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Intercede for nations closed off to the The Christian must assume his role as the Team takes care of administrative, legal and
gospel and worldwide evangelization. ambassador of Christ in the Brazilian nation. accounting demands of our church.

37 50
Alleluia! 81.441

If you want to baptize or integrate to our Church, please call
BY THE GRACE OF THE LORD TODAY ARE: MEMBERS IN L AGOINHA Lagoinha Consolidação +55 31 98489-2535

P H O T O : FA C E B O O K L A G O I N H A

Adriana Medeiros Lima, Alex Alves Araújo, Amanda Almeida Piontkowsky, Amanda Luz da Silva,
February 04th (SUNDAY) Ananita Gomes Ferreira, André Moreira de Almeida, Carlos Alberto Gama Junior, Cristiana Pazeli
Rodrigues Maciel, Daiza da Silva Ferreira, Daniel Lanne Garcia de Oliveira, Daniel Lopes de
6am and 8am •Tabernacle
Almeida, Danielle Flaviane da Silva, David Lanne Garcia de Oliveira, Edivaina Terezinha Neto,
9am •Hall CEU
Eduardo Alvarez Leite, Emerson Rafael Cunha, Ewerton Piontkowsky Santana, Gabriel Ribeiro de
10am •Temple
Paula, Gisely Guilherme Silva Rosa, Grasiela Góes Guerra, Heloisa Alvarez Leite, Hugo Fernandes
February 11th (SUNDAY)
Ribeiro, Isabelle Lanne Garcia de Oliveira, Julio Maria Pinto, Luana Carla Brandão da Silva, Magno
dos Santos Pimenta, Maria Aparecida da Costa, Maria de Lourdes Ulhoa, Miguel Angel Molina
6pm •Temple Rosário, Paloma Ferreira Barbosa, Rayane Dias Silva, Rebeca Alvarez Leite, Roberto Domingo
Pena Flores, Rosália Neves de Abreu, Samuel Lanne Garcia de Oliveira, Tâmara Duarte Della
To receive the Supper at your Ferro e Túlio Cesar Ciriaco de Oliveira.
home, call Pra. Sônia Capochim
(31) 98406-3180. INTEGRATION PEOPLE

Phones to your disposal Alan da Silva Lima, Alexandro Quirino da Silva, Ana Flavia Moura de Oliveira, Ana Hilda Pereira
Ângelo, Andrea de Oliveira Silva, Arlete Auxiliadora dos Reis, Bruno Cairos Silva Cruz, Carla
• Ask for prayer for your child: +55 Cristine de Castro Resende, Cristiane Lisandra Bicalho Sanches, Dariane Martins dos Santos,
(31) 98793-6900 - “Call Deborah”. Douglas Rodrigues Moraes, Edilene Piedade A. Ferreira Ribeiro, Edilson Rodrigues Nascimento,
• To update your data: +55 (31) Emma Vargas Arauz Mello, Enia Veira Lima, Fernanda Alves Neres e Costa, Gabriela Flavia Alves,
3429-9570 Gessyka Leise Nogueira Martins Reis, Gilcimar Geraldo Silva, Gustavo Henrique Oliveira Costa,
• To transfer to our church: Iracy Petrina da Luz Silva, Jamerson da Silva Santana, Jander Cristiano Pereira, Jaqueline Maria
+55(31) 3429-9577 / 98489-2535 de Souza Nascimento, Junia Mara Sangi da Silva Vidal, Kelly Aparecida de Sena Santos, Lady
• To communicate the birth of a Lourdes Soares Medeiros, Larissa Terezinha de Medeiros, Leonardo Martins Correia, Leonardo
child, Marriage or death of relative: Oliveira dos Santos, Luciana Andréia da Silva Tito, Mara Dias Oliveira Martins, Marcelo Roberto
+55 (31) 3429-9400 / +55 (31) Dias Ferreira, Maria Edna Dias Oliveira, Mariana Miyuki Feitoza Ishii, Marineia Coelho Vaz, Mateus
98793-2299 Alves Barbosa, Michael Fernandes de Lima Binotto, Michelle Lucas da Silva, Mirena Lidiane da
• Visit to the sick: +55 (31) 98577- Silva, Pedro Henrique da Silva Fonseca, Renata Alves dos Santos, Rosilaine Alves Neves, Simone
0320. Mendes Costa, Simone Regina das Chagas Lino da Silva, Sirene Maria Dias de Sousa, Vespertina
• Telephone of Peace: +55 (31) Aparis Ribeiro de Almeida, Vinicius da Silva Borges, Viviane Santos Pinto e Waleria Maria Santiago
3429-9550. Moraes.
• Pastoral House: +55 (31) 3429-
PRESIDENT: de Andrade, Raphael Lacerda, Dayane The ads contained in this issue, are the
Pastor Márcio Valadão Nascimento, Hernandes Dias Lopes, sole responsibility of the advertisers,
and the Baptist Church of Lagoinha any
Peace Phone DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATION: Raquel Carsi, Tio Uli.
responsibility on the content and accuracy
Pastor Richarde Guerra
of such advertisements, including the
fact that the spaces for such are open to
Priscilla Vieira 21.000 copies
In addition to the fixed phone, now you can talk to third parties, businessmen and/or service
Thais Oliveira ...................................................
the Ministry Peace Phone through your cell phone. providers with which the Church has no
GRAPHIC DESIGN AND LAYOUT: relationship of any kind, and on which
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Olv Publi • CONTACT THE NEWSROOM: the Church has no condition exercise
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Adriana Santos effectiveness of the products or services
Landline: +55 (31) 3429-9550 COLLABORATORS: • BUSINESS CONTACT: advertised.
Claro: +55 (31) 98309-0064 / 98414-8185 Pra. Ângela Valadão, Pr. Anísio Renato Ricardo Badke +55 (31) 98878-0012
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Tim: +55 (31) 99481-8023 / 99481-5699
Oi: +55 (31) 98878-0054 / 98878-0056 The Magazine ACTS TODAY is a publication Lagoinha Baptist Church

There is always a pastor ready to advise and pray for you 24 hours.
+55 (31) 98402-7156 (Man Pastor) +55 (31) 98402-1676 (Woman Pastor)


