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The same tongue

that builds can also
The Word of God reveals to us precious teachings about our talk. “Whoso their mouth to bless. Our faith is a relationship with the Lord, and this relationship
keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles” (Pv 21.23). makes us well-wishers. There are people who have already learned this very well.
The Lord has given us a part of our body capable of giving life or lead to death: When they arrive, it seems that the light reaches; when they open their mou-
the tongue. th, something begins to flow. They convey the love of Christ, make a difference
We must open the mouth to bless our brother, to worship the Lord. But, wherever they are and close to whoever it is. Unfortunately, however, there are
unfortunately, many have been destroyed by the lack of wisdom. Many do not those who do quite the opposite: only complain, murmur, curse others, lead an
have administered their lips in order to bless. Therefore, they curse. Solomon independent life of the Word. The Bible teaches us to give thanks in all things
said: “Silver chosen is the tongue of the righteous, but the heart of the wicked is (1Thes 5.18). This means that, by faith, we can teach the blessing, believing that
worth very little. The lips of the righteous feed many; but, due to a lack of sense, the circumstances are changed, transformed, by the grace of the Lord. There is
die fools” (Pv 10.20-21). a tremendous power in our words. In Proverbs 18.21 it is written: “Death and life
I could cite many biblical texts that reveal the need to open your mouth to are in the power of the tongue; what good uses eat of its fruit”. When you say:
bless and do not curse. But I would like to summarize in just one that translates, “I bless you in the name of Jesus; I bless your day, the work of your hands”, you
so sublimely, the strength that there is in the words we speak: “Death and life are spread life. It is a proclamation. The word keeps, the blessing is the word. You do
in the power of the tongue; what good uses eat of its fruit” (Pv 18.21). Can you not have the final word, but you have the word of blessing. How many people
imagine the extent and severity of it? With it, you can revive or kill. Can you scale curse everything, work, marriage, mother in law, the children... The Word is very
the power that there is in this so small organ of your body? Ask the Holy Spirit to clear to us: bless, bless. Start Blessing your life. “Behold, I will be blessed is the
give you wisdom to speak. man that feareth the Lord” (Ps 120).
Beloved sheep, it is not advisable that you bless and curse at the same time. Dear Brother, what God wants more than anything else is that we are bles-
When Paul wrote to the Romans, he said: “Bless those who persecute you; bless sings and well-wishers. Thus, God bless you! And more! May you be a blessing.
and do not curse” (RM 12.14). There are people who have already understood
the importance of policing, watching their talk and seek not to commit the sin of Pr. Márcio Valadão
falsehood. However, they end up sinning precisely because they did not open

Alleluia! 44  52
EXPEDIENT By the grace of the Lord today are:

If you want to baptize or integrate to our

The Magazine ACTS TODAY is a Church, please call Lagoinha Consolidação
publication Lagoinha Baptist Church +55 31 98489-2535

Pastor Márcio Valadão
Pastor Richarde Guerra
JOURNALIST: January 21th (Sunday)
Priscilla Vieira
3pm • Temple
Thais Oliveira 5pm • Hall CEU
Junior Oliveira January 28th (Sunday)
08.30 pm • Temple
Adriana Santos
Pastor Ângela Valadão, Pr. Flavinho
Marques, Pr. Hernandes Dias Lopes,
Jedielson Rocha.
Adinádia Rosa de Souza Guerra, Ana Clara Diniz Moura, Ana Flávia de Oliveira Soares, Carlos Eduardo Guimarães,
Cíntia Olegário de Souza, Cláudia Ap. Pinto de Oliveira Guimarães, Cláudio Antônio de Almeida, Daniel Soares
Calixto, Dilma Reis Pereira, Eduardo Macena dos Santos, Eric Douglas Xavier Silva, Erick Nascimento Souza,
21.000 copies in portuguese Fabrício Menezes da Silva, Felipe Miranda Alves, Geovanna Alves Ferreira, Glayciene Olegário de Moura, Gracielle
................................................... Angélica de Paula, Graziela Maria dos Santos, Gustavo Lacorte Norberto, Hadassa Cohen de Oliveira, Isabela Beatriz
Alves de Souza, Isac Almeida Costa, Jéssica Fernanda de Souza Bonfim, Juraci Nunes da Silva, Kethelyn Karolina
•CONTACT THE NEWSROOM: Silva Barbosa, Letícia Silva Dornellas, Lorena Adriely Cavalcanti Alves, Marcelo Augusto do Carmo Vitalino, Maria
Aparecida de Paula, Maria Soares da Silva, Mateus Alves Santos, Mateus Batista de Paula, Michelle Pereira de
Carvalho, Natália Pereira do Carmo, Oscar Carmelo Santos Rodrigues da Silva, Priscila Martins Almeida Vasques
Braga, Raquel Cristina de Souza Miranda, Rosana de Souza Millis, Salomão Cohen de Oliveira, Sandra Bonfim Souza
• BUSINESS CONTACT: Nascimento, Scarlet Nayara Souza Miranda, Tatiane Karine Andrade Santos Tomé, Terezinha Ana do Nascimento
Ricardo Badke +55 (31) 98878-0012 Souza e Wanderson Antunes da Cunha.

