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Explanation and Clarification of Cards Once used as reinforcement the units are no longer part of
Oudinot’s formation, and cannot be returned. However, if one of the
Clarifications of Actions on various Leader/Formation Cards units is used as Action 3 which allows him to attack the Allies in
SOULT IV CORPS Maxdorf, that unit, if successful in retaking Maxdorf will move into
When Soult takes the Pratzen Maxdorf. If driven out, it falls back to it’s starting position, and may
Heights, his entire Corps moves to that be used over again for any of the three Actions. As long as it remains
location on the map. in Maxdorf, it cannot perform Action 1, or Action 2.

Once Soult’s Card is flipped, MURAT’S RESERVE CAVALRY

notice that there are 3 potential Targets. Any one of these may be Depletion of Murat’s Cavalry Corps
chosen. They are listed in their historical priority. But the player is not will NOT result in any automatic morale
required to follow in that order. loss by the French.

Historical Note: Bernadotte’s I Corps in the game is represented by one of the Even though Murat’s card says that it
units in Soult’s Formation. It’s main contribution during the historical battle is a counterattack card, it can also be used as a regular attack as long
was in supporting the main attack on the Pratzen Heights
as it is directed at Bagration. So, Murat could take an action to directly
attack Bagration but would not receive the “counterattack bonus” of
DAVOUT III CORPS doubling Bagration losses. The “bonus” would only be applied when
When Davout successfully counter counterattacking Immediately after Bagration’s action. When used as
attacks, and pushes Russians out of the a counterattack, it would first double Bagration’s losses from
Goldbach villages, only ONE Division of his Bagration’s Action. And then the die is rolled using Murat’s combat
Corps moves into that village. ALL Russian chart printed on his card.
units retreat to original position on map. Historical Note: Murat’s Cavalry formation was a large one, which would be
an additional unit (block). However, for game ease of play, and keeping it less
When Davout pushes Russians out of Maxdorf, ALL of Davout’s cumbersome and more balanced, the “extra Murat block” is placed in Lannes’s
Corps, including any reinforcements that are attached, move into V CORPS (in the part of the map and action in which it took place. The unit
Maxdorf Location. left as part of Murat’s formation represents the Cuirassiers, the famous Heavy
If Langeron or Docturov is successful in taking Maxdorf, while a
French Division (not a cube) becomes cut off in one of the Goldbach IMPERIAL GUARD
villages, Davout may take an attack Action from that village against When French Imp. Gd. takes ACTION 2
Maxdorf. Simply use Davout’s Counter Attack chart. --it means they have committed a Guard
Unit to the defense of Maxdorf. So even if
It is possible that when the Allies take Maxdorf, that Davout will they roll a 3-6 and do not lose the Unit, it
should be “moved” to a position on the
still have a unit or units left in his corps that are not already
map that shows it is committed to defense of Maxdorf. It thus cannot
committed to the defense of either Sokolnitz or Telnitz. If this should be used in any other Action other than Maxdorf defense or Attacking
happen the uncommitted units would fall back to the north, but Maxdorf, for remainder of the game (in other words it may continue
should not be mixed with any units from other French corps (Imp.Gd. to do ACTION 2 as long as it is not eliminated; or ACTION 3 Attack
or Oudinot, for example). Even though Davout’s card indicates that against Maxdorf, but no other action.) It should be placed in Maxdorf.
his Counterattacks are directed at either Sokolnitz or Telnitz; the The remaining unit that is not committed, may continue to use any of the
other Actions on the card.
French player may counterattack Maxdorf with a Davout unit if he
wishes (this could include a Davout unit that is currently in either FRENCH GARRISONS (Cubes)
Sokolnitz or Telnitz
French Garrisons in Sokolnitz and Telnitz are not considered
When the French suffer an FC by Maxdorf being attacked by the Corps, and therefore are not subject to Morale loss assessment, as are
Allies or an envelopment maneuver, and Davout still has a unit normal Corps. They were actually detached from Soult’s Corps and
occupying either Telnitz or Sokolnitz, the FC must come from that were commanded by General Legrand.
particular unit.
OUDINOT’S GRENADIERS This card may only be used ONCE during
Oudinot’s Grenadier Formation is not the game, and then it is discarded. It allows
a full Corps. So, if the Force is depleted it the French Morale to be raised by +2 points. If
does not require a loss of French Morale. played it is considered to be the French Action
Historically, Oudinot was part of Lannes’s V for this turn.
OPTIONAL RULE: To make the game more difficult for the French, you
Any French Unit transferred as a reinforcement from Oudinot’s may choose to use either or both of the following rules:
to either Davout (Action 1) or to Soult (Action 2) becomes part of (1) The Napoleon Card Increases the French Morale by ONLY +1 instead of +2.
Davout’s Corps, or Soult’s Corps, and thus will not cause a morale drop (2) The French Imperial Guard card (In Actions 1 and 2) should be changed to
say “Odd= I FC, and Even= 0 FC”.
when Oudinot’s Formation is depleted.