P H O T O : FA C E B O O K L A G O I N H A

True love
“Because all things are for your sakes, that the we are here. For love of us, God, our Father, in the discipline.
grace, multiplying, become abundant thanksgiving The consciousness that wants to eat or drink And yet who suffer with it, we know that this is for
through many, for the glory of God" (2 Corinthians or do anything else, we must do everything for the our good. For love of us, God makes everything
4.15). The text says that God made all things by glory of God (1 Corinthians 10.31). This leads us for our good (because we love the Lord, because
loving us. The wind, the flowers, the fish, the air to a responsibility that comes out of the gates of we are called according to his purpose (Romans
and everything else that exists today has been our house to achieve the common good, social. 8.28). All things exist for love of us. Dear reader,
created by love to us. By love, God allows us to Our Christian conscience prevents us, for exam- save in your heart this truth: you are a son of God.
enjoy all the wonders of nature that so thorou- ple, to throw out food while thousands are dying You can be edified, comforted, encouraged, saved
ghly created. Dear Brother, when you understand of hunger; prevents us from accumulating clothes and transformed by the power of the living Word
the greatness of this love, everything takes a very that do not use years ago, because many die of of God. In the name of Jesus. Amen!
special significance. You shall make all things and cold etc.
be grateful to God for everything he has. And the For love of us, God gave us the oxygen to brea-
life then becomes much more vivid. Nothing that the without any difficulty and does not need to pay God bless you!
exists, is material, emotional or spiritual can be for it. For love of us, God created us with the free
ignored. When we understand that everything that will to make our own choices, but for love of us Pastor Márcio Valadão
exists in this world is the expression of God's love also, He sent Jesus to rid us of our wrong choices;
for us, be aware about the care we must have with He gave us the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us
everything that the Father has entrusted us while in the perfect way to God and to draw us to Him.




Base text: Genesis 26.12-25 History is replete with examples of God's servants who would only be restrained
by death (though their influences are permanent). As long as we live, we will not
Introduction: The basis of perseverance lies in the awareness of identity and give up serving the Lord and seeking His purposes.
purpose. If we know who we are and what our mission is, we have strong reasons Isaac was not violent, but determined. Perhaps, he wasn’t able to physically
to remain steadfast in our journey. confront his opponents, but he remained steadfast in his purpose of seeking
Isaac was son of Abraham, heir of the promises and the blessings. These water.
factors were fundamental in his life, but they couldn’t be the only ones. It would The wells teach us the precious lesson of depth (Ephesians 3.17-19). We
not do him any good to say: “Respect me. I am son of Abraham”. Isaac needed can’t be superficial in our relationship with God. The greatest riches, whether of
to obey the Word of God and to work (Genesis 26.2,6). Therefore he sowed and the land or the seas, are not on the surface.
reaped. God blessed him with a harvest a hundred times greater than what was Sometimes God opens the heavens and showers over us. At other times He
planted (Genesis 26.12-13). leads us to the still waters, but under some circumstances the responsibility of
Everything went very well until the problems came. The Philistines envied him seeking water is in our hands.
and clogged the wells that Abraham had made (Genesis 26.14-15). Digging is hard work and requires patience. Most of the time it is marked by
What was Isaac's attitude? He did not leave, did not give up, did not argue or the absence of results, but living water is the final prize of the persevering ones.
fight, but unclogged the wells. And the Philistines contended for the possession of TO THINK ABOUT: what kind of "wells" can we dig in our spiritual quest?
the water. Isaac let go of those wells and dug another. Again the enemies claimed
their possession. Isaac walked a little further and dug another well. This time, the Pastor Anísio Renato de Andrade
enemies did not bother him. They saw that they would not be able to stop Isaac.
This reminds us of another biblical passage: “Therefore subject yourselves to More information about the study of small groups, call Pastor Flavinho +55
God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4.7). 31 98793-7701..
Finally, the son of Abraham had a little peace. Then, he built an altar and...
dug another well! It's as he were saying: “That's what I do and I will not stop”.


Enter the site, click the tab “Encontre uma célula”, and type your
address, or call the Small Groups House: +55 31 3429-1350 / 99370-9714 / 98463-5250.


Impact Life (Impacto Vida) is a spiritual retreat for non-believers. If From February 16 to 28, at Elim, (680, Augusto Moreira
you are a person who does not know Jesus yet, or have not been Street - Jardim Atlântico - BH). Intended for people who are
baptized, or knows someone in this situation, encourage him to go baptized, over 16 years old or who are preparing for baptism.
on Impact Life. The retreat Meeting with God is an invitation to the renewal of
Location: at Pousada do Sossego, Juatuba – MG. Make your the first love. A place where you will be brought back into the
application in advance. arms of the Father and will be led by the incomparable love of
Documents required for registration: copy of documents (RG and our beautiful and wonderful Jesus, restoring the hunger for the
CPF). Word and presence of God. Register now at the Registration
Entries will be made at Registration Center (54, Caetano Marques Center (54, Caetano Marques Street - São Cristóvão - BH).
street, São Cristóvão – corner with Araribá street, from 09:00 to
18:00). Prepare yourself and send people! Phone: +55 31 3429-9567 / 98793-2936 / 99458-0299
(WhatsApp) - Roberto Davidson.
Next dates:
February, 16 to 18 – IMPACT LIFE TEENAGERS (from 13 to 17 years old). For further information: +55 31 98793-2080 / 3427-7014.
February, 23 to 25 – IMPACT LIFE ADULTS (from 18 years old).
Informations: +55 31 3429 1355 / 3429 9567 / 98793 1078 (Ludmila

Access our instagram and stay inside of what happens in our Small Groups: @gclagoinha




Ephesians 5.18

"Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be
filled with the Spirit."

Ephesians 5:19

" speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the

Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord."

Ephesians 5:20

"always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Ephesians 5: 1
"Follow God's example, therefore, as dearly loved children."


Ephesians 1.17

"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious
Father, may give you the Spirit [^6] of wisdom and revelation, so
that you may know him better."

Ephesians 1.18
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that

"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his
glorious inheritance in his holy people."
say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad,
because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they Ephesians 1:19

persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5.11-12) "and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power
is the same as the mighty strength."