Adélio Gherardi de Almeida, Altair de Souza Júnior, Ana Carolina Teixeira Lopes, Angélica Aparecida Basílio Teixeira, Antônio
Miguel dos Reis Neto, Ariane Aparecida Ramos, Carla Aparecida Marques, Célia Roberta Mota, César Soares Cabral,
Christian Clayton Hiderick Soares, Cíntia da Silva Jesus Vasconcelos de Paula, Cíntia Patrícia de Souza, Cleodenice Reis
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PRINTING: da Silva Ribeiro, Fernanda Cristina Martinho, Gabriel Henrique Miranda Silva, Gabrielle Ferreira Alquimim, Gedália Nogueira Guimarães, Glaciane Silva Batista Nagib, Gleidson dos Santos Araújo, Joana Darck de Morais, Karla Mara Momede Sete,
+55 (31) 3486-2696
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Cabral, Maria de Lurdes Anastácio, Maria Margarida do Rosário Silva, Marlúcia Alves Lima, Mauro Junio de Oliveira, Millena
The ads contained in this issue, are the sole
Márcia Marques de Almeida, Otávio Junio Pereira do Nascimento, Patrícia Resende, Rayane Miranda de Oliveira, Rodrigo
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There is always a pastor ready to advise and pray for you 24 hours.
+55 (31) 98402-7156 (Man Pastor) +55 (31) 98402-1676 (Woman Pastor)

January 21, 2018
2018: Year of decision
for Brazil
“When there is no helping suggestion the people will have a fall,
but with a number of wise guides they will be safe.” (Proverbs 2 Timothy 2:15

"Let it be your care to get the approval of God, as a workman who
has no cause for shame, giving the true word in the right way."
We live a very special moment in our country. Decisive and crucial mo-
ment when we feel on the verge of a great chasm of disorder and chaos. 2 Timothy 3:16
On the one hand, we find the Brazilian people already tired of fighting,

"Every holy Writing which comes from God is of profit for
of going to the streets to seek their rights to be a nation free from the teaching, for training, for guiding, for education in righ-
corruption of politicians and rulers. A people tired of asking that the tradi- teousness:"
tional family be left in peace and that evil does not enter and destroy their John 5: 39

little children that are being born ... A people who are discouraged from "You make search in the holy Writings, in the belief that throu-
paying such high taxes to see their sweat going to millionaire accounts of gh them you get eternal life; and it is those Writings which give
witness about me."
dream-destroyers ... And on the other hand we can see the Church of the
Lord, who has divine authority on his lips and the keys to victory in his Isaiah 55:11
"So will my word be which goes out of my mouth: it

hands, somewhat apathetic, gazing at his own belly button, wasting his
will not come back to me with nothing done, but it will
faith in his yard, that neither fences have ... give effect to my purpose, and do that for which I have
There must be a great shout, a sound of a shofar sounding through the sent it."
Brazilian corner from north to south, from east to west, a lion roar awa-
kening the understanding of the Church and the Brazilian people, to take Matthew 22:29

up arms and fight: spiritual weapons, weapons powerful and invincible - “But Jesus said to them in answer, You are in error, not
having knowledge of the Writings, or of the power of God.”
prayer and fasting! Every day, take time to pray for Brazil. We must be
on the alert, following what happens in Brazil, in Brasilia, in the secret
Hebrews 4:12
meetings of darkness that plan the destruction of our country ... We must “For the word of God is living and full of power, and
fight knowing that the victory of the Lord is right, for He fights our battles . is sharper than any two-edged sword, cutting through

