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Religion Positive Effects:

Shintoism, encourages to live a healthy and

bountiful life.
Living a healthy and bountiful life is
important than the concept of what will
happen in the afterlife; hence Since
Shintoism prefers that people live a healthy
and prosperous life here on earth.

Ritual purification and prayer

- Purification is considered as a form of
cleansing the human beings, from sins
and impurity. There is also prayer that is a
form of praise to wish and request
protection to the kami.

Having one goal

- The goal of every human being is to
become a part of the natural realm
through purification rites.
Negative Effects:

Blood is regarded as impure

- Shinto strongly disapprooves on the
polution of blood. Women who
menstruate are considered impure, as
well as women after child birth, and have
to be isolated for a definite period of
time. The women are prohibited to live
together with her family and share meal
with them.
Death is concidered as the worst form of
impurity in Shinto
- When a person dies, his/her body is
considered as the most impure
thing. That is why they perform
ritual bathing after a funeral
ceremony. It believed that kami
dislikes death, that those who have
been in contact with the dead is
prohibited from participating in the
rites to perform at the shrines.

Illness is considered as a sin

- Infact, even illness are seen as a
caused by natural powers and are
listed as “sins” since they cause
unpleasant feelings in other people,
which made kami to also dislike
Rodrigo Luis B. Obias

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