricle

The walls are made of cardiac muscle

The semi-lunar valves prevent expelled blood flowing back into the
The wall dividing the left and right sides of the heart is called the
Two valves (bicuspid (mitral) and tricuspid) prevent blood flowing back
into the atria from the ventricles.

Stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle
per beat.
Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle of
the heart per minute.
Cardiac output can be calculated by multiplying the stroke volume
by the heart rate: cardiac output = stroke volume × heart rate

Heart rate/pulse rate – is the number of times your heart beats every
It is expressed in beats per minute (BPM).
The fitter you are, the lower your resting heart rate will be.
Average resting heart rate = 70-75 BPM

Estimation of using a simple formula:

Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) = 220 – age

To keep the body supplied with what it needs, the hearts beats faster
and with greater force.
This means the heart rate and stroke volume increase.

Regular exercise causes changes to the heart

- The heart gets larger
- The muscular wall become thicker and stronger
- Stroke volume at rest increases leading to a lower resting heart rate

• Blood Vessel – carries the blood throughout the body.

- Arteries – carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to the cells,
tissues, and organs of the body.
- Veins – carry deoxygenated blood to the heart.
- Capillaries –the smallest blood vessels in the body, connecting the
smallest arteries to the smallest veins.
the actual site where gases and nutrients get exchanged.
Blood vessels: Valves
When blood is flowing against gravity, or when a vein is squeezed
by muscle action, there is a risk that blood will flow in the wrong direction.
Veins have valves to prevent backflow.
Blood pressure depends on the speed of the blood coming into a vessel
and the width of the vessel itself.
Arteries Capillaries Veins
Speed: High Speed: Medium Speed: Low
Width: medium Width: narrow Width: Wide
Pressure: High Pressure: Medium Pressure: Low

An individuals blood pressure is affected by a number of factors:

Age – it increases as you get older.
Gender – men tend to have higher blood pressure than women.
Stress – can cause increased blood pressure.
Diet – salt and saturated fats increase blood pressure.
Exercise – the fitter you are the lower your blood pressure is likely to be

Having High blood pressure puts stress on your heart. It can lead to;
Angina, heart attacks and strokes.
• Blood – carries the materials throughout the body.
Transports oxygen from the lungs to the heart and then body to the tissues,
Carbon dioxide from the tissues to the heart and then to the lungs to be
expired, materials like hormones from one organ to another, nutrients
especially glucose and minerals from the intestines to the tissues, and waste
products to the kidneys.

Red blood cells - also called erythrocytes, it is disc shaped, contains a

red colored compound called hemoglobin which bonds with oxygen to form
oxyhemoglobin. It transports oxygen to the tissues.
White blood cells – also called leucocytes, they are bigger than red
blood cells and have larger nuclei, it acts as the body’s defense system. Some
white blood cells surround and consume harmful microbes, they are also
responsible in producing antibodies that fight infection
Platelets – are also carried in the blood, formed in the red bone marrow,
they produce thrombokinase; a chemical needed for blood clotting. Platelets
help to repair tissues and close wounds both internally and externally. When
needed they grow into irregular shapes and stick together to form a plug over
the wound.
Plasma – the blood cells and platelets are suspended in a substance
called plasma. Plasma is made up of;
- 90% water
- Inorganic salts
- Glucose
- antibodies
- urea and other waste products
- plasma proteins
Plasma can be separated from the other components of the blood using a

The Circulatory System:

- Deoxygenated blood is pumped from the lung
heart to the lungs through the s
pulmonary artery.
- Deoxygenated blood returns to the heart
through the vena cava
- Oxygenated blood returns to the heart
through the pulmonary vein.
- Oxygenated blood is pumped at high
pressure from the heart to the body through
the aorta.
III. Pathology of the Respiratory and Circulatory System

Upper respiratory infection is a term that covers an infection of some

or all the of the respiratory tract
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a term for any
disease with chronic obstruction of the bronchial tubes and lungs such as:
- Emphysema
- Chronic Bronchitis
Asthma - causes narrowing of the bronchi leading
to dyspnea, wheezing, and coughing.
Hemoptysis - lung or bronchial hemorrhage that
results in spitting of blood
Cystic Fibrosis - disease of the exocrine glands that causes secretion of
abnormally thick mucus which leads to chronic obstruction.
Atelectasis - collapsed alveoli leading to a collapse of a lung or part of a
Pneumonia – acute infection of the alveoli.