Solomon taught that “there being no wise direction, the people fall,” so and making a division even of the soul and the spirit, the
now lift your eyes to the heavens and cry out for our country, for the bones and the muscles, and quick to see the thoughts and
purposes of the heart.”
coming elections, for the politicians who will be candidates and for those
who will be elected. Ah, may God give us a president according to his

Psalms 119.105
heart: a whole person, who has Christian principles and fights for the tra- "Your word is a light for my feet, ever shining on my way."
ditional family, who loves Israel and blesses the people of God, so that we
will be blessed, according to the Word of God and the history of humanity
confirm us. ȁȁ Daily Reading
May God have mercy on us, Brazilians, and give us peace, tranquility and
joy to see the prosperity of our land, our people, through the honest work
and honesty of the rulers, in wisdom, to care for the people . Day / 21 Lk 16; Gn 27.46; 28.22; Ps 21
May the Lord free us from the communism that oppresses and is an enemy
Day / 22 Lk 17; Gn 29.1-30; Ps 22
of the cross of Christ. May our young people, adults and old people be
wise to vote and may we have a government blessed by God, for “the Day / 23 Lk 18.1-17; Gn 29.31; 30.43; Ps 23
nation whose God is the Lord is happy” (Psalm 3312a).
Day / 24 Lk 18.18-43; Gn 31; Ps 24
• Pray right now for Brazil! Day / 25 Lk 19.1-27; Gn 32-33; Ps 25
• Pray with all your heart, with intensity!
Day / 26 Lk 19.28-48; Gn 34; Ps 26
• Pray every day: “Lord, save Brazil! Get us free of communism and of
opression. Amen!”!” Day / 27 Lk 20.1-26; Gn 35-36; Ps 27
Pra. Ângela Valadão



* Agende já sua prova
Localização privilegiada
*Consulte condições no site: ves�
Rua Areado, 437.

January 21, 2018

This week we don’t have small group lesson. Therefore, the small group leader is
free to choose the subject to be developed.


God surprised us in 2017 and we entered in 2018 with much of Jesus and His kingdom.
anticipation about our small groups. Our church has been living Love more, be even more committed to Jesus, more intense in
a precious time. We have been awakened to the commitment your local church, persevere, be fully integrated. Dedicate yourself
of being transforming agents wherever we are. The best way to to what God has entrusted to you. You are part of this project, get
transform our cities is through pastoral care in the small groups, involved in a small group, take root because I have the conviction
a fundamental part of bringing people to the knowledge of Christ. that great things will happen in your life. We at the Small Groups
During the weekly meetings, people have the opportunity to House are here to serve you. If you need to contact us at +55 31
participate effectively in the local church, to have fellowship with 3429-1350 / 99370-9714.
the brethren, to share joys and to be comforted when necessary.
Last year we reached thousands of people, multiplied hundreds Pr. Flavinho Marques
of SG’s, and came to new neighborhoods, cities, states and even More information about the study of small groups, call Pastor
other countries, to the honor and glory of the name of Jesus. This Flavinho +55 31 98793-7701.
year we can’t lose the focus of bringing people to the knowledge


From February 16 to 28, at Elim, (680, Augusto Moreira Street Enter the site, click the tab “Encontre uma
- Jardim Atlântico - BH). Intended for people who are baptized, célula”, and type your address, or call the Small Groups House:
over 16 years old or who are preparing for baptism. The retreat +55 31 3429-1350 / 99370-9714 / 98463-5250.
Meeting with God is an invitation to the renewal of the first love.
A place where you will be brought back into the arms of the
Father and will be led by the incomparable love of our beautiful
and wonderful Jesus, restoring the hunger for the Word and


presence of God. Register now at the Registration Center (54,
Caetano Marques Street - São Cristóvão - BH). Phone: +55 31
3429-9567 / 98793-2936 / 99458-0299 (WhatsApp) - Roberto
Davidson. For further information: +55 31 98793-2080 / 3427-

