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Signature Over Full Valcos, John

Name Louis R.

Student Number 2019165101

Program (EE or ECE): ECE

1. XMM1 is a voltmeter and its reading is 0V at the whole input signal cycle. What could be wrong
in the circuit? Explain. (10pts)

As we analyze the circuit it can be observed that the MOSFET is having a DC supply and the
source is directly connected through the ground and when the DC is supplied through the drain
it will make the voltage clock to conduct, resulting for the drain and source to be in a shorted
circuit, hence this is why the reading in the whole input signal is 0V.

2. During + input cycle, it has an output signal voltage, at the negative input cycle, the output
experiences a negative current surge at the inductor and causes the circuit to explode. What
could be wrong in the circuit? Explain. (10pts)

The problem is that there is a conflict between the freewgeeling diode and to the negative flow
of the current in the output. Because we all know that the concept of a freewgleeing diode is to
operate at a forward biased, however it does not conduct in a reverse biased meaning in the
negative input cycle the current goes through the transistor again, hence this will resilt in the
supply to become less than the voltage across the inductor meaning this will lead to the circuit
to explode.
Signature Over Full Valcos, John
Name Louis R.

Student Number 2019165101

Program (EE or ECE): ECE

3. XMM1 is an ammeter and its reading is 0A for the whole input signal cycle. What could be
wrong in the circuit? Explain. (10pts)

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