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Paige Newsletter
Assignment from the teacher
Students will be provided with a form for our
Winter Wonderland Field Trip. If you would like
your child/children to attend please sign the
form and have them bring it to class by
December 1st. Additionally, we are looking for Winter Wonderland
parents/guardians to come with us on the trip. December 12th
The additional chaperon form is stapled to the Located in Holbrook
student's form. Students will attend the Winter 11-3
Wonderland on December 12th and it will be WHAT TO EXPECT
cold outside so please have the student dress
November 17th Library reading

November 20th Quiz day

December 1st Field trip forms

Extra credit
If students would like to bring
in an unopen box of tissues for
the class to use, they will
receive 3 points towards their
vocabulary quiz
This upcoming week
Students will be working with 10 words for our
upcoming vocabulary quiz on Friday. They will do a
craft to help them learn the words by writing them
on snowflakes with additional homework
assignments. Also, we will work through addition
and subtraction math problems together during
class with the help from videos.

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