Access our Instagram and stay inside of what happens in our small groups: @gclagoinha

January 21, 2018

associations. The new Penal Code hits the Catholic Church ‘full’,
because in Bolivia it has many social works, it recruits many
people for work and volunteering, “says the pastor. He explained
that questions about legalization of drugs and abortion will also be
Population: 10 million. modified in the country. “There are some reasons that will allow you
Capital: La Paz (administrative - 1.7 million); Sucre (legal, 288 thousand). to request abortion, such as being a student. In addition, people
Christians: 9.1 million. can have 5 kg of marijuana and 1.5 kg of cocaine at home for their
Evangelical Christians: 1.6 million. own use. “
Highest religion: Christian.
Growing religion: ethnic religions. Because of the changes, the Bolivian churches have held
demonstrations and marches. Several sectors of society have
Christians living in Bolivia, a South American country, have also made protests and stalled as a way to ask the government to
experienced a period of insecurity since the local government issued review the new Penal Code.
a new Penal Code. As explained by a pastor* who lives in the country, * Identity preserved for the safety of the pastor.
this constituent should become effective from July 2019.
Among the changes, one particularly affects the Christian church, both • Pray that the Holy Spirit will break the heart of the government
with regard to evangelicals and Catholics. This is Article 88, which, leadership of Bolivia.
in short, prohibits recruiting members of criminal organizations and • Pray that the gospel will continue to be freely preached in the
religious organizations. If there is an infraction, the penalty applied will country.
be the same: from 7 to 12 detention. • Pray that the government will rebuild a just Penal Code for the
“Even outside church events will be banned. With this, the Catholic nation.
Church took the lead in mobilizations and, together with it, evangelical Thais Oliveira

Lagoinha Lisboa inaugurates worship

and receives team of Betim Lagoinha


Culto Pra Lá das Dez é inaugurado

WOMEN é inaugurado

Lagoinha Lisboa, in Portugal, has just inaugurated another For the next few days, Lagoinha Lisboa plans to conduct training
worship: Pra Lá das Dez! (After 10 o’clock!) From now on, the service for leaders (23/1), evangelism (27/01) and training for children’s
will take place every second Friday of the month, starting at 10pm. ministry (29/01). If you are living in the city, be part of our church
The first service was given by pastor Diego Araújo, from Lagoinha and get involved in some of the ministries. Of course, the brothers of
Betim(MG). Lagoinha Lisboa will be glad to welcome you!
Part of the Minas Gerais church, including, was, on mission, to Learn more about the Lagoinha Nations Ministry: +55 (31) 98793-1570 -
Lagoinha Lisbon, where he served in various events. One of them Pastor Leo Capochim
was the “Pink Time” - an initiative aimed at the female audience -, Thais Oliveira
which featured a dance and theater presentation, with the theme “The
Dreams of God”. The word was given by the pastor Márcia Medeiros, To contribute to Lagoinha Nations, our church’s Bank of Brazil
who leads Lagoinha Betim with her husband, Pastor Rodinei. In missions department, make deposits to the
Agency: 1614-4
Current account: 160.000-0
keeping with the 2018 theme of Lagoinha, the “Year of Perseverance,” following account:
Márcia spoke about the need to persevere to the end, as well as Banco do Brasil
stressing the importance of participants seeking to be like the virtuous
woman described in Proverbs 31.
January 21, 2018