A few days ago, we were impacted by the news persecutions began ... Stephen was the first martyr
of the New Penal Code instituted by President of Christianity (Acts 7). When he was stoned, he
Evo Morales of Bolivia. Article 88 of the Code prayed, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them!"
criminalized Christians in practices of worship, Stephen forgave his executioners. He saw the
evangelization and spiritual social work, promising heavens opened and Jesus standing, to the right
7 to 12 years' imprisonment with indemnities for of the throne of the Father, ready to receive him in
these crimes committed against "human dignity and his presence.
freedom", according to the Code. Thankfully, the And the fierce persecution continued, killing
■■Day/ 04 Lk 24.13-53; Gn 44; Ps 35
Bolivian church mobilized in prayer for the country Christians of all ages. The story recounts the
and the Code was revoked by the president. martyrdom of children, adolescents, youth, adults
We are living in a time when we see the church and old people. Men and women being cruelly
■■Day/ 05 Heb 1; Gn 45; 46.1-27; Ps 36
cycle closing. How is it? It's like we draw a circle. killed and tortured for loving Jesus and believing
We start drawing at one point, we make the circle, the Bible in full ... The Lord has prepared us for the
and we end up just where we started, do not we? time of today. Evil ideologies try to stifle the glory
■■Day/ 06 Heb 2; Gn 46.28-34;47; Ps 37
The Christian church had its official beginning two of the Lord and struggle with all their might to try to
thousand years ago in Jerusalem on the feast day destroy and smother the seed of faith in Christ and
of Pentecost. In Acts 2, we read this account of the the Holy Scriptures …
■■Day/ 07 Heb 3;4; Gn 48; Ps 38
coming of the Holy Spirit. The sound of a stormy He said that we would be persecuted, outraged,
wind was heard, and tongues of fire appeared on the mocked and killed because of his name, but the
heads of the disciples gathered in that upper room. reward of the martyr or the Christian who suffers for
■■Day/ 08 Heb 5; Gn 49;50; PsSl 39
And all were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to Christ is incalculable ... It is worth living for Christ
speak in other languages. The crowd flocked, filled and dying for Him. It is worth giving life on the altar
with curiosity about what was happening, and heard as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God! Pray
them speak of the greatness of God in their own for the persecuted church today. Let’s pray for the ■■Day/ 09 Heb 6; Ex 1;2; Ps 40
tongues ... Something wonderful had appeared in nations closed to the Gospel. Let’s pray for world
Jerusalem! evangelization. Pray right now !!!
In the power of the Holy Spirit, soon the message ■■Day/ 10 Heb 7; Ex 3;4; Ps 41
of the Gospel spread and the world saw the light of Pra. Ângela Valadão
God in the Christians. The love of God lived by our
brothers and sisters had an impact on the world,
but it also disturbed the powers of darkness and the




The book of Proverbs exalts true The family is a divine flowerbed is proved. In the family arena, when give and to receive. It is in the family
friendship when it says: “A friend loves where we should cultivate true frien- we fall, we are raised. When we are that we learn to respect and forgive
at all times, and a brother is born for dship. One of the classic examples of sad, we are comforted. When we make each other. It is in the family that we
a time of adversity” (Proverbs 17:17). this friendship is Ruth's devotion to mistakes, we are forgiven. The family learn to support each other in love. It
Our best friends must be inside our her mother-in-law Naomi. Even thou- is a place of acceptance, forgiveness is in the family that we cultivate true
house. Our closest friends should gh Ruth was a Moabite and Naomi a and healing. It is in the sacred shelter friendship.
always be the members of our own poor, foreign, elderly widow, Ruth of the family that we have our most Not always, however, friendship
family. Sadly, the noble examples of clings to her and becomes better than sincere friends, those who will be by smells its strong perfume in the fami-
true friendship are scarce. Not all pe- ten children to her. Ruth and Naomi, our side, even when all abandon us ly. There are sometimes hostilities and
ople who enjoy our friendship are our both widows, emerge from the mists and light our way even in the darkest sorrows; other times, there are hatred
true friends. The Word of God speaks of discouragement and strengthened nights of our souls. and indifference. There are many fa-
of Jonadab, the nephew of David who by friendship and sustained by divine Life would be gray without true milies, where people have the same
gave a perverse counsel to Amnon, providence, make a journey marked friendships. We were not created for surname and live under the same roof,
David’s eldest son. Jonadab’s perverse with splendid victories, for Ruth beca- solitude. God made us in His image but do not love or respect each other.
influence brought great tragedies to me the grandmother of King David and and likeness and He is fully happy in They live without the oil of joy and wi-
the family of David. There are noxious ancestor of the Messiah. the full communion that has always thout the balm of peace. It's time to
friends who are agents of death, not The family needs to be a place of existed among the three people of The cultivate sincere friendships and enjoy
ambassadors of life. There are utilita- encouragement to the weak and help Trinity. Because we have the creator's loyal friendships. It is time to imitate
rian friends who only come to you to to the downcast. The family is the re- fingerprints imprinted on our lives, lo- Christ, our supreme model. Of Him are
get some personal benefit. There are covery hospital for the sick and the neliness is strange and bitter to us. We the words: “Greater love has no one
friends who only rent your ears for fo- training camp for the great clashes of are born into a family and God com- than this: to lay down one’s life for
olish and unseemly conversations. The life. In the family we are accepted not mands us to become a family. It is in one’s friends” (John 15:13).
true friend is the one next to you in because of our virtues, but we are ac- the family that we enjoy the full me-
the darkest hour of your life. It's the cepted the way we are even with our aning of existence. It is in the family Hernandes Dias Lopes
one that comes when everyone's gone. failures. It is in the shelter of the home that we grow and multiply. It is in the
The friend loves always and in the mis- that our character is forged, our perso- family that we fulfill our cultural man-
fortune it is that makes the brother. nality is formed and ours temperament date. It is in the family that we learn to

Start the course Married Forever: Invest in your marriage and learn from the course, which is intended to help couples in the quest to grow in knowledge
and wisdom for marriage. Beginning of classes in February. Registration on Wednesdays at 07:30 p.m, in the Family Worship Service in Templo. Sunday at
10 a.m. Fonte Square, and during the week, in the Pastoral House at 2 p.m., 527 Pitangui Street, Concórdia – BH/MG. Registration and information: Pastor
Narciso Marques +55 31 98488-2764 (WhatsApp) / Lagoinha Family Ministry +55 31 3429-9400 or +55 31 98402-7247.

Registrations open for the Course of Bride and Groom! Classes between February and April 2018 for couples intending to marry until January 2019. The
course is a requirement for members to marry in one of the salons of Lagoinha Baptist Church, or Lagoinha neighborhood or have the wedding celebrated by
one of our pastors.
Registration exclusively at the address: inscricoes - More information: +55 31 98793-2361(WhatsApp), e-mail: escolade-

Couple’s camp
Registration open to the camp that will take place on 10th and 11th of March at Elim.
Information and registration: Pastor Madalena Silveira +55 (31) 98445-1473 / 3429-1300



Why should we still be

tithers nowadays?

