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The Principle of Interpersonal Communication in Friendships

Katherine K. Ard

CO120 Interpersonal Communication

Wesley Cartwright

April 18th, 2023


The Principles of Interpersonal Communication in Personal Values

Interpersonal Communication is the way we communicate between one another. Rather it

is silent, verbal or even nonverbal ways. Interpersonal communication is a very important in our

everyday lives. We communicate even if we don’t want to by gestures. We are always

communicating. So studying Interpersonal Communication, would help us learn to communicate

and teach ourselves to not come off the way we do sometimes.

Interpersonal Communication Ethical Situation Involving Personal Values

In principle 6: Interpersonal Communication Develops And Sustains Relationships, it

states “Communication also allows us to construct or reconstruct individual and joint histories.”

(Wood, 2014) (p.32) In this sentence it tells me that we have to construct or reconstruct meaning,

build or rebuild INDIVIDUAL selves and our pasts. So I look into my own personal values

My Own Personal Values

I have always been the one to down and degrade myself since I can remember. I’ve

always wished my physical appearance looked the way the models on television. So I never felt

like I ever measured up to societies expectations of a woman. One day it clicked inside of me! I

AM I! I am who I want to be. Nothing and no one else will have the ability to downgrade me

again. That if I didn’t love myself, how could I attempt to love someone else? What was love?

Respecting Yourself

Loving yourself is respecting yourself. Respecting the outlook of your appearance, and

that we are not better than others. We are all made equal. Equal in our own ways. And people

who do have self-respect show’s that they have set forth their own morals and values. Like being

committed to relationships with others. by being honest and loyal. Its unethical if we don’t

respect our own values, and love ourselves.


What Practices or Principles Did I Use to Address the Situation?

Principles 4: People Construct Meanings in Interpersonal Communication was the first

principle I used. (Wood, 2014) (p.32) I used it by creating a meaning of myself, I made myself a

purpose! I made the decision to wake up every morning and tell my self, “I am me, and I LOVE

ME!” I then began to teach myself that who is anyone to tell me how to look? Or how I should

act. Finally I used Principle 8:Interpersonal Communication Can Be Learned. (Wood, 2014)

(p.33) I began to try to be the person I want my beautiful daughters to grow up to be. I want to

show them how they can be kind to people, to respect others and their opinions. To become

young ladies that is independent, responsible, and trustworthy.



Wood, Julia T. (2014) Interpersonal Communication; Everyday Encounters. Eighth Edition

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