Learn how this ministry invests and cares for families
To help us build a blessed family in the mold of biblical purpose of offering a more personal reception, with a team of
principles, our church has the ministry of Lagoinha Family which pastors, workers or professionals.For the edification of the whole
works in the search for the total restoration of the family, since it family, the ministry conducts the Family Cult, every Wednesday
is the first institution established by God and the first foundation at 7:30 p.m., in the Temple of the LagoinhaSede. It is a gathering
of God’s government in the land.The ministry aims to consolidate for the whole family, with learning the Word of God and instruction
the teaching of the principles of honor and values so that man is in how to be successful in relationships. If you need guidance for
irreproachable throughout his life.The goal is to rescue the family your family, pay a visit to Casa Pastoral (Street Pitangui, 527, São
and government, marriage and covenant, principles of obedience, Cristóvão - BH / MG). For more information, call +55 (31) 98489-
honor, character and teaching, rescue the fatherhood of parents, 2707 (Pastor Sérgio Ricardo) / 3429-9400 (Ministry Lagoinha
marital and family relationships, seeking a true healing, liberation, Família).
conversion and revival in homes.The Lagoinha Family serves all
those who need help or advice and values the teaching of biblical Priscilla Vieira
principles, defending the natural family, providing edification,
therapeutic care and guidance to the Christian.The ministry
carries out appointments previously scheduled in the Pastoral
House, individually, for couples or for the whole family, with the


Parents and Teenage Sons School: It is an integrated course in which parents and sons take the course simulta-
neously to assist parents and sons in the application of biblical principles in the family.
Date: from 2/4 to 3/25. Registration and information: Pastor. Joaquim Souza +55 31 99755-7117 (WhatsApp);
e-mail: / Lagoinha Family Ministry +55 31 3429-9400.

Registrations open for the Course of Bride and Groom! Classes between February and April 2018 for couples inten-
ding to marry until January 2019. The course is a requirement for members to marry in one of the salons of Lagoinha
Baptist Church, or Lagoinha neighborhood or have the wedding celebrated by one of our pastors. Registration
exclusively at the address: inscricoes - More information: +55 31 98793-2361(What-
sApp), e-mail:

Start the course Married Forever: Invest in your marriage and learn from the course, which is intended to help
couples in the quest to grow in knowledge and wisdom for marriage. Beginning of classes in February. Registration
on Wednesdays at 07:30 p.m, in the Family Worship Service in Templo. Sunday at 10 a.m. Fonte Square, and during
the week, in the Pastoral House at 2 p.m., 527 Pitangui Street, Concórdia – BH/MG.
Registration and information: Pastor Narciso Marques +55 31 98488-2764 (WhatsApp) / Lagoinha Family Ministry
+55 31 3429-9400 or +55 31 98402-7247.

Registration open for the “Pregnant Parents” course: classes from 4th of Feb. to 25th of Ma. , always on Sun-
days, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 a.m., in the Fé Hall. During the lessons parents will learn about various topics such as:
appropriate food, breastfeeding techniques, characteristics and needs of the newborn, bathing techniques, baby
hygiene, navel care, breathing techniques, oral health, massage and relaxation for mom and baby. Information:
Pastor Joaquim Souza +55(31) 99755-7117 (WhatsApp) / 98793-1840, e-mail: or
with Pâmela, at the secretary of Lagoinha Família 3429-9400

Couple’s camp
Registration open to the camp that will take place on 10th and 11th of March at Elim.
Information and registration: Pastor Madalena Silveira +55 (31) 98445-1473 / 3429-1300

January 21, 2018


God said to Abraham: “I will bless you; I will make your name ourselves into a blessing when we arrive to the Lord’s altar. And the

great, and you will be a blessing” (Genesis 12.2b). God doesn’t bless Lord’s altar isn’t brick or carpet. The altar is inside us, it’s our heart.

us to turn ourselves into a “full of blessings”. The Lord blesses us And, when we bring our tithes, we bring the expression of our fidelity,

to be a “channel” of blessing. It sometimes happens that the person of our compromise with Him. The Word says: “You have been faithful

just wants to be a “vase” of blessing. But, in the vase, they put things with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things” (Matthew

and let those things stay there. The “channel” works in a different 25.21). If someone doesn’t give the tithe when receives payment, he

way. God blesses you to be a channel of blessing. isn’t going to give the tithe when receives $10.000 a month.