the New Testament is the consummation. The Old 7.8).
Testament was a shadow; the New Testament is the The priesthood of the Levitical order was only a
reality. The Old Testament spoke of Christ's prophecy; shadow of the priesthood of the order of Melchizedek.
the New Testament presents the Christ of the history. Christ while he lived on earth never entered the temple
The author of the letter to the Hebrews says that to offer sacrifices, because only the descendants of
the Melchizedek Priesthood is prior and superior to the tribe of Levi could exercise the priesthood and
the Levitical priesthood. The Levitical priesthood is Christ was of the tribe of Judah. However, Christ,
temporary, the Melchizedek Priesthood is eternal. being of a higher order, i.e., the order of Melchizedek,
The priesthood of the Levitical order was interrupted offered himself as the perfect sacrifice and after
by death, the priesthood of the order of Melchizedek consummate our redemption, entered into the
is forever. The priesthood of the Levitical order was heavenly sanctuary, the true sanctuary, of which the
interrupted by death, the priesthood of the order of sanctuary of the earth was just a copy. The priesthood
Melchizedek is eternal. The priesthood of the Levitical of the order of Levi was temporary, and passed; the
order was performed by imperfect men, offering order of Melchizedek Priesthood is eternal, and it is
imperfect sacrifices, in favor of imperfect men. The still on. That was provisional; this is permanent. That
priesthood of the order of Melchizedek, however, has was flawed; this is perfect. That had successors; this
a perfect priest, who offered a perfect sacrifice, to had no predecessors or successors.
The tithe is an ancient practice. In the biblical sanctify imperfect men toward perfection. The tithing, therefore, existed before and after the
record is first mentioned in Genesis 14.20, when Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek, king of priesthood of the Levitical order, in other words, in the
Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek. Then, the tithe righteousness and peace. Levi, grandson of Abraham, priesthood of the order of Melchizedek. The priesthood
was continued in the Levitical priesthood (Lev 27.30; was in the loins of Abraham, when this paid tithes to of the order of Levi ended, but the practice of tithing
Dt 14.22-29; 18.1-8). In the New Testament, the that. Soon, Levi himself paid tithes to Melchizedek. didn’t. The tithing perpetuated not in the Levitical
practice of tithing was endorsed by Christ (Mt 23.23) Abraham, the father of the nation of Israel, is greater order but in the order of Melchizedek. Abraham, the
and also by the apostles (1Cor 9.7-14). The Letter than Levi, the head of the tribe of the Levites; and father of believers, paid tithes to Melchizedek, type of
to the Hebrews, however, is one that offers the most Melchizedek is greater than Abraham. If Abraham and Christ; we, sons of Abraham paid tithes to Christ, who
solid theological argument for the contemporaneity of Levi paid tithes to Melchizedek, soon, both of them are Melchizedek was kind of. God has not changed. His
the tithes (Heb 7.1-10). lower than the Melchizedek Priesthood. Although the word has not changed. The practice of tithing has not
The Epistle to the Hebrews is the hermeneutic key Levitical order, which received the tithes of the people, changed. Believers, sons of Abraham have this great
to understand the purpose of the Old Testament. Any has closed its cycle, and there is no more shrines, responsibility and this huge privilege!
book of the Bible is more important than this Epistle neither sacrifices nor priests, the order of Melchizedek
to understand the transition from the old to the new continues forever. Christ is a priest forever after the Hernandes Dias Lopes
covenant and the priesthood of the Levitical order order of Melchizedek. The tithes were delivered to
for the priesthood of Christ, according to the order of mortal priests, but here, they are delivered to a priest  Talk about this topic with pastor Eduardo
Melchizedek. The Old Testament was the preparation; who is testified that He lives. He is priest forever (Heb Queiroz: 55+ (31) 99612-9099.


* You can also use the automatic debit ma-

Check which bank you can deposit your tithes and your offerings chines to deliver your tithes and their offe-



Interteen 2018 brings diversified programming to
teens and young people
Preaching of the Word, ministrations of praise, workshops, artistic participate in the workshops, just sign up for free on time or through the bit.
interventions, interviews. The Interteen 2k18, which will be held from ly/workshopsinterteen2k18 site.
February 9 to 13, has prepared a super programming for teenagers and Among the invited preachers are Pastors Leo Capochim (Lagoinha
young people who wish to go "along with Christ", as this year's theme points Nations / Theological Seminary Charism), Pastor Vitinho (Lagoinha
out. "This year's focus is to raise awareness of the need for an awakening Savassi), Ryan Adams (Lagoinha Centro / Urev), Léo Mattos (IBC-BH) and
that will lead the church to reach out to the lost in this age, to advance Felipe Santos (Kingdom Movement) besides Pastor Adriano. The moments
toward growth, to think about the future and to persevere to the end, while of worship and praise will be given by the band SVS Worship, band Kingdom
continuing to be guided and empowered by Christ" , says the leader of Moviment and by Araújo (Lagoinha Betim). "We believe that in these days
Adolescents Lagoinha, Pastor Adriano Pauli. we will experience a fullness and filling of the Holy Spirit," says Adriano.
One of the highlights of this year's program is the workshops. According to
the pastor, these short courses were designed to reach different audiences. Thais Oliveira
"The goal is for this to be a motivational factor for participants to follow-up
on learned content as soon as they leave the workshops," he explains. To


Friday (9)
At 7:30 pm | Place: Temple

Saturday (10)
At 7:30 pm | Place: Temple

Sunday (11)
At 10 am and 6 pm | Place: Tabernacle

Monday (12)
Time: 7:30 pm | Place: Temple

Tuesday (13)
Hours: 7:30 pm | Place: Temple

Time: 4:00 p.m.

• [10 and 12/02] Theatrical Presentation | Trupe Calvário - Ana Flávia Dias; Jonathan Santana; Lays Lúcia [Arts Factory]

-The Trupe Calvário is the theater ministry of the teenagers of Lagoinha and aims to convey the message of the Gospel through different forms and

different theatrical styles.

• [10 and 12/02] Student Mission - Carlos Rodrigues [Capela]

-The Adolescentes Schools is a team dedicated to the student mission within schools and pre-college, which believes that through the implantation of

clubs in schools, it is possible to manifest the Kingdom of God in the students' lives.

• [10 and 12/02] House of Prayer - Thays de Paula [Heaven - Carisma]

-The House of Prayer is a team of Adolescentes Lagoinha that aims to walk with Kingdom vision, with the focus of relentlessly seeking the presence of


• [10/02] Youtube | Digital Influencers - Adriel Grando [Temple]

-The workshop aims to give tips and reveal concepts as to how to become a relevant influencer in the midst of so many thousands.

• [10/02] Implantation of Ministry - Liliane Fernandes; Larissa Ribeiro; Anna Carolina Soares [Casa das Adolescentes]

-The Casa das Adolescentes seeks to take the mission, vision and values of Lagoinha Teens to the Lagoinhas neighborhoods and church international,

when they are being opened or when they need a recycling on this subject.

• [10/02] Creative Production | Link - Anne Oliveira [Youth Pub]

-A Link is a team that aims to "link" people to God through events and activities in an innovative and creative way, believing that volunteering and

service, allied to art and culture, can be sources of inspiration and transformation in the life of each teenager.



true leader is able to
energize, motivate
and inspire

I prefer to use the word leader instead using bute innovative suggestions and a broad view of Engage everyone and stimulate the gre-
the word manager. When we hear this word – any business. A hero is a person who brings sti- at ideas among your team. Everyone must be
Manager – we directly associate the other word mulating ideas that can often change everything taken into consideration. To find a new idea,
that every leader hates: Boss. around us. Creating a new vision and motiva- listening is key. A person who daily can be the
Leadership means controlling, repressing, ting others to accomplish it is the greatest task quietest, who lives huddled in the corners, can
not communicating. Leading, instead, means of a leader. That's the essence of leadership. I keep in mind the best idea in the world.
creating a vision and making people fall in love guarantee that anyone who can express a vi-
in such a way that they can hardly wait to turn sion and motivate others to make it happen can Remember: A leader has to be able to ener-
it into reality. be a leader. gize, motivate and inspire, and not irritate, de-
One truth of life is that no one owns reason. press and control!
And so, we can guarantee that there is no mo- And in that, not being thorough is another
nopoly on leadership and good ideas. One per- essential point. Leaders know that they need to Pastor Fernando Borja
son only to decide and to have clever ideas is have a comprehensive view, but they cannot be +55 (31) 98793-8855
something completely unthinkable and impossi- taken in by administrative details. Each func-
ble to succeed. I have something to tell you: tion requires someone, a skilled professional to
Anyone can be a leader. make things work. Select these professionals,
To be a leader, a person needs to first contri- trust their skills and let them do their job.



