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1. The neurotransmitter thought to be involved in the pathophysiology of body dysmorphic

A Dopamine
B Serotonin
2. The most common concern of people with body dysmorphic disorder involves?
A Body weight
B Serious illness
C Facial Flaws
3. The most common comorbid disorder of body dysmorphic disorder?
A Social Anxiety Disorder
B Major Depressive Disorder
C Substance-related Disorders
4. Body dysmorphic disorder usually begin during what stage of life?
A Adolescence
B Early Adulthood
C Middle Childhood
5. A form of body dysmorphic disorder which consists of preoccupation with the idea that one’s
body is too small or insufficiently lean.
A Dysmorphophobia
B Muscle dysmorphia
C Dysmorphic concern
6. True or False, treatment of patients with body dysmorphic disorder with surgical,
dermatological, and other medical procedures to address the alleged defects is almost invariably
A True
B False
7. It is a disorder characterized by preoccupation with one or more perceived defects or flaws in
physical appearance that are not observable or appear slight to others.
A Anorexia nervosa
B Body dysmorphic disorder
C Illness anxiety disorder
8. Based on epidemiology, body dysmorphic disorder more often affects?
A Men
B Women
9. Commonly associated symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder include the following, except?
A Ideas of Reference
B Hallucinations
C Repetitive behaviors or mental acts
10. Prevalence of body dysmorphic disorder is increased in first-degree relatives of individuals with?
A Illness anxiety disorder
B Major depressive disorder
C Obsessive-compulsive disorder

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