The Units of Milordovich’s Formation on
the Pratzen Heights may NEVER attack
independently, but only provide units to be
taken as losses, when attacked, or to
reinforce Russian columns in the south in
When either Doctorov or Langeron captures a village, his entire the Goldbach Region.
Corps moves to that village on the map.
There are times when Miloradovich is forced to retreat from the
If the Russians have taken Maxdorf, ALL of both Docturov’s and Pratzen when Soult takes possession of it. When this happens
Langeron’s Corps are immediately moved into that position Miloradovich’s units will fall back with Constantine. Subsequently,
automatically without requiring the use of a Russian Action. The when Constantine counterattacks or regular attacks, losses can be
Russians have thus consolidated their forces for their final push taken from Miloradovich instead of Constantine if the Allied player so
against the French Center and rear flank. wishes. Remember, however, this could cause Miloradovich to be depleted,
so Russians would then lose their ability to reinforce with Miloradovich, and
If both Telnitz and Sokolnitz are without a French unit (Rectangle would also take the Morale penalty for a depleted Formation.
or Cube) occupying at least one of them, the Russians immediately
occupy them both without being charged with an Action. If they have
not yet used an Action on this turn, they may occupy the villages, AND then BAGRATION AND LANNES
conduct an Action, all on this same turn.
Bagration v. Lannes: At the moment that Lannes’ Corps
Once Langeron and Doctorov concentrate their forces after becomes totally depleted (whether due to French or Allied Action)
taking Maxdorf they will be combined for the remainder of the game. Bagration immediately (without being charged with an action)
Therefore there will be No morale penalty for the destruction of occupies the Santon with his entire Corps and he flips his card.
either of these two corps. Only when their entire combined force is
wiped out, does the morale loss go into effect. At that point, the
morale penalty is taken for BOTH Formations. One time during the game Lannes and Bagration each get a
free Action (It does not count as that sides Action for that turn). So, if
When Langeron/Doctorov are combined in Maxdorf, their this “Double Action” is used, it would allow that player to conduct an
attack is always an Envelopment Maneuver. Notice that it says the Action from his card, and then immediately play another Action from
French can take losses from any corps. That is amended by this rule. a different card, before his opponent gets to take his turn. The order
The losses must be taken from either of the following: Imperial of the taking the Actions does not matter which Action is played first.
Guard, Soult, or Oudinot. They cannot be taken from Lannes or
Murat, unless those are the only two French Corps remaining on the When a “Double Action” is conducted by either player, (by
board. use of the FREE ACTION token), a problem could arise. Under NO
circumstances can this FREE ACTION be used in order to avoid a
CONSTANTINE “reaction” from the other side. If the defending player wishes to
When Constantine takes ACTION 1, he react after an attack result by his opponent, the double action, with
must roll a die to see if the action is the intent to avoid such a reaction, should not allowed. For example,
successful. Die roll of 1-4 = Success, so
Bagration could not use his double action to first have Bagration
Russians can ignore the AC AM results of
attack Lannes, then immediately take his second action to attack
Soult’s Attack. If so, they then roll a second
die to determine if they must remove a Guard Unit from Constantine. again (either with Bagration or another corps) in order to avoid a
If the first roll fails (roll of 5-6) to ignore results of Soult’s attack, then Murat counterattack on Bagration’s First Action. The Free Action was
there is no need for the second roll. The Russians will simply have designed to allow, for example, a reinforcing Action, immediately
taken an Action that had no results, so it will then be the French turn followed by an attack Action. Let’s say for example, Miloradovich
for their Action. Soult’s Capture of Pratzen is not ignored by Constantine’s reinforces Langeron, then Bagration immediately takes his Free
ACTION 1, but AC and AM results are.
Action to attack Lannes. The intent of the rule was not to allow
Once Constantine counterattacks and retakes the Pratzen, his Bagration or Lannes to get TWO moves at one time by use of the
counterattacking Action can be used as a regular Action as long as it double move. So, if the defending player wishes to react to an
is directed at Soult’s French corps. In other words when Constantine attacking player, the Free Action token should NOT be played in that
is actually on the Pratzen location (which could only occur once they case.
have a successful counterattack) he is able to go over to the offensive
and attack Soult, or of course do his Action 2 where he reinforces
Bagration. He may also tack Action 2 from his starting location.
When casualites are inflicted, a unit or units will be take from the
Rout Tests begin on the Casualty Track where indicated by battlefield and placed on the Casualty Track. To determine what
a (RT) in the box. RT+1 means that the die roll modifier is added to all Formation or Location the units must be taken from use the following
other modifiers for that Rout Test. prioritiy list:

