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National Diploma Unit 7 Anatomy and Physiology for exercise and sport Assessment Objective Six Task Seven


You must show an understanding of the three energy systems Show an understanding of when each energy system is used Give example of sports where these energy systems could be used Name specific athletes and the energy systems they would predominantly use for their sport

Knowledge understanding and skills Create three posters for each of the three energy systems 1. ATP-PC System 2. Lactic acid system 3. Aerobic system Give example of the sports that use these systems Give examples of athletes who use these energy systems as their predominant way of exercising Explain why the energy system is used for that particular sport State the fuel for the energy system How many ATPs are resysnthesised in each system Include any of the chemical reactions that occur

Date Set: 07/06/10 Date to be handed in: 15/06/10 AO6 Analyse differing methods of energy production PASS Candidates provide a basic analysis of differing methods of energy production. Their analysis includes few examples from sport and exercise and shows a limited understanding. MERIT Candidates provide a detailed analysis of differing methods of energy production. Their analysis includes a range of examples from sport and exercise and shows a sound understanding. DISTINCTION Candidates provide a comprehensive analysis of differing methods of energy production. Their analysis includes a wide range of examples from sport and exercise and shows a thorough understanding.

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