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Function’s Domains

 All Normal x-7 or Quadratic or Cubic equations

has infinite domain. D= Infinite

 5/x-2 , In this equation x could be anything except a

value that produces 0
So x cannot be +2 thus its domain is x>2

 3x-8 /x −9 x +8, we do not need to care about 3x-8


because it can never produce 0

x −9 x +8should not produce 0, We can also write it as

(x-4)(x-5). Now it is easy, we can see x could be

anything except 4 and 5 because 4 and 5 will
produce 0. So domain can be written as x>5 or x<4.

 2x-3 / x + 4, in this equation x + 4 can never be 0 so its

2 2

domain is infinite.

 √ x−4 ,
In this equation x-4 could not be a negative
value so for that x should be greater then 4 or equal
to. Domain is X ≥ 4

 √ x +3 x−28, this equation should produce a value


greater the 0, we can also write it as (x-4)(x+7)

If we choose 5 then 5-4 =1 and 5+7 =12 so 5 is
good. If we choose -8 then -8-4=-12 and -8+7=-1
and -12×-1=12 so -8 is good as well. So x could be
greater than 4 x>4 and less than -7, x<-7.

2 x−3
 √ x +3 , Now try yourself.
should not produce 0 because it is fraction and
√ x+ 3
also no negative value because it is Under root so x
domain will be x>-3

√ x +3
 2
x −25 , x^2-25 can also be written as (x+5)(x-5), Since
it is a fraction it should not produce 0, if we try 5
then 5+5=10 but 5-5=0 so it cannot be 5 thus x
should be less than 5 or greater than 5. So it will be
x>5 or x<5 but not 5.
Also √x+3 should not produce a negative value
because it is under root so we need to look in both
equation. √ x+ 3domain will be x>-3 but since x cannot
be 4 and 5 also then the most suitable domain will be
x >5 or -3<x<5 because any value is also good

between -3 and 5.

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