And who puts limit on God’s blessings isn’t God himself, but we Dear brother, honor Lord with your first fruits, with your tithes

do. The Word says “God gives the Spirit without limit” (John 3.34); and with your offerings – which is everything that exceeds the tithes,

we are the ones that put limit to it. As amazing as it sounds, it is also it is a seeding. Anyway, we have to put into our heads that we’re

like this with Lord’s blessings, because we dictate the size of them butlers and a butler takes care of everything for the owner. And be

in our lives. sure that if you are faithful, the heavens are going to open for you!

Many times, a person doesn’t live a blessed life because of God bless you!
Pastor Márcio Valadão
unbelief; another by lack of knowledge, not being a blessing anymore.

The moment of tithes and offerings is the time to be blessed and turn
 Talk more about this theme with the pastor Eduardo Queiroz: +
55 (31) 99612-9099


Check which bank you can deposit your tithes and your offerings * You can also use the automatic debit
machines to deliver your tithes and
their offerings

January 21, 2018

But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the
poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” Luke 19:8

It is appropriate to make an assessment of what we seek first things first.

accomplished in the year ended and a planning of what we Secondly, I decide to invest more in my family. Our house
want to do in 2018. Life is made of decisions. We are not what must be a place where Jesus is welcomed with joy, where
we feel, not even what we say, but what we do. In life we ​​need to salvation is celebrated with enthusiasm, where justice is
make choices. Some make bad choices and reap the nefarious practiced with constancy and where generosity is practiced
results of these foolish choices. Others make good choices with pleasure. Our family should be the target of our highest
and reap the blessed fruits of these wise choices. The text in affections and our greatest investments. To invest in the family
relief shows the decision of Zacchaeus, the chief of publicans, is to sow in a fertile field, which will give us a fruitful harvest.
settled in the oldest city in the world, that of Jericho. He led a Thirdly, I resolve to cultivate a more abundant devotional
group of tax collectors. It oppressed and defrauded the people, life. The rush of life, not infrequently, deprives us of the finer
raising more than was due. He accumulated wealth by using things. Delighting in God through prayer and savoring the
this expedient. He has gathered up treasures of iniquity. delicacies of God through the meditation of His Word are the
The day Jesus met him in the city of Jericho, however, foundation for an abundant life. Resolve to study the Bible more
his life was changed. As proof of his genuine conversion, two consistently, pray more fervently, and re-establish the practice
attitudes were taken: restitution and generosity. He resolved of personal and domestic worship, and do not allow any other
to quadruplicate what he had dishonestly apportioned, and to agenda to deprive you of this unheard-of privilege.
distribute generously half of his fortune. Fourth, I resolve to be a blessing in my local church. You
Today, you and I also need to resolve some things. What must bloom where you stand. Here is the place where you
are we going to resolve? put your gifts and talents in the service of God and neighbor.
First, I resolve to get the first things first. We should love Here is the place of you being a minister of reconciliation and
God with our whole heart and our neighbor as ourselves. We a peacemaker. Here is the place for you to invest in the lives of
must seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. We the incoming people, so that they can be integrated and grow in
should worship God, serve others, and use things instead of the knowledge and grace of Christ. Here is the place for you to
loving things and not using people, and forgetting God. A good comfort, encourage, and strengthen your brethren in the faith.
out of focus thing can lead us to ruin. The gifts of God can not Here is the place to rejoice with those who rejoice and cry with
take God’s place in our lives. When we substitute God for the those who cry. Here is the place of you being a blessing!
gifts of God, when we replace the creator with the creature,
when we delight more in the blessings of God than in the Lord, Hernandes Dias Lopes
we are in frank spiritual decline. It is time to realign our lives to

January 21, 2018

Interteen aims to
lead teenagers to
persevere in Jesus


The Congress will be held from 9 to 13 February with free
admission, at the Lagoinha Headquarters.