Leadership: What can we learn


the reconstruction of Jerusalem?
For us Christians, Nehemiah's story is a bi- a leader who was willing to face this challenge. 3-The leader is on the move: after crying,
blical example of success leadership. The story Thus, Nehemiah gathered the courage he pos- praying and fasting, Nehemiah realized that he
of its history is a source of wisdom for those sessed and asked the king to allow him to go to should stand up and run the reconstruction. The
who understand their role as leaders these Jerusalem to command reform. With the posi- great differential of Nehemiah is something that
days. Regarded as one of the greats responsi- tive response of his boss, Nehemiah travelled all leaders need to have: the willingness to go.
ble for the reconstruction of the city of Jerusa- to the city and did what needed to be done. Of The leader is the one who takes the first step,
lem, Nehemiah saw the problem and assumed this story, it is possible to take three important even if the task is challenging.
responsibility for the situation. principles of leadership: Without a doubt, there is much to learn from
The Bible tells that Nehemiah was one of 1-The leader is attentive to the needs around the story of Nehemiah. He was a man who was
the king's trusted servants in the city of Susã. him: there are several situations around us that attentive to his surroundings, who pitied himself
Certain made, when meeting with an entoura- do not depend on ourselves to be resolved. Ho- with the sadness of Jerusalem and who, even
ge that came from Jerusalem, asked for news wever, there are others who depend on our le- in the face of a huge challenge, took the lead.
about the city. The information was not good: adership. We need to be sensitive to what is My prayer is that we Christians can see our role
the people lived in misery, the walls had been happening on our side to identify where we are as leaders in the society that surrounds us, in-
knocked down and the gates were burned. It is needed. fluencing the world today.
told that Nehemiah was saddened when he he- 2-The leader is troubled by what is wrong:
ard about the state of Jerusalem. For days he Nehemiah's cry is a sign that he can feel what Pastor Lucas Gonzalez
wept, prayed and fasted for the situation of the others feel. He cries because the destruction of +55 (31) 99384-1729 - WhatsApp
city and the people. With his heart distressed, the city is as if it were his own destruction. To
he understood that Jerusalem needed someone be a leader you must feel the pain of the other,
to take over his reconstruction. The city needed to be aware of the problem of others.


Colisão Parcial e Total Em todo território nacional
Roubo - Furto - Incêndio Socorro elétrico e mecânico
Danos da Natureza *Reboque com km ilimitado
Condutores Indefinidos Auxílio na falta de combustível
31| 2127-2166 *Proteção Contra Terceiros Chaveiro 24 horas
31| 3889-2170 *Para-Brisa e Vidros Motorista p/ retorno do veículo
tir de:
is a par 31| 9-8384-5929 *Carro Reserva Substituição de pneu furado
Planos 0 Carro *Rastreamento do Veículo Guarda do veículo
R$ 60,0 Moto Rua Pitangui, 2041 - Sag. Família - BH
R$ 51,0 | Via Satélite Hospedagem



For a vivified and

acting church

The Cry Prophetic Conference 2018 is marked by a

strong shedding from the Holy Spirit

The Cry Prophetic Conference 2018 certainly marked the life of The missionary in Haiti for more than 30 years and founder
the thousands of people that came from all over Brazil and even of the organization New Life 4 Kids that helps Haitian children
from others countries. The Conference represented days of strong in vulnerability condition, Miriam Frederick, made many people
shedding from the Holy Spirit. With His grace and power, the Lord sprinkle tears when she approached about the reality of the country
received but also aligned and corrected the hearts of those who - one of the most poor countries of the world - and call them to the
were willing to put themselves on His feet. In all ministrations, the God’s work in places “where nobody wants to go”. “We want more,
cry was for a revived and acting church. we want more.. While there are millions that never took a their bread
The leader of the ministry Cry for the Nations, pastor Ricardo piece. (…) And Jesus is saying: ‘who will go for me, who I will send,
Robortella, for example, made a call so that Christians take a who will pay the price to go out of the comfort zone?' (…) I prefer
positioning as the Lord’s Bride. “The revival happens when the to be before God full of scars knowing that I gave my best to Him,
Bride’s eyes are looking at the Groom’s eyes. The lover wants to than knowing that I was there all clean, because I had fear and I did
have a moment of pleasure. The Bride wants a comprise. Are you a nothing to Him. You are going to dirty your hands. It is dirty there.
lover or a Bride? Are you still walking through the altar of your life Maybe you will have to put your hand in mud, but you listen the cry
deciding what you want?”, said. Beyond that, he detached three and the screams”, affirmed.
things that can legitimate the ministries, that can make us like as Founder of the ministry A Call to the Nations, Dan Duke
“messengers” of “lives letters” of the Lord: hungry, availability and remembered why the Holy Spirit was poured out into the Christians.
revelation. “Hungry is easy; as also the availability. But revelations “When you see the Holy Spirit in someone, [...] it is not just for them,
is not easy. It just has the revelation those who took out the ‘veil’, its for you”. If it is in someone, it is not for him, it’s for you”, said.
whoever says ‘I have to confess my sin’ and confess, whoever says “You have to learn something. Nothing God did for you, it is for you.
‘If it is necessary to sacrifice, I will dot it’. How many are willing to Nothing that God did in you, it is for you. It is to pass through you”,
face the sacrifice?”, he challenged. he added.
The messages of Luis Herminio apostle, from Mevam Church, The worship was leaded by Nívea Soares, Caleb Edwards,
in Itajaí (SC), were also marked by exhortation words. He warned, Judson Oliveira, Jason Lee Jones and by the ministry Cry for the
for example, that many people are waiting for God to do something Nations. In worship spirit, the participants exalted the name of Jesus
of the way that they want, instead of gather the fruit of the God’s and many surrendered to the powerful presence of the Lord. Glory
presence and promises. Herminio said that we have to respect the to God! Let Him continues to ministry in the heart of Jesus’ church!
process of the Lord in our lives. “Die”, this is deny ourselves, is one Raquel Carsi
of the processes that all Christians have to pass through. “If you
don’t get in some places ‘dead’, you can steal the glory of God. (...)
God called you to represent Him; not to substitute Him”, he warned.




