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Mexican Standoff Evaluation

What went well?

We all worked collaboratively as a team sharing our ideas and thoughts on what we could do
for our Mexican Standoff Video. Some ideas were rejected in discussion.
The filming went well however we had equipment difficulties however we manged to
overcome the problems.

What didn’t go well?

We had problems with the tripod and getting the spirt level straight, also we had an unstable
tripod which would not be good for putting our camera on because the footage wouldn’t be
still and had problems with the white balance when turning the camera on.
When Rhys was filming some of the footage wasn’t steady when moving it on the tripod, we
would have needed to retake that scene again to get more of a smooth and steady

What new skills have you learnt?

I have embedded some of the skills I have already learnt such as on the camera for example
close ups, wide shot and Over the Shoulder and how to work a camera and put the camera
on a tripod.
I have learnt within Adobe Premiere Pro some new skills when doing this type of project
these new skills are using the feather tool,

How well did you achieve the technique?

We achieved the technique by doing a variety of different camera angles such as close ups,
mid shots, wide angle and Over the Shoulder shots. Some of the shots were effective when
coming to editing them together however I felt that we could have made it more climatic at
the start to build up tension to give it an astrosphere and suspense. Also, some shots we
could of came back and to the person to keep it more engaging for the audience.

What role did you play as the team?

We had specific roles that we assigned ourselves after our initial focus group discussion. It
was agreed that I was one of the actors. We all did our own editing when it came to the post-
production, everyone had their own type of style of edit.

Lessons learnt problems solved.

Check all technical equipment before taking it out on location as we had to change our tripod
this would be time restricting.
We had to problem solve location of where to shoot our footage.

Will you do anything differently next week?

I will check all the equipment is working and hasn’t got any problems.
Think about camera angles and shots more in advanced and clearly shown on the

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