1) Casualties taken by the Attacker must be taken from the

Summary of Morale penalty for when a Corps is depleted: Formation doing the Attack.
DAVOUT, LANNES, and SOULT: Each would cause the French to drop 2) Casualties taken by the target being atttacked are taken from
one level on the French Morale Track. the Targeted formation. If there are no units left in the
targeted Formation, the casualties must come from another
IMPERIAL GUARD: Would cause the French to drop one level on the Formations chosen by the the Targeted player. (This should
Morale Track and add +1 on RT die roll for that particular Rout Test. be from the physcially closest Formation to the targeted
(the loss of the Imp. Guard would have been a very demoralizing event for area).
the French.) 3) If the Target of the Attack is a Location rather than a
Formation, use the following table:
MURAT, OUDINOT: No penalty a. If Sokolnitz or Telnitz is targeted by Langeron or
Doctorov first remove the garrion cube. If no
DOCTOROV, LANGERON, BAGRATION: Each would cause the Allies garrison cube, remove a French unit tht is
to have to drop one level on the Allied Morale Track. occupiying the village. If there is no garrison cube,
and the village is not occupied by any French units,
CONSTANTINE: Would cause the Allies to drop one level on the Allied remove a Davout unit from his formation.
Morale Track and add +1 on RT die roll for that particular Rout Test. b. If French must remove a unit because of an attack
on Maxdorf by the Allies, remove the unit from the
MILORADOVICH: Allies are only penalized when two conditions are French currently holdng Maxdorf. If no French unit
met: (1) Miloradovich must be depleted of ALL cubes, AND (2) French is currently in Maxdorf, the French loss must be
must be in possession of the Pratzen Plateau. If these two conditions taken from the following in this order:
exist, the Allies will have to add +1 to the die roll for all future Rout - Davout
Tests. - Oudinot
-Soult (if his formation is still in its starting location)
INITIAL SET UP - Imperial Guard
1. Place Units in Formations as shown on the map. Place
one “blue cube” each in Sokolnitz and Telnitz to
represent French garrisons. RECOMMENDATION FOR THE 2-PLAYER GAME
2. Place ALLIED Morale marker on 10 Playing the French side is more complex. If there is a difference
Place FRENCH Morale marker on 9 between the players, as to skill or experience in playing war games,
The French Army, worn out by months of forced marches and the more experienced player should take the French side.
numerous combat engagements; with its line of communications
stretching along the Danube all the way back the Rhine; found
itself far from home, short of supplies and winter clothing, and in a RECCOMENDATION FOR PLAYING THE SOLITAIRE GAME.
state of exhaustion. Therefore, their morale was somewhat down.
The game has a very short playing time, so it is recommended that if
you are playing it Solo, you should play 2 games. Play once as the
3. “The MisT/Fog oF AusTerliTz”. Before the start of the French Player and Once as the Allied Player. Then use the following
game, the French player secretly and randomly draws one of scoring system:
the Soult Markers with numbers on the back. He then
secretly puts the appropriate number of Units on the map in After each game use the following SCORING chart:
the Soult Location, THEN places the “Mist Marker” over the
top of the units to conceal them from the Allied Player. The FOR EACH SIDE Add the total remaining units that have not been sent
leftover units, if any, should be placed back in the storage to the Casualty Track to the remaining Morale as shown on the
bag and kept hidden from the Allied Player. Morale Track. Then subtract 5 (-5) from the side that lost the battle.
Soult’s Corps remains hidden in the fog and mist until it This will give each side a raw score. After both games, if one side
reveals itself by making an attack on the Pratzen Heights, at (French or Allies) have won both games, that side is the winner. If each
which point the “Mist Marker” is removed from the game. side won a game (for example 1 Allied win and 1 French win) add the
French raw scores together, and add the Allies raw scores together to
When playing Solitaire, the player will randomly choose see whether the French or the Allies did better. NOTE: This scoring
one of the six small markers (Soult symbol on one side and a system may be used for the 2-player game as well. (If playing a 2-
number- 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5 on the other side. These 6 markers player game, use the same method, only you will compare how each
are placed Soult side UP and then “shuffled” around before player did, rather than an Allied/French comparison.).
one is randomly chosen and then placed in Soult’s starting
position on the map, being careful not to reveal the number.
The strength of Soult’s Corps will then remain hidden until a
French Action is taken for Soult to attack the Pratzen Heights.
OPTIONAL RULES: Pratzen, before combat roll, he can roll 1 die to see if he achieves
surprise. On a roll of 1-2 he succeeds. Add +1 to the combat roll.
10. Cannons on the Pratzen. When Soult is on his “flipped side”
Event/Tactics Cards for Austerlitz 1805 and inflicts casualties on the Allies, roll a die. Roll of Even = add +1
1. Before the start of game, separate the cards into three AM Odd = No Effect