Begins on the next February 17th the Volunteer Chaplaincy Eagles of
the Christ course, held by the chaplaincy ministry of our church, which,
as Jesus taught, takes care of those who need salvation, consolation and
comfort in all areas of their lives.
The classes always take place on Saturdays, from 3pm to 6pm, at
Lagoinha in Action (234 Ipê St., São Cristóvão, Belo Horizonte, MG.
Registration can be held at the place at the beginning of class. At the
end of the course, the student will receive a chaplain's credencial and a
certificate. The course is also available from a distance.
If you want to be a part of this very special ministry, join the course and
be a qualified chaplain with excellence.

For more information, call +55 (31) 3429-9417 / 99465-5313


Losses, sorrows, resentments, addictions, unresolved problems,
among other situations and behaviors, are great factors that can prevent
a person from having a healthy spiritual and emotional life. Many
individuals find themselves trapped in events and even in people, with
feelings and thoughts that generate an emotional dependency that can
trap many areas of life.
Mindful of this, our church's Rhema ministry promotes a number of
courses designed to empower Christians to deal with people who have
suffered in their soul and spirit. Earlier this year, applications for the
Spiritual Battle and Interior Healing courses (modules 1 and 2), as well as
the School of Liberators, are open for those who have already taken the
first two courses.
The beginning of classes is scheduled for February 28 and registrations
can be made at Casa Pastoral (Pastoral House), at 527 Pitangui St, São
Cristóvão, in Belo Horizonte, MG. For more information, call Wanir +55
(31) 3429-9400 / 98793-6474.
Dayane Nascimento





FOR BRAZIL Change! Transformation! These are possibly the most appropriate words to describe the the culture of His kingdom. The Word ‘culture’ has the same source of the Word ‘cultivate’,
general brazilian feeling about Brazil right now. The last couple years have been features used by God to describe Adam and Eve’s mission and, therefore, all their children’s mission
by instability and political and economic crisis. Unemployment, rise of prices, descent in on Earth. Under an anthropological look, culture means the set of patterns of beliefs,
production and trading, high interest and political turnarounds characterized 2016 and 2017. values, principles, habits, behaviors and knowledge/informations that characterize a social
As if it wasn’t enough, that period has been defined as one of the most turbulent of the group or a society. Culture identifies and distinguishes a group, a people, a nation. It must
last times: art expositions with pornographic and abusive content, theater plays offensive set and be expressed in the contento of the laws and public policies and the political and
towards the Christian faith, commercials and TV programs with dangerous messages economic configuration of a country.
towards the natural family, besides law projects and judiciary motions to legalize abortion, God’s people is called to establish the culture of the kingdom in their nation. Jesus
recreative drugs use and teaching gender ideology in schools, among other initiatives, reaffirmed such mission to his disciples (Mt 28. 19-20). He ordered them to make disciples
sought to shut, criminalize, weaken and destroy the Faith and the judeo-christian modelo in all nations, teaching them to keep all that He had taught them. He did not come to abolish
f our nation. the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfill what had been established since the beginning (Mt
Before so many attacks and difficulties, a share of the Christian Church stood up 5.17). Na He called us to fulfill the same mission and teach the culture of the kingdom in
against those blows. Public demonstrations, online petitions, judiciary motions, national our society. (Mt 5.19).
boycotts, prayers in public spaces and pressure and action of political representatives have God hás a transformation plan for Brazil. That plan depends on me and you, it involves
happened all around the country and found expressive victories in the name of life, the all christians, it requires that we all act effectively in the different áreas of society to save
traditional family and the Christian faith. and change our nation. How will we do that? By God’s teachings revealed to us in His
The turbulent period, however, is not gone and won’t be gone until we, christians, words. God taught Moses and Jesus, the disciples to build nations and cultures. And all the
truly assume our roles as representatives, God’s ambassadors in our nation. God hás a teachings and examples are available today for us.
transformation plan for Brazil, which has already been revealed for 4000 years. For God, Brazil has a way! That way is us, christians, understanding and exercising our mission
the nations aren’t just evangelism targets; they constitute places to His own Revelation as agents of cultural transformation in our nation! In the next articles of the series “For a
and execution of His purposes. God told Adam to fill and cultivate the land (Gn 1.28) and transformed Brazil”, you will understand how and from which principles and strategies act
promised to Abraham that He would be “father of many nations” (Gn 17.4). In the same way, in Brazil’s transformation.
God gave Moses in the desert His teachings about how to build a nation and promised that,
through her, He would bless all the other nations (Dt 4). For more information, contact the GAP ministry: + 55 (31) 98799-4729
God created the man and gave him the mission of build nations based on His culture, Viviane Petinelli




CAL is the administrative center of the Lagoinha group, created to centralize all administrative, legal and accounting
demands for decision making and planning in each area (Lagoinha Baptist Church, Seara Livraria, Oásis Foundation
and projects and Super Television Network).
Its purpose is to align, organize, standardize, monitor management, support and implement technological tools that
enable and provide better service to all extensions linked to Lagoinha. With this, it is believed to grow efficiently in each
area of the institution and establish an alignment of the internal vision with the purpose of standardizing and guarding
the image of the institution, making possible the centralization of its areas, being these legal demands, financial controls
and provision of accounts and people management, as well as support for ministries.
The CAL is located at Professor Magalhães Penido Avenue, 460, Avenue - São Luiz - Belo Horizonte, where the
facilities of Canal 23 and the administrative departments, which are: purchasing management, people management,
financial management and asset and telephony management.
In this place all the leaderships have easy access, which also allows the interaction with other managers and
scheduling meetings to deal with relevant issues.



PARISThe church Lagoinha has just arrived in the "City of Light". That's right:
now we have a church in Paris, France. The official inauguration will be
on February 18, but work has already begun and worship services are
being held every Thursday on Sundays. Vigilance and meetings especially
focused on men and women have also taken place in the church.
Pastor Manuel Teixeira, leader of Lagoinha Paris, is Portuguese, but it is
worth mentioning: he knows the French well. It is no less, after all, he has
lived in France for two decades and says that the country is even secular,
however, it is high prejudice against Christianity on the part of society. "We
live in a context of rejection even in relation to foreign news coming here.
They think, for example, that evangelicals are behind the US government's
decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel because we like
the Israeli people. And if it is not Catholic or Muslim, its religion is generally
considered a sect, "he explained.
According to Pastor Manuel, adding the traditional and Pentecostal
churches, the number of evangelicals in France would be less than 2%. But
God is powerful enough to change that reality: "We believe and pray that the
Lord will conquer the French, only He can do the work, the power of the Holy


Spirit has no limits," said the pastor. Amen! May the Lord break the hearts
of the people who live in this nation and give boldness to His ministers to
preach to this people.