Conditions caused by environmental agents;

Pneumoconiosis – caused by dust in the lungs
Anthracosis – caused by coal dust
Asbestosis – caused by asbestos particles released during construction
of ships and buildings
Silicosis – caused by silica dust from grinding rocks or glass

Disorders of the Pleura

Pneumothorax – accumulation of air or gas in the pleural cavity
Empyema – pus in the pleural cavity
Hemothorax – blood in the pleural cavity
Pleural Effusion – escape of fluid into the pleural cavity

IV. Surgical Terms

Otorhinolaryngologists – are physicians that specialize in disorders of
the upper respiratory tract.
Surgical Removal Conditions
- Tonsillectomy - Laryngectomy
- Adenoidectomy - Pneumonectomy
- Lobectomy

Surgical Incisions
- Laryngotracheotomy - Sinusotomy
- Thoracotomy - Tracheotomy
Endotracheal intubation is the insertion of a tube through the nose or
mouth, pharynx, larynx, and into the trachea to establish an airway.

V. Pharmacology
Antibiotics, antihistamines, and anticoagulants are used for respiratory
disorders just as with other system disorders.

Medications specific to Respiratory Conditions

Bronchodilators – dilate the bronchial walls
Expectorants – promote coughing and expulsion of mucus

Mechanical Devices that aid in Respiration

Ventilators – serves as a breathing substitute to patients who cannot
breathe on their own.
Nebulizers – deliver medication through the mouth or nose to ease
breathing problems

Agents used to treat respiratory conditions

Antitussive – relieves coughing
Decongestants – decreases and prevents mucus buildup
Expectorants – promotes coughing and expelling of mucus

UNIT II: Heredity and Inheritance and Variation

I. Difference of Non-Mendelian and Mendelian Inheritance

Gregor Mendel’s principles form the base of understanding heredity and

variation. Walter Sutton and Theodore Boveri became popular because they
found the best evidence that an inherited trait is determined by chromosomes.
Chromosome Theory of Inheritance explained that genes are in the
Mendelian laws of inheritance have important exceptions to them. For
example, not all genes show simple patterns of dominant and recessive alleles.
In the mendelian patterns of inheritance, the effects of the recessive gene
are not observed when the dominant gene is present.

II. Hereditary, Inheritance, and Variation

Allele – a different form of a gene that controls a certain trait
Punnett Square – the method of which one can determine the possible
genotypes and phenotypes when two parents are crossed
Gamete – are reproductive cells that unite during sexual reproduction to form
a new cell called a zygote.
• Incomplete Dominance
- a heterozygote shows a phenotype that is intermediate between the two
homozygous phenotypes. Neither allele is dominant over the other.

EX. Red Flower (RR) R R

Crossed between White Flower (WW) W RW RW


Key Concepts:
Incomplete dominance is a form of intermediate inheritance in which
one allele for a specific trait is not completely dominant over the other
This results in a third phenotype in which the expressed physical trait is a
combination of the dominant and recessive phenotypes.

• Codominance
- this results when one allele is not dominant over the other. The resulting
heterozygotes exhibit the traits of both parents.

Ex. M Blood Type (LMLM) crossed between Lm Ln



Key Concepts:
In codominance, both alleles are expressed equally in the phenotype of
the heterozygote. For example, red cows crossed with white cows will have
offspring that are roan cows. Roan refers

• Multiple Alleles
- even if only two alleles control a trait, there may actually be more than two
types of alleles available. This will also lead to more than two phenotypes
An example of this is the Human ABO blood types and their phenotypes.
Blood Types Genotypes
O ii
The IA and IB alleles are dominant over the i alleles, which is always recessive.
However, when the IA and IB alleles are inherited together, both alleles are
expressed equally. This makes IA and IB codominants of each other.
Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination
- Humans have 46 chromosomes in each cell
Observation of the human body cell shows 23 pairs of chromosomes for both
males and females. 22 pairs are somatic chromosomes. The 23rd pair consists
of sex chromosomes.
Male Chromosome (XY) Female Chromosome (XX)

Key Concepts:
Males have 44 body chromosomes and two sex chromosomes X and Y.
Males = XY Chromosomes
The males determine the sex of their children. Females Have 44 body
chromosomes and two sex chromosomes, both X
Females = XX Chromosomes
The total number in each cell of an individual is 46. These chromosomes
contain the genes, which are the factors of heredity.

