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Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)

We do WSUS for :

- ESS (ESSMAIL) – inform Vikash. If he is busy, you are required to perform WSUS.

NB : For ESS WSUS, a ticket has to be created Thursday afternoon or first thing Friday morning.

1) Open WSUS

2) Expand Server, then select Synchronizations

3) On the right pane, click on “Synchronize Now”

4) Once the above step is done, sync’ing will take place as below

Once completed, the below will be shown:

5) Now you will select “All Updates”

Ensure that Approved is selected for Approval and Any for Status as highlighted below.
6) Highlight/select all updates as below and click Approve on the right

7) Once Selected Approve, click on drop down menu beside All Computers and select Approved for
Install. Once done then click OK and updates will start installing.

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