Learn more about the Lagoinha Nations ministry: +55 (31) 98793-1570
- Pr. Leo Capochim

Thais Oliveira

To contribute to Lagoinha Nations, our church's missions Bank of Brazil

Agency: 1614-4
department, make deposits to the following account: Current account: 160.000-0

Population: 45.5 million.
Capital: Madrid (5.9 million).
Highest religion: Christian
Growing religion: Islam

Spain, a country located in Europe, is a constitutional monarchy with a

multiparty democracy, which has autonomous communities. Catalonia is one
of these communities and has won the international news for claiming the
degree of its autonomy. A declaration of independence came to be signed by the
Catalan government, according to information from the G1 portal. In response,
the government in Madrid considered the act as a violation of the Spanish
Constitution. The discussion of the two governments, however, continues and,
now, is expected an official definition in the coming weeks whether or not the
separation of Catalonia from Spain. Let us pray that peace will reign and the will
of God prevail over Spain and its autonomous communities.



The second book of Chronicles brings, in chapter 26, a summary of the story around him would be insufficient, without him making his own decisions and making
of Uzziah. He was only 16 when he lost his father, King Amaziah. Under the rules good choices. The text could tell what everyone did and Uzziah appear only as a
of the monarchy, the young prince should take the throne. Suffering, opportunity, figurehead, but he has taken important initiatives, personal and not transferable:
and challenge mingled at that moment. He needed to overcome the loss and face Uzziah sought the Lord (v. 5). Without it, your failure would be inevitable. God
radical changes. Uzziah was no longer a child. The play time was over, giving way answered him and blessed him wonderfully, making him prosper (v. 5). Our actions
to a time of great responsibility. Keeping the differences, we all go through periods are necessary and important, but we need the blessings of God. The Lord helped
of transition. Adolescents, in particular, live a time of change involving conflict and and strengthened him. With the help of God, we can all do many things beyond what
discovery. It is the passage to adulthood. When the mourning ended, Uzziah began we can wish or imagine
to rule the people of Judah. Such a situation may seem very strange to us. How could Accomplishments: Once the strategies are defined, it is necessary to go to action,
a young man of 16 reign? This would be, not only possible, but also the fulfillment to work. Uzziah went out and fought against the Philistines (v. 6). We should not just
of God's purpose. It was the turn of the new generation. King Amaziah died, but expect peace and quiet in life. There will be struggles, because for this we have also
God's plan for his people would continue through Uzziah. Even though he was very been called. The king overthrew walls, built cities and towers (v.9), dug wells (v.10)
young, he could not be replaced by someone else. He was the chosen, the heir, and prepared weapons for the army (v.14). As a consequence of his success, he
the descendant of David. Though conscious of his limitations, the king knew very became famous and very honored (v. 8).
well who he was. His identity was well defined. This would be a prime factor for the Evaluation of the kingdom: The years passed, Uzziah grew, matured and became
continuation of its history. very strong and powerful. His kingdom lasted 55 years.
Positive influences: but, after all, how could Uzziah reign, knowing that his age, Just as in the story of kings, the text of Chronicles takes stock of his government.
knowledge and experience were insufficient to the gigantic challenge? Certainly, We could see there an economic, social and political evaluation, but everything is
as is the case with young people, their strength and energy was great, but they summed up in this phrase: "he did what is right in the eyes of God" (v.4). That's what
lacked the wisdom of their elders. Power, strength and authority without wisdom matters in our lives too. The principal to the servant of God is not wealth, fame and
are at risk. Given these issues, should you give up? No. We return, therefore, to the glory before men, but heavenly appraisal. However, at the end of his life, after all
question: how could Uzziah reign? The text of Chronicles quotes a series of people his success, Uzziah abandoned the humility that characterized the beginning of his
that influenced the life of that boy. Alone, he would do nothing. At this point, we invite kingdom.
reflection on our adolescents and young people. You can do great things, but never Near his 70 years, Uzziah was considered superior to the 80 priests of Judah
alone, never closed and isolated in your individualities. (v.16-17). In his old age, the king no longer listened to anyone else (Ec.4.13), but
It is important the recognition of those who acted in the formation of Uzziah judged himself in the right to burn incense on the altar, exclusive act of the priests.
and the construction of his kingdom. The text cites his mother called Jecoliah (2 Being rebuked by the temple officials, he rejected rebuke. He should not have
Chronicles 26.3). Amaziah, the father, was his first teacher, teaching him the way entered the sanctuary, for this was against the Word of God. However, he did not
of justice and leaving a valuable example as a servant of God (v. 4). Zechariah, the recognize the limits of royal authority. As a result, he was punished by the Lord and
prophet, stood out as his spiritual leader (v. 5). He is also called "the learned." Note became a leper (v.19).
the importance of spiritual leadership, allied, where possible, with family leadership. Sometimes arrogance comes as a side effect of success. However powerful a
In the exercise of power, Uzziah had the indispensable help of his army, commanded man may be, he can not forget his natural fragility. Leprosy entered the story of
by Maaseiah and Hananiah (v.11-13). Uzziah. Who is the king in the face of illness? Anything. Every human kingdom takes
Moreover, the kings had their counselors or ministers. No human leader place on the path of time, whose duration is uncertain, and can be closed at any
knows everything about everything, especially being young. Therefore, older and moment. The obvious statement contrasts with the exaggerated exaltation of some
experienced people should be valued and respected. But a king owed respect to holders of power. Who is the king before time? Anything. Material wealth loses value
someone? Yes. What about ordinary people who today want to govern their lives when there is no more time. Above all, the supreme authority of God, the King of
without advice, without order and without discipline? kings, was evident in the account before which all should bow. Uzziah failed in this
Younger people should respect and listen to their elders, especially if they are recognition. His kingdom is over, he died and his son reigned in his place. The story
God's servants. Uzziah, the adolescent king, needed to listen to those who knew of Uzziah leaves us important lessons concerning the conduct of life, with humility,
the Lord before him and knew much about the enemies of Israel. They had already attitude, action and always with the blessing of God.
faced battles, defeats and victories, and therefore had much to teach. One serious Above all, we must be careful not to fail as that king who, at the end of his life, was
error which a young king could commit would be, under the pretext of his authority, overcome by pride. May God help us to be steadfast, humble, and faithful to the end.
to reject advice and opinions.
Personal Attitudes and God's Blessing: Beyond all that has been said, it is Pastor Anísio Renato de Andrade
important to emphasize some personal attitudes of the young king. Any support



Carisma Theological Seminary creates

new extension courses

The Carisma Theological Seminary (CTS) has news for this new year: Now, the course “School of Masters” has the objective of assisting in the
the extension courses “Worship and Adoration” and “School of Masters”. The capacitation of masters, and the perfecting of the saints. The syllabus is
extension course “Church Plantation” will also be available this semester. made up of topics such as teaching, methodology of teaching, psychology
Registration is already open, so make sure you reserve your spot! of education, history of Christian education, and many others. For more
The course “Worship and Adoration” has as its objective to offer an information, speak with Pastor Vanessa Capochim (31) 99828-1002.
intensive capacitation for people who serve or have the desire to serve in The course “Church Plantation” will teach students about missiology,
this area. The course will work on topics that revolve around the entire vision church plantation models, exegesis, ecclesiastical financial management,
of being a human: body (excellence in technique), soul (relationships and advanced homiletic, and more. For further information on this course, call
excellence in character) and spirit (spirituality). For more information on this +55 (31) 99175-1462 or 99357-9831.
course, please call (31) 2429-8000.