parts: One part will be Allied favorable cards (with Red print 11. Cavalry Charge. In an attack by Lannes against Bagration,
Headline on top of card). One part will be French favorable cards French player may play this card. The card must be played
(with Blue print Headline on top of card). The third part will be the before the die is rolled. Add +1 to the die roll.
two neutral thematic cards of “Mist” and “Sun.”
12. Cavalry Charge. In an attack by Bagration against Lannes,
2. Each player will secretly select one (1) card from their stack.
Allied player may play this card. The card must be played
3. The Allied player will then shuffle the Allied deck, and
before the die is rolled. Add +1 to the combat die roll.
randomly select two cards (do not reveal any cards, drawn
13. Infantry form squares. When Murat counterattacks to
or not, to the French player). The French player will then
double Bagration losses, this card is played and a die is
shuffle and make his random draw of two cards from the
rolled. On a roll of 1-4 ignore the doubling result. On a roll
available French favorable cards.
of 1-2 ignore both the doubling result and AC/AM results of
4. Finally take ALL of the cards (including the two neutral
Murat’s subsequent die roll.
cards) that have not been chosen, or randomly drawn by the
14. Lannes Commands the Guns. When Lannes attacks, roll a
players, and shuffle them into one combined deck. Each
die. Die Roll of 1-3 adds +1 to the attack. Die Roll of 6
player randomly draws two (2) cards from this final deck.
subtracts -1. Die roll of 4-5 has not effect. This card cannot
The remaining cards are put to the side without revealing
be played during the Morning Turn. It can only be played
them to either player.
Midday or after.
5. Each player will now have a hand of five (5) cards. Each card
15. .Allied Council of War. Before the first move of the game, the
may be played at any appropriate time during the game. Allied player may move up to any two units from any Formation or
Allied player may only play Allied favorable cards (Red Formations and attach them to any other Formation or
Headlines) and the French player may only play French Formations. This card may be used to change the focus of the
favorable cards (Blue Headlines). A played card is discarded Allied Offensive, and allow for a slightly different set-up from the
after one use (whether it worked or not). historical game. IMPORTANT: If the Allied player does not want to
The Cards change the set-up, and rather stay with the historical one, he may
1. Strong French Defense of Sokolnitz. If Langeron rolls discard this card and randomly draw a different card to replace it.
The replacement card, should be drawn from the combined deck.
a “Seize the village” result, they must roll the die
16. Rally a Defeated Unit. When suffering a casualty (AC)
Again in order to confirm it. DIE ROLL 1-4 Confirmed, DIE
Allied player may play this card and then roll a die. On an
ROLL 5-6 Ignore original result and roll again.
EVEN result ignore one AC from either an attack or a
2. Allies use Artillery to bombard Sokolnitz. Before combat
defense combat result. An ODD roll is No Effect.
roll, the Allied Player rolls one die to see if the cannons are
17. Rally a Defeated Unit. When suffering a casualty (FC)
effective. 1-4 die roll is effective. 5-6 it is not effective. If
French player may play this card and then roll a die. On an
effective add +1 to combat roll.
EVEN result, ignore one FC from either an attack, or a
3. French post skirmishers in vineyards on approach to town.
defense, combat result. An ODD roll is No Effect.
If Doctorov suffers casualties, French Roll one die: Die roll
18. Lannes Commands the Guns. When Lannes attacks, roll a
Result of 5-6= +1 AM. Result of 1-4= no effect.
die. Die Roll of 1-3 adds +1 to the attack. Die Roll of 6
4. Friendly Fire when FRENCH lose control of either village*
subtracts -1. Die roll of 4-5 has not effect. This card cannot
When Allies capture one of the Goldbach villages, the Allied
be played during the Morning Turn. It can only be played
Player rolls one die. Roll of Even= +1 FM. Roll of Odd = no
Midday or after.
Thematic (neutral) cards
5. French bayonet charge to clear either Sokolnitz or Telnitz.
19. Sea of Mist “The fog lay unbroken like a sea down below
If Davout plays Action 1 to counterattack, roll a die. On roll
along the Goldbach. The sun’s vast orb quivered like a huge
of Even Davout will roll the combat die twice and choose
crimson float on the surface of that milky sea of mist.”
the roll he wishes.
(Tolstoy War and Peace)
6. Lingering Mist: If Soult has not yet attacked the Pratzen
20. Sun of Austerlitz “Napoleon looked now at the Pratzen
Heights, the French player can play this card and take a pass
Heights, now at the sun floating up out of the mist. When
the sun entirely emerged from the fog, and the fields and
7. Counterattack on the Pratzen: Confusion as Saint-Hilaire
mist were aglow with dazzling light, he drew the glove from
tries to skirt Pratze village, and is hit with a counterattack
his hand, and ordered the action to begin.” (Tolstoy War
from Russian units holding the village. The Allied player may
and Peace)
play this card BEFORE the FRENCH ROLL for an Attack. Allies roll a
die: 4-6= The French player losses his turn. 1-3= no effect. Some Sample Cards

