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2021-2022 Module 1 Week 3

Assignment Date: 05.10.2021
Submission Date: 05.10.2021 by 23.59

Name and surname:

Student Number:

* Please focus on your course book p.13.

Write about your city or another city.

- Write a general description of the city,

- Write about its location,
- Write about its climate,
- Write about its size,
- What about its tourist attractions (use there is, there are)

* Write a plan for the task.

* Now, write your answer in about 40 minutes and check your word count. You should write 100- 130 words.
* Don’t forget to use right grammar, correct punctuation, linking words and suitable vocabulary.

You can use the box below to take notes. Your notes will not be graded.

______Saint Petersbug_______________

Saint Petersburg is a showy and elegant city. It is a cıty of culture. There are a lot of museum and art
gallery.It is a port city.It is a historıc city.World War 2 took place in the city Saint Petersburg is in the
northwest of is in the northeast of is a lot of tourist come because there are a lot of
beautiful restaurants,parks,cafes and most important museums.Saint Petersburg is a big city.The
population is 5 million.In the summer Saınt Petersburg warm and in the winter very cold.İn the city the
days are very short winter and long summer.

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