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Write your first and last name and title

D3: Explain how your product can be improved

Use a S.W.O.T. analysis on your film (3+ sentences explanation)

Strength - What makes your film great? Give an explanation and examples

The shots were taken by either a advanced phone model or a drone from DJI. This makes the shots extremely clear (4k 60fps)
whilst maintaining the other criteria's on the rubric. Most transitions were close to flawless and the tracking for the text were
also near perfection. The film also tells a story about Xiamen with the first shot being someone landing at the Xiamen airport
and with the film ending as the day goes by.

Weakness - Was there anything negative about your film? Give an explanation and examples

We could’ve explored the island further by going to more places and taking drone shots, however, with the time span given, we
were only able to get so many shots done. Other than that, I would probably add more unique transitions and perhaps add a
few effects to the film.

Opportunity - If you were going to do this again, what would you differently? Give an explanation and examples

I would go take more shots with the drone. If I were to do this again, I would go to Gulang Yu, JFC, malls and take all sorts of
shots. I would also probably write a longer storyline that includes somewhat of a narration to it. That way, I am able to tell a
deeper story about Xiamen.

Threat - What are possible things or situation that can negatively affect your film? Give an explanation and examples

The weather on the day we took shots was a big factor to this. On the day we flew the drone, we couldn’t go as for since the it
was a rainy day. This made it really dangerous for the drone since the signal was weak and we were really short on time (the
rain got bigger).

D4: Explain the impact of the solution

• How did your film impact you? Give an explanation and examples (3+ sentences explanation)

This film impacted me in a positive way. I had to buy and learn how to fly a drone for some specific shots. Organize and utilize
my time and existing cameras, phones, etc. I also had to cooperate with my teammates outside of the school to get this film
done in time

• In your opinion, how did your film, impact your class? Give an explanation and examples

The class as a whole I think somewhat enjoyed this unit. We got to explore different transitions, angles, and other elements of
film. We also got a better understanding of how hard making a good film truly was.

Transfer Skill


I used my time management skills to divide the amount of work I had to do. Due to the amount of time I had, I made sure to
finish my work on time by calculating how much time it would take for me to do each section. In the end, I finished my work
on time and submitted it early.

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