8. Kemensky Brigade of Langeron’s Column. When Langeron

plays Action 1, instead of automatic loss of a Langeron unit. He
will roll a die: 1-4 = Langeron unit survives and is moved to Pratzen
to join Allied formation on the Heights. Roll of 5-6 = regular Action
1 Text.
9. Tsar Alexander and Kutuzov are shocked by French initial
attack on the Pratzen. When Soult first makes an attack on the
Solo Austerlitz 1805 (B) If Play as Allies against the French
The best way to play solo is to just play both sides, trying to do
the best for each side. If, however, you prefer having an AI play
one side as you play the other, you may the following
AI Decisions
Actions for the French
(1. Will Play Imperial Guard Action 1 if Allies capture
the Santon.
(A) If Play as Napoleon against an AI Allied player
(2. Will Play Imperial Guard Action 2 if Allies capture
AI Decisions (3. Will Play Davout Action 1 if Either Sokolnitz or
The Action for the Allies Telnitz is occupied by Allied Units
(Each time you must roll a die to determine the default (4. Will play Davout Action 2 to Reinforce an empty
decision): Goldbach village (Unless Allies have moved on to
(1-5 die result) Maxdorf (French Maxdorf action takes priority over
Either Langeron or Doctorov attack in an attempt to take the Goldbach villages)
Goldbach villages. Play the one with the most units. If both (5. Will immediately play Murat Counterattack if
have the same number, roll a die: ODD = Langeron EVEN = Bagration suffers AC or AM results from a
Doctorov. Bagration Action.
(6 die result) (6. If Allies are in possession of Maxdorf, French will
Bagration will take the Action. play Oudinot Action 3 to counterattack against
-IF both villages are in Allied hands, the default move is the
Combined Langeron/Doctorov attack on Maxdorf. The flip (7. If none of 1-6 exist AND it is the first Turn of the
side of either card may be used, since they are identical. game, French will take the PASS option. If it is the
second turn of the game, French will use Oudinot
-IF Maxdorf is in Allied control, use the Enveloping Maneuver to reinforce Davout.
on the flip side of Langeron/Doctorov (8. If more than one of the 1-6 conditions exist,
randomly select one

Situations that Supersede the Default Decision (9. If 1 thru 6 do not exist, or if two or more of them
1. If either Langeron or Doctorov is reduced to one unit, exist at the same time AND Allies have 2 or fewer
the AI plays Miloradovich Automatic Action (Notice units on Pratzen Heights, French will play Soult
that this is a one-time action only.) Attack Action.
2. When the French inflict casualties on the Allies with an
attack by Soult, Constantine will take Action 1 (10. If 1 thru 9 do not exist do one of the following:*
3. If Soult succeeds in taking the Pratzen Heights, or is (a) Play Napoleon action to increase
currently in control of the Pratzen Heights, morale if morale is below 6
Constantine will take his Action 3. (There is one (b) Play Oudinot Action 1 to reinforce
exception to this: If Soult has just succeeded in Davout IF Davout has no units left
capturing the Pratzen, and the conditions for in his starting position and Allies
Langeron Action 1 exist, a die must be rolled: 1-4 take have not yet taken both Goldbach
Langeron Action 1. 5-6 take Constantine Action 3.) villages
4. If Bagration is in control of the Santon, The Allies will (c) Play Lannes attack on Bagration if
take their “Double Move” to do both of the following: Bagration has 2 or fewer units
a) activate Bagration’s (flipped side of card) to (d) Play Oudinot Action 2 to reinforce
attack Lannes Soult IF Soult has dropped to just 1
b) activate the Allied Default Decision (don’t need unit.
to roll the die this time. Just take the * If none, or more than one of (a) thru (d)
Langeron/Doctorov action). conditions exists, Soult will attack the

