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Outline Template

Speech Topic: Why Saving and preserving marine life is important

General Purpose Statement: The ocean is very important to are world and we need to preserve it.

Specific Purpose Statement: The ocean is vital to the entire worlds survival and it is dyeing and needs to be preserved.

Speech Introduction

Attention Getter: The ocean is very important, and all of its life produces over 50% of the world’s oxygen.

Relevance Statement: The ocean produces over 200 billion pounds of food every year and 282 billion dollars in revenue
but that’s not important in comparison to it importance in relative speaking to the planet.

Statement of Credibility: Ocean service

Thesis Statement: The ocean is very important to human survival and if we want to live a long and sustainable life as a
species, we have to preserve are oceans.

Now write speech introduction fully (full sentences) The ocean covers a whopping two thirds of are planet and in
relation it produces over 200 billion pounds of food every year along with 281 billion dollars in revenue for the U.S
alone. But that just isn’t the reason we need to preserve it, the ocean produces over fifty percent of the worlds oxygen
making it not only about the money. Instead for are human survival as a species on this great blue planet.

Main Points:

I. Main point: One maintaining wild life

a. Sub point Coral
b. Sub point Vital fish species
c. Be sure to use one sub point to connect to the audience: a Coral reef is just like a underwater rainforest
so it is very important and produces a lot


II. Main point: Two: Food

a. Sub point harder to fish
b. Sub point Farming even on land
c. Be sure to use one sub point to connect to the audience: 200 billion pounds of food come from the


III. Main point three: Money side of the ocean

a. Sub point jobs
b. Sub Point ocean total revenue
c. Be sure to use one sub point to connect to the audience : You may think we don’t save the ocean
because it will cost big corporations money but they will still gain wealth even with laws intact.


Statement of Closure: The ocean is very important, and we need to preserve them and we need everyone’s involvement
and change the perception n of the ocean for generations that come after us
Recap of Main points Maintaining wildlife is crucial to the ocean’s ecosystem. A lot of Food is produced in the ocean and
with out it could create famine. The ocean creates a lot of jobs and for some economies makes up for most of there GDP
or money that contributes to the country.

Write Out conclusion fully (full sentences) The ocean is very important, a lot of Food is produced in the ocean and
without it could create famine. The ocean creates a lot of jobs and for some economies makes up for most of their GDP
or money that contributes to the country. So we need to preserve them and we need everyone’s involvement to change
the perception of the ocean for generations that come after us.

Reference List

This is where you will list all references use in APA format

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