Interteen is coming, The National Congress of Leaders and Adolescents, In addition, the Congress aims to contribute to a greater commitment
held by the Ministry of Teenagers Lagoinha. This year’s event will be held of adolescents to the Lord Jesus. “May the cause of the gospel be so real
between February 9 and 13 - Carnival holiday - in the temple of Lagoinha in our lives that we are fit and available to move forward with Christ to the
Headquarters, and will have free admission. end, no matter what it costs,” the pastor added.
“The expectation for this year 2018 is for Interteen to bring a Be sure to join Interteen! Invite the leaders and teens you know to be a
supernatural impact on the lives of every participant who gets involved in part of this congress that has been impacted lives for so many years!
this congress,” said the pastor Adriano Pauli, leader of the ministry. The Lagoinha Headquarters is at 360 Manoel Macedo street, São
With the theme “Forward with Christ to the end”, the Interteen 2018 Cristóvão, Belo Horizonte - Brazil.
proposal fits the Lagoinha vision of “Year of Perseverance.” According to For more information, please call +55 31 3270-8600 or +55 31 98793-
Pauli, the goal is to “sharpen in adolescents the perseverance of continuing 0011 (Pastor Adriano Pauli).
with Christ even in the midst of their greatest difficulties, always bringing
to remembrance that He has conquered the world, and then we are also Dayane Nascimento
able to overcome.”

Clamor Conference happens this

The event will have as speakers the singer Nívea Soares and the pastor
Ricardo Robortella
The Prophetic Conference of Clamor 2018 begins next Thursday providing a time of prophetic worship and awakening, as well as
(25). The event will last until Saturday (27) and will be held at the crying out for the nations.
Lagoinha Headquarters. This year, the conference will feature Tickets will be sold until the day of the event or even run out of
Caleb Edwards, Dan Duke, Jason Lee Jones, Judson Oliveira, Luiz lots on the site:
Hermínio, Miriam Frederick, Nívea Soares, and also the leader of the For more information and registration, please call +55 31 3568-
ministry Clamor Pelas Nações, the pastor Ricardo Robortella. 2995.
The event has the purpose of bringing a revival to the church,


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January 21, 2018



takes care
of the
Idade” (Best Age) Ministry

The “Melhor Idade” is now under the care of the Elas Minis- shepherdess, from the groups of conversations, it will be pos-
try. According to Pastor Madalena Silveira, leader of Elas, the sible to define, even if that person needs to continue with the
change occurred a month ago, but several plans are already in psychological care.
development. The activities that were already part of the Melhor Idade will
One of the novelties will be the aid of the so-called “surro- also have continued, the example of the SG’s (Small groups) and
gate husband”, that is, those professionals specialized in hou- the service of the elders, held on Sundays, in the Tabernacle, at
sework, such as changing the lamp or fixing a lock. “There are 8 a.m., and led by Pastor Paulo Cézar. “We also want to return
several elderly people who live alone and who have trouble with the courses such as painting and literacy, physical exerci-
making a small repair at home. We are praying to God that in ses, trips and camps. The visits to the elderly is another issue
February we can form a team to do this work”, says the shepher- that we want to take forward”, he pointed out.
dess. Soon, participants will also be able to receive health care To accomplish all these actions, however, the ministry needs
such as pressure measurement and blood glucose test twice a more people available to help. So, if you are a physical, health
month. professional or “surrogate husband”, you volunteer to assist the
Another activity that the Elas ministry are preparing for the best age. If you want to participate in the ministry in another
Melhor Idade are the talking groups formed with psychologists. area, you can also get in touch with the team of them, because
“We’ve done some talking groups with the women who parti- you will be very welcome. The Salon space “Ela” is on Beberi-
cipate in them and we’ve had a lot of results. The Bible says: be street, 133, São Cristóvão Neighborhood, Belo Horizonte.
“Confess your sins to one another and pray for each other to To know more about the ministry, call +55 (31) 3429-0550 or
be cured” [James 5.16a]. This will be an opportunity for this and 98445-1473 – Pastor Madalena Silveira.
for the elderly to open their hearts, to realize that many situ-
ations that they pass, others pass too”, said Madalena. As the Thais Oliveira

January 21, 2018
January 21, 2018

Escola de Intercessão com a pastora Ezenete Rodrigues e equipe
Inscrições abertas para a Escola de Intercessão. Início das aulas: 20/2, sempre as terças-feiras, às 19:30, no Tabernáculo.
Informações e inscrições: (31) 3423-3530 / Rua Ipê, 282 - São Cristóvão / BH.