**Once Soult has attacked the Pratzen, that Action will become the
default action. If the French have seized the Pratzen, and thus
flipped Soult’s card, then Soult attack action on the back of his card
will become the Default Action.
Four Player Game
Allied Team: 1 player takes command of Doctorov and
1 player takes command of Langeron and Bagration
One of the two players will represent Kutuzov in
overall command and will command Miloradovich

French Team: 1 player takes command of Davout and Imperial

1 player takes command of Soult, Lannes, and
One of the two players will represent Napoleon Once Sokolnitz is firmly in Russian hands, Langeron would be able to
commence with the wheeling action (as planned by the Allies) in an attempt
(controls Napoleon card) and will command Oudinot
to seize Maxdorf, as a preliminary action that would allow the Russian
columns to begin the broad sweep around the French rear flank and bring
The Kutuzov and Napoleon players will assign event cards to the victory by enveloping Napoleon’s army, causing the French center and left to
appropriate players at the beginning of the game. They will also be crushed. As the French are being enveloped, their Army may begin to fear
have final say on which Corps or Formation to Activate each turn. defeat and they could start to become demoralized.
NOTE: In the four-player game, on Step 3 of Event Card Rule draw 3
rather than 2 cards. So, when all cards are drawn each side will have
6 cards in their hand rather than 5.

How the Formation Cards Reflect the

History of the Battle
The Clash on the Lower Goldbach
As can be seen, Doctorov’s mission is similar to Langeron’s. Only his column,
led by Kienmayer’s Austrian Advanced units attacked further south along the
Goldbach at the village of Telnitz. This fact alone made it impossible for him
to come to the assistance of the Russian center on the Pratzen, as Langeron
might be able to do. He is already committed too far to the south. The
Russians did not know of the powerful French force concealed by the mist --
ready to pounce onto the Pratzen (See Soult)
Doctorov, like Langeron, had a hard time of prying the small French garrison
from their defensive position at Telnitz, and suffered even heavier casualties.
Telnitz saw a lot of hand-to-hand combat, with numerous back and forth
bayonet charges by each side.
As can be seen by the flip side of Doctorov’s card, once the Goldbach
villages come under Russian control, both his column and that of Langeron
could push into position to begin the envelopment movement that would
bring victory. Historically the Russians were not able to begin to pull this off
Langeron commanded one of the Russian columns that attacked the weak because the French victory on the Pratzen Heights, occurred before the
French right that held the villages along the lower Goldbach. For game Russian columns could begin their turning movement and advance.
purposes, Prszbyzewski’s column is joined with Langeron’s). The attack on
Sokolnitz was a back-and-forth battle for control of the village. The French
defenders were greatly out-numbered, but took shelter in Sokolnitz Castle
and in the Pheasantry, as well as the village. Langeron suffered heavy
casualties before finally seizing it. When Napoleon launched his attack against
the Pratzen Heights (See Soult), Langeron had not gotten all of his command
yet committed to Sokolnitz, and was able to send Kemensky’s Brigade back to
help in the defense of the Pratzen (Action 1). The original Allied plan was for
Langeron and Doctorov (once the later took Telnitz) to join forces in executing
a wheeling motion to the right in order outflank the French in a drive toward
Maxkdorf. This was not accomplished historically. But might have been….so,
in the game, once the Russians take and hold Sokolnitz, the card is flipped
over so Langeron can continue with the Allies’s master plan to out flank the Notice that on the flip side of both Langeron’s and Doctorov’s cards, there is
French army…… a +1 die roll modifier, once both of the villages on the Goldbach are
successfully occupied by the Russians. Historically, these two columns were
supposed to operate hand-in-glove with one another---so would be
advantaged if the two columns could coordinate their efforts. Due to
confusion of battle they were unable to advance together as planned.
Now that the two Russian column’s command cards in this southern sector of Golbach, by follwong in its Langeron trail, and by advancing against the center
the battlefield have been examined let us turn to what French forces stood in of the French position, once the Russian left begain to wheel toward the
their way. north. The events on the Pratzen, created when Soult’s IV Corps begin its
attack, turned these plans into shambles, and thus Miloradovich desperately
had to defend the Pratzen, thus never being being able to go on the offensive.

