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Cách quay/Nơi quay Nội dung

Nơi: Cột cờ Hà Nội (danh lam thắng cảnh khác) 1: Introduction

Hello! My name is Nguyen Nguyet Linh. I am from
Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Nơi: Giống cảnh 1 2: Introduction about Vietnam
Vietnam is a country in South East Asia. Although
VN is small but it’s a beautiful and peaceful

Nơi: Trong khu chung cư 3: Balloon story

Why does my story start with balloons? It all start
when I know about the effect of balloons. That
when I notice school is about to start. In our school,
traditionally, we are going to drop balloons in the
sky. So I decided to write a letter to about 40
schools in Hanoi to ask them to reduce the number
of balloons or don’t drop balloons in the sky. I am
very happy to see climate activist, schools,
principles,… support me with my ideas and commit
will not drop balloons in the sky. The government
also speak up and support about it. I have received
letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources &
Environment and Ministry of Education &
Training. Ministry of Education & Training advice
localities to not drop balloons in the sky and many
localities agreed. I don’t usually go into the Internet
so my mom helped me synthetize information about
the result of this activities. So 25 million students in
Vietnam have a school opening ceremony with no
balloons. Mom said this is so amazing but I think it
is just magic. A lot of good people did little things
and help my dreams comes true. Also my school
had had a school opening ceremony with no
balloons and launch an environment school year.
Nơi: Trong khu chung cư 4: This year school opening ceremony
2020, we continued do this activity. Because of
COVID 19 pandemic, we have had a short, online
school opening ceremony and many localities
request not to drop balloons. I hope it will continue
in the following school year. And there is a fun
story during the pandemic when I was at home, I
and my younger brother traveled… in our house

5: After “the balloon” event

After the balloon event, my daily life hasn’t change
much but I feel like I am being more mature. I
continue doing I continue to do activities related to
environmental problem, even in the social distance
time. For example, in that time, I signed up a class
about protecting wild animals. I did a mini project
for the wild animals at SVW. In my room, I got a
rhino bought from a place that disabled people
work here.

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