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Discover as much as you can about Flash animation in 10 minutes. Write your
findings in the text box below…

Animate has replaced Flash

Purposes entertainment, education and presentations.
Computer animation program software used within one of the components
with the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite.
It can be published for any platforms to reach your intended target audience
for example desktop, mobile and TV.
Vector Based graphics – It is a mathematical equation and you can scale to
any size.

Make a list of all the different use of Flash

1. Television Programs and Film

2. Web Applications
3. Video Games
4. Web Development / Content
5. Banners
6. Flash Player
7. Mobile Devices
8. Android Phones
9. iPads and iPhones
10. Browser Games
11. Prezi

What do you think about the aesthetics of Flash animation?
Do you like it more or less than other types of animation and why?

The concept art is well created and advanced.
Flash animation doesn’t lag and not jumping whether stop motion is jumping and
it’s not smooth and it might mess some of the frames if you don’t move your stop
motion characters to the right position one bit of it might make the whole thing
not as affected.
You can create different lights and shades within this type of animation and
identify the different layers within Flash.
Takes a bit longer to process the mathematical equation on what to do next and
render the next action within the Flash.

JPEG is Bitmaps

PNG are vector graphs

Bitmap – not good


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