In this year of 2018, Elas ministry has some February 22nd, 2018, from 2:30 p.m until 6 p.m OTHER COURSES FROM ELAS MINISTRY
new feature: the project Image and Self-esteem, at Espaço Elas ( Beberibe Street, 133, São
with the image consultant Jane Araujo. The goal Cristóvão – BH/MG). It will be six meetings, and at TThe registration are open for the courses:
of the course is to inspire women to have a good the last one, the students will have the opportunity "Unique Woman", "Healed to heal" and Women
relationship with the mirror in addition to make her to know Jane Araujo's studio and live the shopping 3D: personal growth 2018". We have a limited
recognize and increase the resources she has in a smart way. number of registers,so do yours now! call +55 (31)
available to do the best she can with her image. For more informations and registration, call 3429-1300.
The beginning of the classes will be on ligue +55 (31) 3429-1300.



Shared Tasks
Have you ever stipulated some tasks for your child, or asked for help to always want to help. Because performing household chores is a way of
something specific, and heard to that query “Why do I have to help?”. I have accepting the responsibilities that are part of your growth process, my son!
heard this question many times. Once, I had a crisis of laughter when one of Assign household chores to your children. Think of it as a compliment and an
my daughters, a pre-teenager, very much in touch with the news and current opportunity, after all you are preparing your children for life. Base all of your
affairs, told me: "Exploring the child's work is prohibited by law." I do not speech on the Word of God. Read 1 Timothy 5: 8: “But if any provide not for
know if I did well in I laughed so much, at that moment, but I could not hold it. his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith,
Look what has become a simple, "Get your room, straighten the books and is worse than an infidel.”
on the shelf, help your mother sweep the yard." When the children are very Enjoy this week to implement some rules in your house, after all, the
small, the parents do all the housework. As they grow up, they can begin to vacations are over!
help in what they can. Many families set special assignments or "chores" Tio Uli
for each person in the family. In this way, each member can help, so that
everything in the house works as it should and the work is well done.
So if you ever hear this question one more time ... Why do I have to
help? Answer: Because families work together. Because family members



Escola de Intercessão com a pastora Ezenete Rodrigues e equipe

Inscrições abertas para a Escola de Intercessão. Início das aulas: 20/2, sempre as terças-feiras, às 19:30, no Tabernáculo.
Informações e inscrições: (31) 3423-3530 / Rua Ipê, 282 - São Cristóvão / BH.

Acampamento dos Jovens Adultos Especial 10 Anos

De 9 a 13 de fevereiro (feriado de carnaval), no Hotel Fazenda Lagoa Azul, em Esmeraldas (MG). As inscrições podem
Igreja Batista da lagoinha
ser realizadas após o Culto Jovens Adultos, aos sábados, às 19h30, no Tabernáculo, nas dependências da Lagoinha Sede
(Rua Manoel Macedo, 360 – São Cristóvão – BH/MG). Para outras informações, ligue (31) 98653-1941 (Marisa) ou envie
um e-mail para

Participe da Vigília Juventude Lagoinha

Todo 1º e 3º sábado de cada mês, às 23h45, no Tabernáculo. Mais informações: Pra. Joyce Andrade (31) 98321-6822.

Culto dos Jovens Adultos

Todo sábado, às 19h, no Tabernáculo. Informações com o Pr. Léozão (31) 98402-6731. Curso de batismo Jovens Adultos,
Igreja Batista da lagoinha aos sábados, às 17:30. Informações com o Pr. Márcio Luís (31) 99959-7138.

Ministério Jusdei
Nossa igreja tem o Ministério Jusdei para você que precisa de orientação jurídica gratuita à luz da Palavra de Deus para
solucionar conflitos e estabelecer a paz, aconselhamento pastoral, direito da família, consumidor, trabalhista, previdenciá-
rio, INSS e reconciliação. Informações: Ivani (31) 3429-9517 / 98416-3427.

Culto CRIE
Voltado para cristãos empreendedores com a série de palestras “Neemias, liderança fora da curva”, toda segunda-feira, às
19h45, na Capela (Rua Araribá, 535, Bairro São Cristóvão), com o Pr. Dervy Gomes (31) 9970-6292 .

Curso de noivos na IBL Justinópolis

Início no dia 18 de fevereiro. Mais informações com os pastores Wagner e Meire (31) 98582-2926.

Culto Elas com ministério Desperta Débora

Mães, participem! Dia 7 de fevereiro, às 15h, na Capela, com o tema: O que leva uma pessoa a usar drogas? Preletora: Psicóloga
Érika Renata. Essa é uma pergunta com muitas respostas, que dependem de vários fatores como: a história familiar, biológica, social
e espiritual de cada pessoa. Com o intuito de entender esse comportamento é importante refletir sobre cada um deles para encontrar
a maneira mais eficaz de ajudar. Informações: Pra Patrícia Sabino: (31) 98793-2906 / Simone 98822-9677.
Inscrições abertas para os cursos Mulher Única e Curadas para Curar. Garanta sua vaga!
Curso Mulher 3D: Crescimento pessoal 2018
Turmas: módulo 1 – quinta-feira, às 18h30 / módulo 2 – terça-feira, às 18h30. Com Fernanda Amaral, master coach e painelista.
Culto Rispa – mães superando perdas
Dia 29/1, às 19h, no Espaço Elas. Informações: Leila Martins (31) 98829-3302 / Espaço Elas 3429-1300
Mais informações: Espaço Elas, Rua Beberibe, 133, São Cristóvão – (31) 3429-1300.
Projeto Imagem e Autoestima com Jane Araújo
O curso inspirará a mulher a ter uma boa relação entre ela e o espelho. O objetivo é fazer a mulher reconhecer e aumentar os
recursos que têm disponíveis para fazer o melhor que se pode em relação a sua imagem. Início: 22/2/18, das 14h30 às 18 horas.
Serão seis reuniões e na última, as alunas terão a oportunidade de conhecer o atelier da Jane Araújo e vivenciar as compras de
forma inteligente.
Curso de pintura em tela e em tecido
Inscrições e mais informações na Casa da Honra: (31) 3429-0550 / Pra. Sônia Capochim 98406-3180.
Assessoria Jurídica
Todas as quintas-feiras, no Espaço Elas

Mais informações: Espaço Elas, Rua Beberibe, 133, São Cristóvão – (31) 3429-1300.



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