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3.2. II Industrial Revolution.

15. Name the main energy sources of the second industrial revolution: electricity and oil
16. What were the new industries, what happened to those of the first industrial revolution? The new
industries were electrical, chemical, metallurgical *, communications. The first (textile, steel *, transport)
matured and survived

*The iron evolves in metallurgical (iron,steel, alumimium, etc). In the 1st there are 3 industries and 6 in the

17. Define commercial corporations and name the types: large bussineses producted by the union of
companies from the same or different economic sectors or by the financial (economic) control in order to
control or monopolise the market (prices) to get profits. Types: cartel, trust and holding.
18. Define Taylorism & fordism: new work’s organization by F. W. Taylor based on dividing the work into small
timed tasks, that allows produced more with less time & money.
Henry Ford apply it in the production of Ford-T cars creating Fordism: type of taylorism that introduced also
"the assembly line" (cadena de montaje) that allows "mass production" (producción en masa).
19. Observe the map on page 60 on your textbook and name when and which countries were industrialized

The phases of industrialization are three: first during the beggining of 19th century: France and Belgium;
Second, in the Mid-19th century: Germany, Northern Italy, Sweden, etc. And finally ath the end of 19th: Spain,
Russia, USA, Japan

20. Complete the chart of the 2nd industrial revolution

(Modern) 1st Industrial Revolution 2nd Industrial Revolution


PERIOD 15th-18th 1760-1870 1870-World War II

ENERGY Physical (animal coal and water with Oil and electricity
SOURCE & human) steam engine

INDUSTRIES Basic ones Textile, iron & Steel and Textile, Metallurgy (old iron and
transport industries steel), chemical, electrical,
(locomotive and transport (electric locomotive,
steamboat) (3) aeroplane, cars) and
(tele)communications (6)
Labour Workshops with Factories with proletariat Factories like the previous ones
organization craftworkers and (Factory workers) and but now with assembly line
handmade use of mechanization (taylorism) and mass production

Type of Trade capitalism Industrial capitalism Financial capitalism


TYPES OF Guilds Family or small business Corporations (cartel, trust and

BUSINESS holding)

COUNTRIES All Europe Great Britain Belgium, France, Germany,

USA, Japan, Russia, etc.

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