Sex-Linked Genes
Genes located on the X chromosomes are called X-Linked Genes. Genes
on the Y chromosomes are called Y-Linked Genes

Genotype Phenotype
-Ex. Genotypes and
XX Normal Female
phenotypes of color
blindness in humans X XC Normal Female, carrier of the gene
XC XC Color-blind female
XY Normal male
XC Y Color-blind male

Key Concepts:
- Sex-linked traits are inherited through the X chromosomes.
- Males have only one X chromosome. Thus, if they inherit the affected
X chromosome, they will have the disorder.
- Females have two X chromosomes. Therefore, they can
inherit/carry the trait without being affected if it acts in a recessive manner
Sex-Limited Traits
- are generally autosomal. Which means that they are not found on the
X or Y chromosomes.
Female Female Phenotype
Ex. Expression of lactation XXLL Female Lactating
in cattle
XXLl Female Lactating
XXll Female not lactating
Male Male Phenotype
XYLL Male not lactating
XYLl Male not lactating
XYll Male not lactating

Sex-Influenced Traits
- are also autosomal, it means that their genes are not carried on to the
sex chromosomes. One example of sex influenced trait is pattern baldness in
humans, though the condition is not restricted to males.
Female Female Phenotype
XXBB Female Bald
XXBb Female nonbald Ex. Expression of pattern
XXbb Female nonbald baldness in humans.

Male Male Phenotype

XYBB Male bald
XYBb Male bald
XYbb Male nonbald

Key Concepts:
- Sex limited traits are those that are expressed exclusively in one sex
- Sex influenced traits are expressed in both sexes but more
frequently in one than in the other sex.
III. DNA: The Genetic Material
- The genetic materials, also known as the deoxyribonucleic acid or
DNA, are passed on from one generation to the next to ensure continuity
of life.
- By the end of 1940, scientists had found that DNA consists of long
strands of nucleotides;
DNA is composed of chains of nucleotides built on a sugar and
phosphate backbone and wrapped around each other in the form of a double
Each nucleotide contains a pentose
sugar called deoxyribose, a phosphate
group, and one of the four compounds called
nitrogenous bases;

The backbone supports four bases:

• Adenine
• Thymine
• Guanine
• Cytosine

UNIT III: Biodiversity and Evolution

Different parts of the ecosystem interact with one another. Changes to
one part affect other parts. When all members of a species die, that species’
place in the ecosystem is gone forever.

- Population is a group of living things within a certain area that are all
of the same species.
A population of one kind may affect a population of another kind within
the community.
- Biodiversity refers to the variety of life in the area.

Communities with many different species (a high index of diversity) will be

able to withstand environmental changes better than communities with only
a few species (a low index of diversity).
In a balanced ecosystem, organisms need a balanced environment. A
change in population sizes may be due to factors affecting the environment

When we consider the number of individuals per unit area, we are

referring to density of the population.
Anything that limits the size of a population like certain environmental
conditions are called limiting factors. Limiting factors keep a population from
increasing in size and help balance an ecosystem. Example; availability of food,
water, and living conditions.
The maximum population size an environment can support is called its
carrying capacity. If the population size rises above the carrying capacity,
organisms die because not all their needs can be met.
When a species’ population becomes so low that only a few remain, the
species is considered endangered and will possibly become extinct.
Examples of endangered species:
• Tamaraw
• Philippine deer
• Dugong
Sometimes, there is a particular species that declines so fast that it
becomes endangered and is said to be threatened.
Human activity have resulted in habitat loss and degradation that have
accelerated the rate of extinction.

• Deforestation – is the rapid rate at which trees are cut down. Major
causes of deforestation are;
- Illegal logging
- Conversion of agricultural lands to housing projects
- Forest fires
- Typhoons
As a consequence of cutting down trees, the following effects could take
place; soil erosion, floods, decrease in wildlife resources.

• Wildlife Depletion – as human population gets bigger, huge space is

needed for human development. Deforestation is one of the major causes
of the disappearances of wildlife species.
If wildlife species cannot find enough space, many will die or
become extinct. Some species may become endangered or in the
verge of becoming extinct. In other cases, some animals may be

• Water Pollution – a major problem

in lakes, rivers and ponds is
eutrophication. It happens when
the concentration of organic
nutrients that comes from domestic
garbage are thrown in bodies of
Effects of Eutrophication; fish kill

Biological magnification is the buildup of pollutants in organisms at higher

trophic levels in a food chain.

• Air pollution – Pollutants can enter the air as gases, liquids, or solids.
Cars burn fuel and produce harmful gases-carbon dioxide, nitrogen
oxides, and hydrocarbons.
The trapping of heat by gases in the earth’s atmosphere is called the
greenhouse effect.
Global warming is an increase in the earth’s temperature from the rapid
buildup of carbon dioxide and other gases. This, in turn, could change the
world climate patterns.

• Destruction of Coastal Resources – Coral reefs and coastal mangrove

forests and nurseries of marine fishes but due to man’s activities, coastal
areas are getting destroyed through the years.

Some of these activities include the following;

- Deforestation, agricultural activities, and mining activities
- Dynamite fishing and muro-ami (fishing technique employed on coral reefs
in Southeast Asia. It uses an encircling net together with pounding devices.)

