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Formed element Normal Values in Blood or Function

(must include “units” with
Red blood cells 4.5 to 5.9 x 106 per microliter of The main job of red blood cells,
blood or erythrocytes, is to carry
oxygen from the lungs to the
body tissues and carbon dioxide
as a waste product, away from
the tissues and back to the
Platelet 157,000 and 371,000 per The platelets’ main function is
microliter of blood to stop bleeding and prevent it.
Neutrophil 2,500 and 7,000 neutrophils per their primary function is to
microliter prevent infections in the body
by engulfing and destroying
invading pathogens.
Lymphocyte between 1,000 and 4,800 Lymphocytes are a type of
lymphocytes per microliter white blood cell that are
responsible for initiating an
immune response when a
foreign invader enters the body.
Monocyte 130 - 850 per microliter Main function is to stop germs
from spreading fires (infections)
in your tissues and blood
Eosinophil 500 eosinophil cells per There two are that they kill
microliter of blood foreign substances, and they
can absorb foreign things
Basophil 0 to 300 microliters they destroy foreign organisms
by surrounding and ingesting
them (phagocytosis).

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