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Mac Panel Layout

Wondershare Filmora is an all-in-one video editing software where you can create unique and
polished videos in a few minutes. In this article, we’ll show you how to know more about the
different panel layouts of Filmora for Mac.

1. Filmora for Mac’s Editing Interface
2. Property Panel
3. Player Panel
4. Media Panel
5. Timeline Panel
6. Layout Modes
7. Resizing Panel Groups
8. Action Cam Editing
9. Dark & Light Mode

Filmora for Mac’s Editing Interface

Media Panel
Access your media files as well as other resources from audio, transitions, effects, stickers,
templates, and more.

Player Panel
Preview your videos and take still images using Snapshot.

Timeline Panel
Arrange, split, and edit your clips sequence and other media files.

What’s New – Property Panel

Filmora for Mac is now equipped with a new addition to its layout called the Property Panel.

Image name: filmora12-panel-layout

Alt text: filmora 12 panel layout for mac

Property Panel
The new Property Panel for Mac makes all info readily available so you can make adjustments
when editing on the spot.
All the relevant information on your project such as as Video, Audio, Color, and Speed the
video, audio, color, and speed properties of your clip in the Timeline Panel or Preview Window
is placed on the new Property Panel so you can tweak your clips on the fly.

Player Panel/Preview Window

The Player Panel (Preview Window) allows you to preview your clips during the editing process.
This is where you can (referring to the bottom-right area of the next image):
1. Set playback quality
2. Tweak display settings
3. Capture a snapshot of the video
4. Mark in
5. Mark out
The Player Panel can also be used as an independent panel or replaced to the default position by
clicking the Cross Delete tab or simply by dragging the panel.

You can also take a full-resolution image of the still frame in your player panel with the
Snapshot button. Snapshot automatically saves the picture to your Media Library as an image
for later viewing.
Image name: mac-filmora-player-panel
Alt text: player panel filmora for mac

The position of the playhead is located in the lower-right corner and is fitted with a handy time
code for tracking purposes. You can jump to a specific point on any part of the video if you want
to enter a new time code.

Media Panel
The Media Panel displays all your imported source files when creating a project. With the
addition of Stickers and Templates, Filmora 12 is now equipped with more resources than ever
before to create trendy videos on your Mac such as:
 Media: Where your media files are imported.
 Stock Media: Choose royalty-free stock media from Giphy/Pixabay/Unsplash
 Audio: Explore Filmora’s audio file.
 Titles: Choose between available preset title to use on your video.
 Transitions: Make your project eye-catching by using different Transitions.
 Effects: Choose eye-popping effects for your video.
 Stickers: Add elements to your projects like Stickers.
 Templates: Allows you to split screen videos with preset Templates.
Image name: mac-filmora-media-panel
Alt text: media panel filmora for mac

Timeline Panel
The Timeline Panel is where you assemble your clips and effects to your projects. This is where
you can perform various actions to your media files such as:
 Delete video clips, audio, transitions, elements, etc.
 Split your video clips or audio files.
 Edit your media file’s parameters.
 Render your video for a preview.
 Add marker.
 Record voiceover
 Mix audio, and more.

Image name: mac-filmora-timeline-panel

Alt text: timeline panel filmora for mac

Refer to the screenshot above for performing various functions such as:
1. Basic Editing
2. Advanced Editing
3. Video Track
4. Audio Track

Layout Modes
With Filmora 12 for Mac, there are six layout models to choose from when editing your projects,
such asincluding Default, Organize, Edit, Short Video, Classic, and Dual.
If you’re used with Filmora 11, you can choose the Classic mode to revert back to the original
layout. The Dual layout meanwhile works best for people who work with multiple monitors.

Image name: mac-filmora-layout-modes

Alt text: layout modes filmora for mac

Resizing Panel Groups

If you want to resize any of the panels meanwhile, simply drag the resizing icon that appears at
the borders between each panel to adjust to your preferred fit.
Method 1: To resize panels horizontally, position the pointer on the sides until the pointer
becomes a left and right arrow.
Method 2: To resize the panels vertically, position the pointer underneath the panels until the
pointer becomes an up and down arrow.
Image name: mac-filmora-resize-panel
Alt text: resize panel filmora for mac

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