A look at the map will show that there are just two small French garrisons
trying to hold the two villages on the lower Goldbach. Reinforcing these
detachments, was the French III Corps commanded by Davout. Marashal
Davout was very grumpy because he knew he was commanding “sacrificed
troops.” His job was to try to hold Sokolnitz and Telnitz to protect the French
Right flank in order to provide time for Soult’s attack on the Pratzen Heights The Russian Imperial Guard serves several key purposes in the game. As can
to develop. Davout’s corps was miles away on the day before the battle. Only be seen Constantine has three Actions he can take. During the historical
late at night on the eve of battle had the advanced elements arrived near battle its most important efforts were in defending the Pratzen Heights, and
enough to reinforce, in a piece-meal fashion, the weak French positions on therefore trying to hold the center of the line against the French attack by
the lower Goldbach. Even these elements were not in position to arrive until Soult. Actions 1 and 3 represent this historical event. Historically the Russian
the morning of the battle after the Russians had begun their attack. They Guard cavalry, were able to make an attack on Lannes’s French corps. In the
would be heavily outnumbered throughout the morning’s back and forth game this is represented by Constantine’s Action 2 which allows him to
clashes over the villages. Both Sokolnitz and Telnitz changed hands nearly a reinforce Bagration in his fight against the French right (Lannes’ V Corps).
half-dozen times during this fierce fighting. Several large scale cavalry clashes occurred on the level ground at the
northern base of the Pratzen. This area became known as the “cavalry plain”,
as the French heavy cavalry of Murat, and Kellerman’s cavalry unit attached
to Lannes’ Corps, clashed with Leichtenstein’s Austrian cavalry (attached to
Bagration for game purposes), and Constantine’s heavy cavalry.

Ouidnot’s Grenadiers were detached from Lannes’ V Corps. They formed part
of Napoleon’s reserves, which he could throw into the battle at whatever
point was needed at critical time or a decisive moment. Oudinot has three
Actions he can take, as well as a counterattack ability. Historically, he was
prepared to be in position to support Davout. But, actually was used to
support Soult’s attack on the Pratzen. The game allows several options, for
the game player to consider-- all of which were historically possible.

The Struggle in the Center Soult’s IV Corps, lay hidden in the mist and the smoke from burning campfires,
as dawn broke on the day of battle. Historically this was the Corps that was
for the Pratzen Heights the largest of Napoleon’s forces consisting of the divisions of Vandamme and
Saint Hilaire (For game purposes Bernatdotte’s I Corps is part of Soult’s attack
formation). Soult’s attack on the Pratzen was what broke the Allied line and
brought the victory for Napoleon. The front part of the card shows what a
close battle for the center it was in the initial move up the slopes of the
Pratzen. Had the Russians held off Soult’s attack, it might have bought time
for the Russian columns on the lower Goldbach to carry out their enveloping
maneuver--that they were confident would mean victory for them.
Historically, Soult was successful in his attack on the Pratzen Heights. in game
terms, the card can be flipped to the backside which you can see gives the
French a great opportunity to overwhelm the Allied center, and then carry
out a wheeling motion to the south to destroy the Russian and Austrian
columns that would be caught between the corps of Soult and Davout (The
Miloradovich’s command is made up of three units two of which were Russian historical outcome.)
and the third one, Austrian (Kollowrat’s division). For game purposes the
formation is stationary and there to defend the Pratzen, and to provide
reinforcements to Doctorov and Langeron’s columns in the attack on the
lower Goldbach. As an individual force, It has no attack options—only
defense and reinforcement capability. The historical plan was for these units
was for them to be prepared to support the Allied left wing, as it crossed the
The flip side of Soult’s card becomes available after Soult takes the Pratzen.
As long as he can hold it against possible Russian counterattacks by the The Allied right wing, was commanded by Russian General Bagration and
Constantine (Russian Imp. Gd.) Soult has three options: He can either try to made up entirely of Russian troops. The overall Allied plan for the battle had
continue to destroy the Russians in the center (Constantine); he can wheel to placed most of the effort far to the south with the out-flanking maneuver that
the right against those allied units fighting Davout in the south; or he can pivot the Allies thought would bring them a great victory over Napoleon.
to his left and attack Bagration (the Russian right wing). Historically, Soult Bagration’s orders on the other hand were fairly murky. He was generally
was able to defeat Constantine--thus shattering the Russian center --and then supposed to advance down the highway and push back the French. This would
wheeled to his right, helping to trap, and destroy the Allied left wing. lead to an all-day struggle against Lannes over which side would be able to
control the linchpin of the position—the Santon.