- Coastal areas’ conversion to beach resorts, residential areas

- Overharvesting

• Acid Precipitation – it is commonly known as acid rain. Rainwater is

normally acidic because carbon dioxide is normally present. Other
pollutants, mostly sulfur and nitrogen oxides, make rainwater even more
acidic with a pH of 5.6 or lower.
Acid rain can be harmful to living things. It causes yellowing of leaves of trees
and causes leaves to fall, aside from direct touching of leaves, nutrients can be
lost from the soil.

Acid water flowing through the soil can exchange acidic hydrogen ions for
essential plant nutrient ions such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. If
these nutrients migrate beneath the rooting zone, they become unavailable to
tree roots.

UNIT IV: Ecosystem: Life Energy

I. Photosynthesis is a process of food making done by plants and

other autotrophic organisms.
The presence of chlorophyll enables these
organisms to make their own food.
Autotrophic organisms require light
energy, carbon dioxide (CO2), and water (H2O) to
make food (sugar).

Photosynthesis primarily takes place in the

leaves and little or none in stems depending on
the presence of chlorophyll.
Plants have green pigments called
chlorophyll stored in the chloroplasts
The pigment aids in capturing light energy from the sun that enables plants to
change it into chemical energy stored in the food.
Stomata are found on the lower surface of the leaf that allows the
entrance of carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis. They also serve as exit
point for the oxygen produced during photosynthesis.
Factors that affect the rate of Photosynthesis:
- temperature
- carbon dioxide
- water
- light

Organisms need food as the main source of energy. All organisms need energy
to perform essential life processes.
The food must be digested to simple forms such as glucose, amino
acids, and triglycerides.
Glucose – immediate source of the cells
- Glucose inside the cell is broken down to release the stored
- this stored energy is harvested in the form of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP). ATP is a high-energy molecule needed by
working cells.

Glycolysis – the 6-carbon sugar, glucose, is broken down into two

molecules of a 3-carbon molecule called pyruvate This change is accompanied
by a net gain of 2 ATP molecules and 2 NADH molecules.
Krebs Cycle – occurs in
the mitochondrial matrix and
generates a pool of chemical
energy (ATP, NADH, and
FADH2) from the oxidation of
pyruvate, the end product of

Pyruvate is transported
into the mitochondria and
loses carbon dioxide to form
acetyl-CoA, a 2-carbon
molecule. When acetyl-CoA is
oxidized to carbon dioxide in
the Krebs Cycle, chemical
energy is released and
captured in the form of NADH,
FADH2, and ATP.

Electron Transport Chain – the electron transport chain allows the

release of the large amount of chemical energy stored in reduced NAD+ (NADH)
and reduced FAD (FADH2). The energy released is captured in the form of ATP
(3 ATP per NADH and 2 ATP per FADH2).
The electron transport chain (ETC) consists of a series of molecules,
mostly proteins, embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane. This phase
of cellular respiration produces the greatest number of chemical energy in the
form of ATP.

II. Parts of the Leaves

• Upper and lower epidermis – protects the leaves and has nothing to do
with photosynthetic processes.
• Mesophyll – has the most number of chloroplasts that contain
chlorophyll. They are important in trapping light energy from the sun.
• Vascular bundles – phloem and xylem serve as transporting vessels of
manufactured food and water.
Carbon dioxide and oxygen were collected in the spongy layer and
enters and exits the leaf through the stomata.

A. Parts of a chloroplast include the outer and inner membranes,

intermembrane space, stroma and thylakoids stacked in grana.

- The chlorophyll is built into the membranes of the thylakoids.

Chlorophyll absorbs white light but it looks green because white light
consists of three primary colors, red, blue and green. Only red and blue
light are absorbed thus making these colors unavailable to be seen by our
eyes while the green light is reflected which makes the chlorophyll look
It is the energy from red light and blue light that are absorbed and will be
used in photosynthesis

III. Two Stages of Photosynthesis

A. Light dependent reaction – happens in the presence of light.

- It occurs in the thylakoid membrane and converts light energy to
chemical energy.
- Water one of the raw materials of photosynthesis is utilized during
this stage and facilitates the formation of free electrons and oxygen.
- The energy harvested during this stage is stored in the form of ATP
(Adenosine Triphosphate) and NADPH (Nicotinamide Adenine
Dinucleotide Phosphate Hydrogen). These products will be needed
in the next stage to complete photosynthetic process.

B. Calvin cycle or Light independent phase – that takes place in the

stroma and convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into sugar. This stage does
not directly need light but needs the products of light reaction. This is
why it occurs immediately after the light dependent phase.
The chemical reaction for photosynthesis:

Goodluck sa Exams!!

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