Cursos do ministério Rhema

Abertas as inscrições para os cursos Batalha Espiritual e Cura Interior módulos 1 e 2 e para a Escola
de Libertadores para quem já fez os anteriores. Início das aulas dia 28/2. Inscrições na Casa Pastoral,
à Rua Pitangui, 527, São Cristóvão – BH. Mais informações: Wanir (31) 3429-9400 / 98793-6474.

Culto CRIE
Voltado para cristãos empreendedores com a série de palestras “Neemias, liderança fora da curva”, toda segunda-feira, às
19h45, na Capela (Rua Araribá, 535, Bairro São Cristóvão), com o Pr. Dervy Gomes (31) 99970-6292.

Acampamento dos Jovens Adultos Especial 10 Anos

De 9 a 13 de fevereiro (feriado de Carnaval), no Hotel Fazenda Lagoa Azul, em Esmeraldas (MG). As inscrições podem ser
Igreja Batista da lagoinha
realizadas após o Culto Jovens Adultos, aos sábados, às 19h30, no Tabernáculo, nas dependências da Lagoinha Sede (Rua
Manoel Macedo, 360 – São Cristóvão – BH/MG). Para outras informações, ligue (31) 98653-1941 (Marisa) ou envie um
e-mail para

Curso de cabeleireiro e de informática

A Fundação Oásis oferece curso de cabeleireiro básico e de intensivo de informática para pessoas acima de 16 anos. Aulas
a partir do dia 5 e 7 de fevereiro, respectivamente. Mais informações: Naiara (31) 3449-6704. Últimos dias para fazer

Congresso Paixão Missionária

O MIM, em parceria com a equipe Global Arts and Mission, realizará o congresso no dia 3/2, das 9h às 18h, na Fábrica de
Artes da IBL.Haverá a participação de irmãos de Goiânia, do Peru, e da liderança do MIM e um treinamento missionário
específico. Além disso, o Congresso contará com uma parte prática de evangelismo na região da Savassi no mesmo dia.
Informações: Priscila de Abreu (31) 99231- 9531.

Culto dos Jovens Adultos

Igreja Batista da lagoinha
Todo sábado, às 19h, no Tabernáculo. Informações com o Pr. Léozão (31) 98402-6731. Curso de batismo Jovens Adultos, aos
sábados, às 17:30. Informações com o Pr. Márcio Luís 99959-7138.

Inscrições abertas para o Carisma

Cursos: Teologia Ministerial, Bíblico Modular, Start Teen e Carisma Kids. Unidades: Belo Horizonte, Igarapé, Justinópolis,
Lagoa Santa e Varginha. Informações: (31) 3429-8000 / Faça já a sua inscrição!

Interteen – Congresso de Adolescentes

9 a 13 de fevereiro, no Templo. Entrada franca! Tema: Avante.
Informações: Pr. Adriano Pauli (31) 98793-0011.

Culto Elas: nesta quarta-feira (24/1), às 15 horas, na Capela.

Cursos: inscrições abertas para os cursos Mulher Única e Curadas para Curar. Garanta sua vaga!
Curso Mulher 3D: crescimento pessoal 2018 | Turmas: módulo 1 – quinta-feira, às 18h30 / módulo 2 – terça-feira, às
18h30. Com Fernanda Amaral, master coach e painelista.
Culto Rispa – mães superando perdas
Dia 29/1, às 19h, no Espaço Elas. Informações: Leila Martins (31) 98829-3302 / Espaço Elas 3429-1300
Projeto Imagem e Autoestima com Jane Araújo
O curso inspirará a mulher a ter uma boa relação entre ela e o espelho. O objetivo é fazer a mulher reconhecer e
aumentar os recursos que têm disponíveis para fazer o melhor que se pode em relação a sua imagem. Início: 22/2/18,
das 14h30 às 18 horas. Serão seis reuniões e na última, as alunas terão a oportunidade de conhecer o atelier da Jane
Araújo e vivenciar as compras de forma inteligente.
Assessoria Jurídica
Todas as quintas-feiras, no Espaço Elas
Mais informações: Espaço Elas, Rua Beberibe, 133, São Cristóvão – (31) 3429-1300.

January 21, 2018

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