If Bagration is able to take the Santon, the card is flipped, and Lannes defense
would be in danger of crumbling. As the flipped side of the card shows,
Bagration’s chances improves greatly. Also notice that once the
The French Left and Allied Right

is in Russian hands, Murat’s counterattack ability is lost due to the nature of
Lannes commanded the French left, and would face off with the Russian right the terrain around the Santon, which is not conducive to cavalry activity.
wing commanded by Bagration. In some ways this part of the battle was Historically, Lannes was able to slowly drive Bagration down the Olmutz road,
disconnected from the rest of the field. For most of the day it would be a but was not able to break the Russian right wing. As disaster fell upon the
pretty even contest with Lannes’ troops blocking the Olmutz road, and using Allied army when it’s center was shattered. Bagration fought a skilled rear
the Santon--a fairly steep, rocky, and cone shaped hill just to the north of the guard action and slowly was able to fall back and eventually escape, saving at
road---to anchor his position. least part of the Russian army.

Napoleon and French Reserve

Murat’s Cavalry was positioned on the French left because the northern part
of the battlefield was the area best suited for cavalry charges, due to the The French Imperial Guard was an elite unit. It was an extremely well-
relative flatness and unbroken landscape along the Brunn-Olmutz road. trained, and well-equipped formation of veteran soldiers who had seen action
Because the main effect of cavalry charges was the terror and confusion it in numerous campaigns. Notice that there are three different Actions it can
threw into the ranks of the enemy, most of the combat results affected the take. So, it is very versatile. Historically, in the actual battle of Austerlitz, the
Morale of both the target of the charge, and those doing the charging, when Imperial Guard actually took none of these actions. It was kept in reserve
the horsemen met a determined cavalry response from the enemy. Notice throughout the battle. In the final fighting on the Pratzen, it was ordered to
that this card can be used as either an Action to attack, or as a counterattack move forward onto the heights that Soult had already gained. Each of the
after Bagration attacks Lannes. Actions on this card, however, were very possible, and Napoleon had them
positioned to do any of the three. Had the Santon begun to be taken by
Bagration, a portion of the Guard could have intervened to prevent it.
Likewise, had the Russians appeared to be near success with their
envelopment maneuver, the Guard could have been thrown in the fight for
Maxdorf. And, of course, Napoleon could have thrown the Guard into a
general attack against the Pratzen Heights, Bagration, or the enemy at
Because of the status of the Imperial Guard, if it failed, French morale
would begin to collapse. Notice that not only would the French suffer an
immediate morale drop, they would also have to add +1 on the Rout Test.
The regular line troops of the French Army would not expect to see the Guard
falter. Had it done so….they might begin to lose hope. Historically,
throughout Napoleon’s career, he only committed the Guard, as a whole,
when it might prove to be the decisive action to gain the victory.

One time during the game the French player can play this card to raise the
French morale by up to 2 points. Napoleon had an almost mystical hold on
the imagination and the confidence of his soldiers. He could raise their
confidence in ultimate victory by merely showing himself to them, as they
shouted “Vive l’Emperuer.” At Austerlitz, on at least three separate
occasions, he used his personal charisma to lift the morale of his army. The
night before the battle a spontaneous torch-light display by his soldiers broke
out. He took his men into his confidence by revealing to them---the common
soldiers---his battle plan! Riding on his horse for an inspection of his army on
the afternoon before the battle, followed by his Marshals in their elegant
uniforms draped with medals, his soldiers only had eyes for the little man
dressed in a plain gray coat, and his famous hat. “Napoleon knew that in
presenting himself to the gaze of 60,000 men his image would remain with
them for the rest of their lives.” (Manceron p. 19)

The Major Sources Used for

Actions, Targets, and Combat Effects
for the design of these cards

Austerlitz: The Story of a Battle, by Claude Manceron. 1966

Napoleon and Austerlitz, by Scott Bowden. 1997

1805: Austerlitz, by Robert Goetz. 2005

The Campaigns of Napoleon, by David Chandler. 1966

Austerlitz 1805, by David Chandler. 1990

Austerlitz 1805, by Christopher Duffy, 1977

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