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I do think that mental health when it comes to contracting a disease is very overlooked simply
because we do not have a full grasp on the human brain. Due to us not really understanding we tend to
overlook it because it’s not directly in are face. But hopefully in the future we can tackle these problems
head on and have a better general understanding of the psychology of disease.


A: he scientific study of the human mind and its functions

B: The first school was based on structuralism and was created by Wilhelm Wundt. Another school was
founded by Sigmund Freud the father of psychodynamics.

C: Was the first person to have a modern experiment with psychology. He had created the first
psychology journal and created chemistry and physics. Also, he structuralism and really broke down
mental processing. Another thing he did was create labs to experiment with psychology.

D: He was he first person to conduct an experiment for psychology.

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